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About TacoTuesday

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  1. TacoTuesday

    Spawn AI Module

    So the passed arguments on the "expression" line are [<group>, <module>, <GroupData>] - how would I run a script on a spawned group? edit - I found this code that is able to modify the groups, but I don't know how it is working. Maybe someone can figure it out? Police = _this select 0; { loadout = [_x, configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "Max_police_man"] call BIS_fnc_loadinventory; } forEach units Police; I am trying to get this to run on every group: nul = [this, (["marker1","marker2"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom)] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf";
  2. TacoTuesday

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    I've been thinking about this and the I think the issue is the "expression" field itself. The description states it is code that is executed when the module fires. I don't think its executing withing the units that are spawned. So we'd need to figure out how to get that field to communicate to the spawned groups.
  3. TacoTuesday

    Spawn AI Module

    Good overview. I figured that stuff out already but it's helpful for others.
  4. TacoTuesday

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    I did. I'm going to mess with it some more tonight and see what happens.
  5. Found in Modules -> misc -> Spawn AI I've been trying to figure this module out for the last few days - mostly, I cannot figure out how to modify a unit or a group's initialization code when they are spawned from this module. I have a very basic understanding of scripting and and all that stuff, so I could be missing something obvious but my understanding is that the expression field should be doing it. I've been asking about this in the UPSMON thread but I have had trouble finding any sort of documentation for this module that I think it may warrant its own thread. It can be a really powerful module so I'd like to see it explored more by people who get how to do this stuff much better than I do.
  6. TacoTuesday

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    This is making steps in the right direction as spawned AI not spawned from the module will select a marker at random, but I still can't get it to play nice with the Spawn AI Module so that units spawned out of it will call UPSMON. Neither sets of code did anything in the expression field. I tested the field and does work with a hint "Test" in a sqf file but UPSMON won't change things. I really want to use the manpower limits that the module provides, so any other ideas would be great. I've pretty much hit the limit of my knowledge. This randomization array with UPSMON combined with this module or something similar really has the potential to make something great - if this can be nailed down we've pretty much made Battlefield in Arma when used with a sector control gametype.
  7. TacoTuesday

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    If this works I will love you both. Like a lot.
  8. TacoTuesday

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    There is an AI spawn module BIS added. I'm trying to use that to spawn in AI. I'm using the execution line. I'm trying to make an AI sector control mission where is want AI to attack and defend sectors. I guess can solve the one marker limit by somehow making a script to randomly select an init line but I don't know how to do that Edit: the module I am talking about is found in Misc -> Spawn AI. I want to it to spawn in the groups but then have UPSMON take it from there. Now I would like it to also select a random array from a script (I think using the BIS_fnc_selectRandom in a script) to select one of pre-defined selection of UPSMON behaviors for the group. so like it would select one of these lines for each group once it is spawned. nul = [this,"Alpha","STEALTH","LINE",â€LIMITEDâ€] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf"; nul = [this,"Bravo","STEALTH","LINE",â€LIMITEDâ€] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf"; nul = [this,"Charlie","STEALTH","LINE",â€LIMITEDâ€] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf";
  9. TacoTuesday

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    Those are marker names Alpha Bravo Charlie All Delta These are all marker names. I'm trying to get the group to spawn and then pick one of those markers to go to and cycle between in its patrol. I may have messed up with the basics of the code since I was doing it quickly, but I'm just trying to figure out how to get the script to play nice with the module more than anything else.
  10. TacoTuesday

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    Thanks for getting back to me. Sorry - I just saw you added in a way to control speed to the paramaters that fixed the problem. I havent done this in a few months. But I have another question: Do you know how I can use expression field in ModuleSpawnAI_F to create UPSMON units? I'm trying to get the AI to go to one of four sectors and it isn't working too...dynamically. I feel like its a syntax issue more than anything else though. sleep 2; nul = [this,"alpha","bravo","all","Charlie","Delta","LINE","spawned"] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf";[/Code]
  11. TacoTuesday

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    Maybe I am just dumb, but I cannot consistently figure out a way to stop AI behavior from entering combat mod right away. Has anyone figured out how to fix that?
  12. Wow, thanks! That is exactly what I was looking for!
  13. I have been looking for a way to have a unit eject from a fly vehicle once that vehicle reaches a waypoint. However, I cannot figure out a way to get units to spawn with a parachute on ejection while also having their backpacks remain. I've looked at the code behind IgiLoad to get an idea and I understand the concept (I think), but not the implementation. Igiload doesn't work for the vehicle I have and I don't know how to get to to force all units in the cargo to eject on command anyway.
  14. TacoTuesday

    United States Air Force

    Anyone have any idea how to get an AI B-1 to carpet bomb without targeting anything in particular?
  15. TacoTuesday

    Kaelies' South Zagorian Army Mod

    I don't know if its just me, but I feel like the weapons are really powerful in relation to the vanilla weapons. Is there a way to tweak the weapon damage?