The 101st Airborne Division is currently recruiting heavily!
We are a unit of 80+ members, looking to expand our ranks as we take on the legendary 82nd Airborne.
We have a great friendship with the 82nd Airborne, and we consistently participate in skirmishes and cooperative events with them.
If you are looking to join in the beginning phases of a strong World War 2 Realism Clan that has connections with one of the biggest clans in the game, look no further! Some of our features are:
• Full US Army Rank system, with a US Air Force wing.
• Specialized Training Schools; Ranger School, Sniper School, ect. You will earn tabs after completion of the schools
• WW2 I44 Maps and large scale events with the 82nd Airborne Division
• Medals and awards can be earned and shown off on our TeamSpeak3
• 80+ active members, and ready for more!
• Check out our website for much more: