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Everything posted by ESGVirus

  1. -noPause = the game doesn't freeze when you tab out. -world=empty = There is no world loaded at main menu. -maxMem = Avalible RAM
  2. My specs: i5-2500k @ 4.5Ghz GTX 680 2GB @ Stock speeds 8GB 1600Mhz RAM I run the game from a SSD. I seem to get around 40-55 fps on "High" settings, and I'm wondering if something might be wrong in my system. If I join a Wasteland server my frame rate plummits to around 15-30. What could I do to possibly increase my FPS. (I currently run with these launch options: "-nosplash -noPause -world=empty -noFilePatching -maxMem=8192 -cpuCount=4") Thanks!