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About chaotikchiken

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    New York

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    Chaotik Chiken
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  1. chaotikchiken

    Port forwarding

    According to v1.62 of Arma 3, ports 2302 & 2303 need to be open (UDP/TCP) to host a server. Your friends do not need to open the same ports on their router, but make sure your local IP hasn't changed if you've had networking issues. This can happen if you reset your router as your local IP might change, as well as any settings you've applied. Hope this helps as I had the same question.
  2. chaotikchiken

    Combined Arms Showcase

    I tried this one at least a dozen times, didn't have half as much trouble on any other showcase. My recommendation is to push quick and stay low! If you can keep the tank alive, it makes it a breeze!
  3. Thanks so much, was able to create a quick mission myself which helped find that when editing in notepad you needed to search for all file types :) from that point he was able to fix all of his missions! Now it's time to create my own, so I know the maps more than he does :cool:
  4. Lol thanks! It's actually my friend's files but he's not big into forums so I figured I would try to help him since we play ARMA II/III together all the time. He builds a lot of maps so I'm just touching the surface and learning it more from III. Thanks for all of your help Byrgesen :D
  5. PBO? Sorry kind of new to the mission editor
  6. What directory is the "mission.sgm" file located?
  7. chaotikchiken

    Why can't the player profile be renamed?

    interested to know this too
  8. chaotikchiken

    Arma Memes...

    love this thread! so glad I just made an account :D