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About fatalitywolf

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. fatalitywolf

    Shooting through Scopes etc.

    the scopes from ww2 or earlier maybe but moderned no
  2. i had a funny experiance back in arma 2 when i was with a group of people and we were clearing a town on takistan i think and the mode was insurgancy and we went into a compound and they was an AI civi just lying down and so two of us went over to see what he was up too and panicked then burst out laughing as we saw that he was lying directly onto of an IED and he was just stareing at us. so we backed away and just stared at him for a few mins before leaveing him to do his own thing and carried on clearing thw town
  3. fatalitywolf

    Nice to see the TRG (TAR21) rifles improving!

    i do quite actually like the weapon in game its a nice and compact weapon at one point i was carrying it and an EBR which so far are too weapons i love to use i just need a propper scope for my EBR as the RCO and ARCO are restricted to 300m so i have to compersate to reach out there and smack someone in the face at 800 meters and a bit off topic it is fun to leave little present around for people to find near points of intrest. and by little presents i mean APM's
  4. fatalitywolf

    Heads character customisation

    i thought they were a multinational force since they were nato.
  5. fatalitywolf

    Can play MP with Alpha Lite?

    wow you dont know what your talking about and do you relises your gonna have to buy DayZ and its not going to be free
  6. for those who want punkbuster you must be aware they do not care. for example i had punkbuster brake on me i have not be able to play a game the require it in over a year hopfully that got fixed when i reformated my pc. so i put my vote in for BattleEye its the arma anti cheat and should stay as it they have control over it so why change. no anti cheat systerm is perfect they each have the own strong points and issues
  7. fatalitywolf

    Can play MP with Alpha Lite?

    there is alot of fun to be had with the arma3 alpha lite i for one like to throw a dozen or so squards of each side into a town and join in. there is alot of things that have to be tested in editor alone and yes on alpha lite you have a limited version of it you can still find these bugs and report it. the alpha lite keys are advartised as having no multiplayer and a lite version of the editor. arma 3 lite when it is acutally released if they do release it might include multiplayer but no modding. it is silly to complain about it not having multiplayer why should you get that for free when people are paying between £20 and £60 for when they pre order arma 3 as it is very much an insentive to buy now aswell as it being cheaper.
  8. fatalitywolf

    Can play MP with Alpha Lite?

    the is no need for lite to have multiplayer and it defeats the point people currently buying arma 3 now the reward is to play the alpha in full and help test the game not alot of games do this they may let you buy into beta but rarely alpha. and the way i look at it i currently only have the lite version i grabbed a copy of a friend while i wait to be able to buy arma 3. thinkof the lite as a small cup of the best booze you could imagine just enough so you can see if its to you liking or not and if so its only £20 to buy a full bottle that magicly refills itself.
  9. fatalitywolf

    Where is the recoil/laser trails?

    Green,Red,White,Yellow,Orange,Purple,Blue have all been used as colours in tracer rounds
  10. fatalitywolf

    Better animations?

    why would you throw one of your last lines of defense at someone? no real practicality to it other then looking fancy.
  11. fatalitywolf

    Am i the only who tried the HALO jump?

    lol reminds me of ace on arma 2
  12. even if its not done by the developers there nothing stopping people from making a script for it i think its already been done by a few people.
  13. fatalitywolf

    OPFOR too Futuristic?

    i agree with this response from a developer. you don't like the current look post some ideas of what they could look like. i personally think there kinda neat just on a technology standpoint.
  14. dressing like the locals or the local rebel faction would be more realistic i think?
  15. it can be done via scripting like people said. and reality do this is only going to put you in the position of your gonna get shot by your own side on the spot, your gonna get shot by the opfor on the spot and by any ally forces. more trouble then its worth in my eyes much better to blend in with the local civilians which is what special forces like to do for some of there missions.