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About Raklodder

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Raklodder

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    There's no need for lies, if you can't optimize your engine nor put the effort into this just say so, that way we both (gamers and developers) would be better off, no more whine and we could all be playing something more productive. Here's a minor screenshoot I made while playing the Infantry Showcase: http://goo.gl/3b2uW wouldn't you say that this is in fact caused by this issue?
  2. Raklodder

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    I can't believe a highly decorated developer as yourself would make such a profound lie. This is nonsense, admit your mistakes, or at least do mention it in your third edition of SITREP. Indeed. They've got no idea whatsoever why this irritates at least me to the extreme, well a quick answer then: laziness.
  3. Raklodder

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Sir, I concur, sir, still ZERO performance improvements or CPU-optimization, sir!
  4. Raklodder

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    You probably joined another server, with a faster(better) CPU and more RAM.
  5. Raklodder

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Sir, if I may, sir! For all we know Drawden's statement may be bullshit, but that's to be expected from a developer, not brave enough to admit his or their mistakes, sir!
  6. Raklodder

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    In short: no, not unless they solve their ongoing utilization issue.
  7. Raklodder

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Indeed. That's my point, sir.
  8. Raklodder

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Sir, no, sir! 1920 by 1080p, sir!
  9. Raklodder

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Sir, if I may, sir! My HD6970 have got +2GBs of V-RAM, however the game itself have never gone beyond ~1550Ms with everything maxed-out, including all highest MSAA, highest PPAA and V-Sync enabled with 12000/12000/200, sir! Indeed. I noticed. Maybe they should address this issue now rather than later?
  10. Raklodder

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Believe me when I say: I managed an 4, 5 and +5GHz overclock with my 2600k, and the results were only minor frames-per-second improvement (mostly ~3 or ~5) and note that the main issue remains, the utilization remains bad.
  11. Raklodder

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    They will probably blame us for not having two server CPUs running in our system.
  12. Raklodder

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Sir, yes, sir! I found absolutely zero performance improvements of any kind, sir!
  13. Raklodder

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    This is getting weirder by the hour.
  14. You probably need a one-core CPU at +25GHz in order to play this Alpha. It's indeed badly optimized.
  15. There's no issue with your hardware. It's the game's engine itself that lacks the code to properly use multiple CPU-core or threads. It's a shame actually, once you consider it's 2013 and a majority have at least a dual or quad-core CPU.