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About Treehugger

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    Lance Corporal
  1. "No Idle Animation with lowered weapon" (from 'additional features') This sounds really nice if this is what I think it is. When lowering the weapon, the player character seem to wince and twitch almost ALL the damn time, not standing still, really annoying in Arma 2 and 3.
  2. Treehugger

    [MP/Team] Sa-Matra's Wasteland

    I searched the first 10 pages or so under user missions, but didn't see any thread. :( I have to say Wasteland on Chernarus map might be the most fun games of all time imo. Who can not love Chernarus and the intense action? :) * I'll go try https://forums.arma.su/forum/
  3. Treehugger

    [MP/Team] Sa-Matra's Wasteland

    I couldn't help myself and began playing Arma 3/Wasteland recently. It was a very nice experience however I have noticed some issue and I don't know what to think of it. Q1: Sometimes/often, the engine sound of a truck linger on forever as a sound in the background, and the sound/noise never disappear (except once, don't know what happened). Pressing F1 to dampen game sounds to try remove this annoying sound help, but this is not an ideal solution. Is this sound issue common, and is this perhaps some known Arma 3 bug? (I searched for such a bug report but couldnt' find any, feel free to link it if you know of it) Q2: Picking up an FN FAL rifle apparently cause the inventory to bug out, every time to my knowledge. I think I read that this might be a known issue with inventory in Arma 3. How about removing the FN-FAL rifles from Wasteland? Is there perhaps a trick to not experience the bug where magazines and other stuff disappear when moved into character inventory?
  4. Treehugger

    Wondering how accurate Arma III is?

    I was not aware that you guys were involved in help training military forces. Consider yourselves boycotted.
  5. Just want to mention, that I believe it is a big flaw astheticly that weapons displayed in the inventory appear as being too small. I am guessing that the icons in Arma 3 are smaller than in Arma 2 but I might be wrong. In any case, it would be better I think making use of larger icons. The closer the size of an image of an iconic item is to the same scale in which a player character handles equipment in game the better it is I would think. For larger objects, instead of depicting a tank as a tiny icon, it might perhaps be better to show a close up (show a portion) of a tank with the same amount of pixels used in an image representing a tank for example.
  6. A valid concern might be that the devs might perhaps have already spent their time developing DLC content, understandably something left open to speculation. And so there might be a problem of how a plan to leave readily available DLC content out of a released product somehow is the reality of things now with games. I am not pulling this out of thin air, as such a concern has been pointed out with regard to other games previously.
  7. Treehugger

    NATO uniforms

    Lawl tenchar
  8. Hm, ok, I'll try that. Thank you.
  9. When I place a vehicle in the editor, I am unable to place an vehicle empty of ai and would like to know how to do that so that I can both be the driver and the gunner as I choose. I always end up with some ai occupying the other seats in the vehicle.
  10. Treehugger

    Crew Glitch in the OPFOR tank

    Is there no turret ring?
  11. I just thought I should mention, that I can't help but wonder if maybe Arma as a cpu oriented game can benefit from optimizations. Although I couldn't possibly know how to do this, not being a developer, I wonder if BIS could perhaps somehow make use of this push-pull system that is said to be used by Autodesk Maya, with its node system (complex stuff, node system, has layers of programming languages). Iirc, update of data revolves around the screen refresh function, updating the data for nodes that are marked with a dirty flag to prevent having to repeatedly update everything. :) This stuff is explained in the book "Complete Maya Programming: An Extensive Guide to MEL and C++ API" iirc.
  12. Treehugger

    RPG 42 range markers not accurate?

    Such a type of concern is what I find really annoying with BIS. I would like to think that someone would be responsible for quality assurance with regard to how scopes work, but I am left doubting if anyone is keeping an eye on this. Of course, there is no way for me to know if any current really issue has been there all along or if it possibly is some error being a consequence of the game being worked on. So to sum up, I doubt that the weapons in Arma 3 work as intended with regard to accuracy, realism and how precisely scopes work, which is unfortunate. It shouldn't be up to beta testers to try make sure such things work as intended I think. Surely there is some internal dev tool to make sure weapons perform as expected?
  13. After playing on a server, when I got back to the "Network games on the internet" windows in the multiplayer menu, the list was suddenly empty. The next day, the list is still empty and I do not know how to fix this. What could be wrong with my multiplayer menu? I should be seeing lots of servers I think. My Arma 2 Beta version: 106400 The following screenshots show the screen and the filter menu: http://i42.tinypic.com/206ctcm.png (148 kB) http://i39.tinypic.com/346vl2o.png (242 kB) Edit: When I try a direct connection today, I get this error: "Bad version, server rejected connection." http://i41.tinypic.com/2ufx8gj.png (134 kB) Could this be some kind of issue with battleeye? (Seems I can enter a game this way without getting that error) My multiplayer menu is still blank though and I would like to fixt that.
  14. I am considering getting a crossfire setup, but I am left with mixed impressions off the little I have been reading about it, and wonder what crossfire users have to say. With Catalyst 13.8 beta drivers out, said to greatly improve on microstuttering issues with a crossfire setup, I think this is a good time to learn about the current impression of using crossfire.
  15. Treehugger

    [MP/Team] Sa-Matra's Wasteland

    @SaMatra "Interesting feedback, I don't think its related to the mission (there isn't anything that can cause performance drop on key presses), you should try some tests, for example create some mission with say plenty of AI moving around the island, measure your FPS and leave it for a night and check how much FPS will change when you will wake up." (About fps suddenly dropping to 10+ when moving mouse cursor and/or holding down keys on the keyboard.) I finally had my computer run a mission someone made for me with about 400 ai soldiers running around for about 6 hours (only at the airport though), however my FPS never suffered at all and I am not any wiser as to what might have been wrong in the first place when playing Arma 3 Wasteland.