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About Alcaran

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Alcaran

    Farooq's Revive

    Would be amazing if this option is added ... Really I would use this option much to increase the simulation matches with my corporation ...
  2. Alcaran

    Farooq's Revive

    Awesome ... I've been waiting for your script since stopped working when Arma 3 has been updated to the Beta ... Your script is great because it is extremely clean and easy to set up ... The revive this working perfectly keep updating as always continue using ... Thank you!
  3. Alcaran

    UPSMON for arma3

    I am very grateful for their commitment Ollem, and incredible as it sounds, I follow this forum daily expecting improvements and fixes to this script which in my view is essential for editing missions. I'm already using your version and error with the variable (_x) persists, but now she has shifted to line 340. Not yet tested in the version with the error civilians, but worth a quick test when you have time to kill any civilian unit appeared the error described above with the variable (rglobalchat) file R_functions. I'm waiting on more fixes and since already many thanks.
  4. Alcaran

    UPSMON for arma3

    I'm having the same error even after correction Beerkan, in my case I am using a hostage to my group get into this area of the trigger bot enters the group, after this action this error starts to appear, there is no connection of this bot with upsmon commands but by the simple act of joining the group this error begins to be spammed. edited 14/08/13 Other errors that keeps popping up is in UPSMON.sqf file on line in 1558, the same variable that generates the error in UPSMON_init file (line 376) is the cause of this error variable (variable is _x), offsetting these lines the error disappears but the units are extremely stupid, flank, patrol but not shoot. Another error that appears is when a Civilian is killed, an error message appears saying that the file variable rglobalchat in R_functions (line 328) is not correct.
  5. Hi, I also still looking for a script like this you described, because I do not want to use any kind of respawn, just like the soldier who falls in combat to receive medical care not infinitely (hence the amount of revives), in order to improve the simulation. Already tried modifying scripts to revive already existing without success always appear errors. Therefore if it exists alguem more enabled and with good will would be very interesting and with certainty I would use in all my missions a script like the described above by JasonBourne. An example is the script Farooq's Revive that worked perfectly in Alpha, after the update to the BETA has stopped working, follow the link below: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20897 This script only class of medics can revive the soldiers, a script is small but very clean and very easy to add missions. Already tried to fix it and update it without success. If someone who understands programming could fixes it to the BETA version, which would be amazing, because this script was abandoned by its creator.
  6. Alcaran

    =BTC= Revive

    Man, I was having the same problem, I realized that after turning off the respawn in one of the missions of this animation skydiving disappeared, if I turn again spawn the animation returns ... But my bug with infinite revives, with the same setting as in your post above, I do not know how to solve ...
  7. Alcaran

    =BTC= Revive

    Good night, Giallustio, I have the following doubts, I configured my = BTC = _revive_init as follows: BTC_revive_time_min = 5; BTC_revive_time_max = 500; BTC_who_can_revive = ["B_medic_F"]; BTC_loop_check = 0; BTC_disable_respawn = 1; BTC_respawn_gear = 1; BTC_active_lifes = 1; BTC_lifes = 2; BTC_black_screen = 0; BTC_action_respawn = 0; BTC_respawn_time = 0; BTC_need_first_aid = 0;//You need a first aid kit to revive (1 = yes, 0 = no) BTC_pvp = 0; //(disable the revive option for the enemy) BTC_injured_marker = 1; My problem is that even setting the marked lines, as a doctor I can revive every allied unit infinitely, I wish this could be revived only 2x a mission, this is a bug or my file was edited so wrong?
  8. Man tnkx for answer i try this FHQ TASKTRACKER, one more question what is JIP?
  9. People who are starting the editing of missions for the 3 gun, I believe you do not know much programming missions and are suffering like me who just use the normal editor of the game and do not usually use scripts, the problem I face is that the tasks I created and do not appear briefing for all players in multiplayer missions, it is necessary that each create a server and start the mission and then connect to the host for all tasks and briefing are loaded, this is a known bug and already this list bug found ... so I come here to ask you to vote for the resolution of this problem in order to make easier the creation of missions in MP by those who have no experience in editing for a long time. The link to vote is this: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=2272 If someone knows any solution for this can be fixed please await some return, already tried using taskmaster but did not understand how to adapt those command lines for my missions if someone can enlighten me try somehow simpler or already have some script ready for the modules configured in the editor load correctly for all players to connect with the host answer me... I leave my thanks to those who answer ...
  10. Alcaran

    Co04 Sweep

    Tnkx rot... Awesome mission i will test this mission now !!!!
  11. Alcaran

    Co04 Sweep

    ROT, you have any forecast update and fix this bug ... yet only because the doctor is starting with two explosive charges and other classes do not have any, and your mission is amazing and I look forward to any response ...
  12. Alcaran

    Co04 Sweep

    Hmm, I believe that the problem of explosives charges is not yet solved because I'm starting the latest version of your mission but only the medic is starting with two explosives charges ...
  13. Alcaran

    Co04 Sweep

    Goodnight ROT, first thank you for this mission spectacular, but I downloaded the latest version of this mission and tried 5x with my friends but she could not complete due to lack of explosive satchels, only the class of medic begins with two explosive satchels, we destroy a the 2 helicopters and there is no way to destroy the transformers 2, only with the explosive rest, because of this we can not complete the mission, my suggestion is to be placed 2 explosives satchels in all classes, except the medic who believe should not carry the explosives, and only the doctor and the team leader should be able to relive the soldiers to greater realism ... if you accept my suggestion or not I'm waiting for this lack of correction of explosives to complete the mission with my friends.
  14. This occurs not only in this mission, the same bug occurred BK_08_T_FuelStationRaid.Stratis map, have not tested other maps ...
  15. Another suggestion could include modifiable parameters in the option of removing the crosshair on the screen forcing players to aim to make a couple more hardcore ...