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Everything posted by Treehugger

  1. Treehugger

    [MP/Team] Sa-Matra's Wasteland

    SaMatra, I still get this mysterious FPS drop after some time playing. I did notice today that I get this FPS drop even when driving in a vehicle with keys only. The most noticable thing is ofc that the FPS drops when having the player menu open, while the FPS would return to normal when I let go of the mouse. It should be stressed that the FPS drop is sudden and going from a solid 50 to 10-50 FPS, even with few players on the server (less than 10 unless I am mistaken). SaMatra, I would be happy to try help you and BIS in learning more about this odd FPS drop. If you guys have an idea, I will try that out. I wouldn't know where to start myself, other than maybe try some other settings for graphics and so on.
  2. Treehugger

    [MP/Team] Sa-Matra's Wasteland

    I seem to be unable to join the game today, Thursday 9. May, 17:54 central european time, not sure why. I can join the server, but when I joined the game the game seemed to have been stuck in some idle state (slow load?) with that Stratis island background image showing. Edit: I have since managed to get into the game and play. :)
  3. Treehugger

    [MP/Team] Sa-Matra's Wasteland

    I will make a bug report for this later today. Not sure to reproduce the bug outside this particular mission.
  4. Treehugger

    [MP/Team] Sa-Matra's Wasteland

    I think I have discovered something: After playing with about 10 ppl on the test server for some minutes (not sure how long, maybe 20min), FPS suddenly dropped to about 10 and started to vacillating between 10-50. NOW, as I repaired a car and idly watched the car being repaired, the FPS would return to normal. AND, while looking a the player menu as I was repairing the car, the moment I moved the mouse cursor around on the screen the FPS dropped to about 10. When I let the mouse cursor be idle, the FPS was back to normal. I realize now that I have mouse acceleration ON, so perhaps that had something to do with this issue of mine. Sensitivites at around 60% for X and Y axis. Normal invert axis. Acceleration ON. Smoothing at around 30%. If I drive a car around using keys only, letting go of my mouse, FPS returns to normal.
  5. Treehugger

    Up in the towers

    I just noticed that when you are up in one of those towers you can climb up, you can spot an enemy below you by the ladder, but you will be unable to point your rifle down. An oversight of the devs perhaps? I guess one was never meant to fire a bullet though the perforated floor up there.
  6. As infantry, I noticed that if I click the right mouse button to look down a red dot sight and also holding down the alt key while moving the rifle to the sides, the move is restricted. Is this intentional or as designed? As a single player in the editor I cannot really see what is going on with my player character. Does my my character in game appear to be standing completely still perhaps , while as a player still being able to look to each side like when looking down a sniper scope in Arma 2?
  7. Sa-Matra, would you be interested in learning about new ideas for Wasteland gameplay? If so I would be happy to show you how the there could be this early warning system for player bases and this town-spawn-block-system, for a differently paced game that hopefully would be fun for others without changing the fun gameplay of Wasteland. The motivation for this is a wish for a better paced game, an improvement to the fun of both building and defending a base, and also for adding challenges in dealing with an enemy presence as a defender or as an attacker.
  8. Treehugger

    Client side "Gamma" hack needs to go

    The argument that makes a point of denying in-game gamma adjustment as being pointless is flawed the same way anyone would argue that laws would be pointless simply because it doesn't stop crimes from happening. I will argue that improving Wasteland gameplay by having the gamma adjustment removed can hardly be viewed as detrimental to gameplay if a few people still make use of out-of-game gamma adjustment, while on the other hand, in DayZ the consequences of a few taking advantage of using out-of-game gamma adjustment are more worry some. Perhaps if DayZ didn't have this scarcity of vehicles in game, then being cheated by otheres using out-of-game gamma adjustment would then be little to fuss about compared to how it is now. The developers have to give a damn and try to envision how gameplay can/will play out with the darkness at night time and then make up their minds about what to think about how to relate to such problems of people ultimately cheat to overcome the inconvenience of moving around in darkness. I think that wanting to make something like Wasteland and DayZ more competitive by basicly removing in-game gamma adjustment is a worty goal instead of sacrificing the more unique gameplay that can be had in having the players deal with moving in darkness at night with whatever means available found in game. Edit: I think the devs should also think about making the text displayed on screen dim so that they aren't being too bright when playing at night time. With the Arma 3 alpha, they might perhaps have taken such a concen into account already (I have not played at night time with Arma 3 alpha).
  9. Treehugger

    Client side "Gamma" hack needs to go

    DMarkwick seem to have made a hollow argument for denying a game to be designed to such a way as when having gamma adjustment options removed inside a game. His argument about screen resolution is apparently without a point.
  10. Treehugger

    Client side "Gamma" hack needs to go

    I hope the devs are really exploring the possibilities in making changes to the gamma adjustment functionality. Presumably, the first type of problem would be to not trust the client and the second would be to accept that some people might bother with trying to adjust gamma on their monitor anyway. I personally think the gamma slider has to go.
  11. I am being told there is allegedly an issue with structures not appearing properly for some players, making it possible for them to move though apparent holes in walls (because they wouldnt see all the walls). Is there any truth to this and if so, can such an issue be spotted somehow and fixed?
  12. Treehugger

    Tips on flying a helicopter?

    My tips (From flying in Arma 2): • Change hotkeys for tilt forward/backward to opposite than default value, so that "w" have your heli tilt/move forward and "s" having the heli tilt backwards. • Use the mouse for manouvering smoothly when flying, while also using the "w" and "s" key to make tighter turns once the heli is banking to either side. • Hold down "q" key while flying, to get some extra speed. • Avoid holding down "q" while flying, to keep the heli more manouverable. You will risk crashing if holding down "q" key while also having the heli nose pointing downwards. • Flying slower makes it easier to make subtle manouvers for landing. • Making a tight U turn will have you lower speed quickly, like before a landing. • Don't enable auto hover too close to the ground, else the heli might dip into the ground. • Use auto hover when landing, when its important to land presicely at a spot X. • Land softly, else the engine might be severely damaged. • Use flares when entering a hostile area, preemtively. • Holding down right mouse button while flying makes you able to see farther ahead while flying.
  13. Treehugger

    Problems of RCO/ACRO sights.

    *deleted* I remembered it wrong.
  14. I noticed there is an industrial building with a door that would normally be rolled up/down, and think that door would best be left open or even made usable if possible (perhaps problematic with the lighting if the room inside was dark from before). Not sure if there was any other door leading into that room behind the "roller curtain" door.
  15. Thanks! I see now that the compass mod works at least (large compass). Edit: Oops, I see now that the other two mods require more stuff to be installed, my bad. Solved.
  16. I have a difficult time in figuring out how to set the flags correctly, so that installed mods are being used. Mods are saved in the game folder as folders named @xxxxx and that folder name is then used for setting flags on the executable. These are the flags that I have tried and I can't seem to be able to enable any of the few mods I have: -mod=@sthud; @FA_stance; @sthud; @compassfix -nosplash -skipintro and "-mod=@sthud; @FA_stance; @sthud; @compassfix" -nosplash -skipintro What am I perhaps doing wrong here?
  17. As infantry, in order to change stance, you can: Press Ctrl + 'w' key to SWITCH stance higher, multiple times (try it!!!) Press Ctrl + 's' key to SWITCH stance lower, multiple times (try it!!!) Press Ctrl + 'a' and 'd' key to 'ADJUST stance to either side (works in combination with ''q' and 'e' key for looking around corners. Press 'z' key to toggle prone. Press 'x' key to switch between standing and crouching. Press 'c' key to switch between walking mode and running mode (not much of a difference it seems, or so is my early impression)
  18. Treehugger

    Arma 3 Alpha crashing with Radeons

    *nevermind, as OP has solved his issue*
  19. It seems that the view and object distance is a major factor in getting lower fps. I hope the general performance with respect to view distance is improved on. I want to see some kind of hotkey setup for quickly and effortlessly switch between two stored settings for the view distances. On my second day with the alpha, I see that I get more fps by lowering all the various option to "standard". The anti-torque rotor seem to be more eh powerful in Arma 3, which seem nice, I can only hope that this is more realistic. (I might be wrong about this though as I've only flown the littlebird in A3alpha) Good: • The character stances that are adjusted with ctrl + W/S key is a fun and useful feature. • The game feels fresh and new. • AI seem to be really dangerous and proper teamwork seem to be the way to success in dealing with them, or so is my impression. • The inventory system seem to work ok. • Flying a heli is still great fun. • Vehicles now seem to have brakes, which is nice imo. • Every buidling being enterable. Bad: • I dislike how the character can spin around when sitting on the ground, either when sitting down or after changing the stance to the sit-and-fire stance. • The menus seem too transparent • I wish the gun could be holstered and unholstered on command. • Some changes to stances seem to result in unpredicable behavior and might become an annoyance in the long run. • Somehow the bullet stream from the heli seem overly simple, perhaps because it is more pixelated or something, not sure. • Texture popping (bushes, possibly also something to do with how shadows work, not sure) • I wish people getting killed inside a heli would not end up falling out (alternatively, only people dying IN an open door would fall out) • Unfortunately, the "respawn" button is right next to the "options" button in the main menu, probably causing some accidental respawns with players. • The island of Stratis does not feel like a home. I guess I am missing the open and more flat landscapes and the forests of Chernarus :) • The opening of doors still seem a little awkward. I would expect that the opening of a door should not affect the position of the player character at all. (I should go re-check this) • I am not impressed by ragdoll physics and do not understand the need for it. • Auto stand-up-feature
  20. I have watched on youtube how the inventory menu works, and it seem obvious that the degree of transparency should to be tweaked so that it becomes more opaque (less transparent). I am guessing that the motivation for having a transparent menu in the first place, is for displaying the menu so that it better coexist with the background image, however if transparent menus is the inention then having only some transparency is sufficient (and not so much transparency as the alpha seem to have). Making transparent menus in my experience seem like a fun idea at the start, but ultimately it seem to make for a problem of how alot of transparency ultimately ends up being too much. Edit: I can understand that one would want to simply try out stuff and not simply go for one setting right away, which might have been their intention all along. :|
  21. How about having a combo system of ragdoll animations and animated movements? E.g having a character fall to the ground when dying pretty much instantly *AND ALSO* having the character pose as if having a severe injury and effectively showing how they are incapacitated. This might leave a problem of having live and injured prisoners unless they simply die slowly, despite having been hit in the hand, foot, arm or leg. This way, if an ai character take subtle damage in the extremities, or limbs, the ai/player character wouldn't simply fall to the ground dead.
  22. MOBO: Asus Maximus IV Extreme (P67) CPU: i7 2700k oc'ed @ 4.6ghz (HT disabled) RAM: 16GB DDR3 @ 1600mhz GPU: Radeon 7950 (3GB) oc'ed @ 950MHz core 1350MHz mem SSD: Samsung SSD 840 Pro Series 256GB Monitor: Eizo S2431W (24") Case: Fractal Design XL R2