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About duhsveti

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    Private First Class

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  1. duhsveti

    COOP campaign recommended mods

    Thank you for the reccomendations everyone :)
  2. Hello guys My friends and i will soon start playing ArmA2 coop, and i'm wondering if there are any "essential" mods we should get in order to make the experience as good as it can be?
  3. duhsveti

    Ultra Simple Patrol Script

    Hello there. The script is good, clean and simple to set up so thank you for making it. Now im wondering if there is a way to respawn the patrol if it's killed?
  4. So how exactly would i go with using this script? That is how do i initialize it? Just wondering.
  5. Yep thats correct the triggers deactivate when Blufor leaves (just tested it) . Good call. Now how to keep them active, and capturable by the enemy?
  6. duhsveti

    Advanced performance investigation (data needed)

    So the CPU queue is getting overloaded? So basically more data is being sent from the memory than the queue can hold?
  7. Thank you for uploading. Now it has the same issue as mine. All 5 triggers are activated, however the end doesn't fire if you don't have soldiers on all five
  8. Hmm. Could i kindly ask for your mission.sqm if you have it? I seem to be missing something.
  9. Did you by any chance put soldiers on all the capturable points? Because it seems to trigger only when there are troops on every capturable point. Now i can do this by spawning a sentry of sort on each point when it is captured but im trying to avoid that, cause that just brings extra ai in the picture and more lag. I tried putting in a check that once an objective is captured it would say: for example: redobj1 = TRUE; and then have trigger that checks if redobj1-5 are TRUE, and if they are trigger a win. That didnt work either. @skipspence Oh and i think it has something to do with the triggers cause i already tried that, but i like that 5 second delay so thank you :)
  10. Well still didn't find anything that works. One last cry for help and im off to sleep.
  11. I'm trying to create a capture and hold mission, and i ran into a bit of a problem. Now i got the capture triggers working as intended (they change colour properly when red or blue enters the area), and i got vehicle respawn and ai recruiting scripts working. Now the only problem i'm having is ending the game when all 5 points are captured. Now this is the setup. On each capture point i have 2 triggers. One for when the blue team captures the point and one for the red. They look like this except the different marker names: Then i have a switch that checks if all 5 of them are activated: And if they are an ending switch: So what am i doing wrong? And did i bite into something i can't handle right now? :p ---------- Post added at 15:21 ---------- Previous post was at 14:29 ---------- Anyone?
  12. duhsveti

    Help With Editor?

    https://www.youtube.com/user/Armaidiot/videos?flow=grid&view=0 This channel has loads of tutorials. Most simple but some a bit more advanced. If you don't like reading i suggest watching these.
  13. Oh btw there is a nice link collection at Armaholic, and a lot of stuff from there still works http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=6751
  14. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147830-Editing-mission-breifings http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?86729-quot-It-Works-quot-Helo-Insertion-Extraction-in-MP http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148179-Tutorial-How-to-use-the-Task-Modules http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148041-Noob-mission-editor-requires-assistance-with-multiplayer-respawns Stuff like this? Some good solutions in there.
  15. So i set a simple trigger that, once its called over the radio, is supposed to enable the waypoints for a unit to come in as reinforcements. Now the trigger works well except one thing. I don't seem to be getting a textual acknowledgement of the trigger activating. So what did i do wrong exactly.