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Everything posted by aleksadragutin

  1. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    No, actually I don't. Would you please care to explain.
  2. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    Wait, what does Russia have to do with 2 armed men riding in an ambulance?
  3. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    But let's not forget that the pictures don't provide nearly enough info to jump to that conclusion.
  4. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    Of course the rapist is legally to blame, but if someone dresses with the intention to provoke people, then some might say she had it coming. Again, the only Russian act of aggression you can find since 1991 is Georgia (which had a legal backbone by the way). I can count way more on the NATO side. So if your point is to prove that Russia is an aggressive country, history doesn't agree with you. In fact Russia has been the least active country in foreign affairs since 1991 (not counting Ukraine conflict).
  5. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    You know annexation is not the only mean of bullying, right? If the girl provoked the rapist, then she is partially to blame to.
  6. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    Don't really see how Russia is a bigger bully than Germany or US for example. And you can't deny that EU and NATO are partially to blame for the recent events. That would be oversimplifying it.
  7. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    That is a bit exaggerated. It's not that different from the west, mainly the US, Which was built on a basically a lie that people are able to become billionaires in a short amount of time. It also promotes freedom while having the largest imprisonment rate in the world. It promotes justice while white officers are able to kill black people in the street and get away with it. This lie is common, and is not a trait of east or west, but of the modern society.
  8. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    It has also a lot to do with communist mentality. When people from here go to the UK and the US, they describe it as a completely different mindset.
  9. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    The western way of living focuses on the individual (yourself), you mean? While the eastern or "communist" is more collective.
  10. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    If they all are realy that stupid, then how come Ukraine is having so much problems with them?
  11. aleksadragutin

    Serbian Armed Forces (SAF) [v0.90]

    You did chose to wait for the content in our little poll after all. :D
  12. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    Well Putin already did address this issue, I believe.
  13. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    Actually, I believe I have much more sense of criticism then many here (there are exceptions off course). Cause you see in modern times it is very important to define independent, because by its true definition, nothing is independent anymore.
  14. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    Oh my, Wikipedia again. I'm not playing with words, I was just asking what you meant by "state control". If the standard is completely independent and detached from any source of power or interests, then you won't have much luck finding them anywhere in the world. Although many media present them self as such, they are not.
  15. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    You must mean ownership, because almost all of the media everywhere is under state control.
  16. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    Of course, you have to define what OK is. If nothing else then at least Novosti.
  17. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    Every country has a Russia Today type channel. There are also normal media in Russia, and that is important to stress out.
  18. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    It is important, because Chechnya is part of Russia and thus can't be treated as a "partner". But what are we generally arguing about?
  19. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    Last time I checked the map Chechnya was Russia.
  20. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    You're forgetting that about half of Ukraine would want a deal with Russia. The country it self is divided so you can't say Ukraine would like this or Ukraine would like that, since one half wants one thing and the other half wants something else.
  21. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    Radar can tell you the size, speed and height of the target, but not whether it is a military or a civilian plane. And then of course there's the skill of the operators which weren't well trained. Again, I blame the airlines most of all. ---------- Post added at 22:39 ---------- Previous post was at 22:38 ---------- If you had an enemy transport above you, would you fire? It's like asking "why do wars exist".
  22. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    Yes. War is tragic. But still can't say their aim was to kill everyone on board.
  23. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    If it means the difference between cold blood murder and a tragic accident, then yes it does make them less guilty.
  24. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    You intend to down the plane or render it incapable of harming you (not sure what you mean by "killing the plane"). You do this to protect your airspace, inhibit the enemy or what not. Off course they knew that they were firing a missile, but they probably did not know that it is in fact a civilian plane (that is if the separatists did shoot it down).
  25. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    It is too premeditated to be just an act of desperation.