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  1. Hey guys :) So I'm trying to tweak the old blood mist mod that mao created to have "bigger" and denser blood particles. I pack and sign it but nothing happens in game. Here's the code I'm using: class CfgPatches { class kka_blood { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.000000; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Data_F", "a3_data_f_particleeffects"}; }; }; class CfgCloudlets { /*extern*/ class Blood; class BloodMist : Blood { particleShape = "\A3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal_02"; particleFSNtieth = 16; particleFSIndex = 12; particleFSFrameCount = 8; particleFSLoop = 0; lifeTime = "1"; size[] = {0.5, 1.5, 3}; color[] = {{0.1, 0, 0, 1}, {0.2, 0, 0, 1.5}, {0, 0, 0, 0.5}; randomDirectionPeriod = 0.3; randomDirectionIntensity = 0.3; weight = 1; }; }; class ImpactEffectsBlood { class BloodMist { simulation = "particles"; type = "BloodMist"; position = {0, 0, 0}; intensity = 1; interval = 1; lifeTime = 1; MoveVelocityVar = {0, 0, 0}; }; }; I would also like to use the A3\data_f\Cl_water effect, but in order to play with it, I must actually see it Someone told me that I should use the CutText command to see where it's stopping, but I have no idea on how to actually use it. As for the Cl_water effect, I created some matching particle in the Particle Editor Mission. Here are two screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/bPGhV4B.jpg (433 kB) https://i.imgur.com/C09NNOb.jpg (399 kB) It would be really cool if I could at least get it to be visible so I can start configurating it.
  2. this enableIRLasers true; does it for me. But only if they are engaging -> *blink blink blink* morsecode :D
  3. Weird. Pressing the L Key should turn on the flashlight. Works for me with your code, tested it with the Light Solder Unit BLUE. Might be a stupid question, but are you there wasn't an attachment mounted already? Like the IR Laser?
  4. You might need to assign the item too. You could try: this assignitem "acc_flashlight";
  5. pappmensch

    Supply Drops And Airstrikes

    Pretty sure this is not what you've meant, but you can use an AH-8 attack for now via communication. I did it like this. 1. Place a Unit BLUE for yourself. 2. Place an AH-8 chopper. 3. Go to Modules, select category "Support" and place a module named "Support Requester" 3. Place another module under support, named "Support Requester: CAS (Helicopter Attack)" Now you need to sync those four placements in line: Player - Support Requester - Support Requester: CAS (Heli Attack) - AH-8 Call the Chopper from the communication panel. The AH-8 will roam the area you've selected him to "attack" for a while and then return to it's starting position. -> I guess an actual airstrike will work the same way when the units (bombers and such) are available.
  6. pappmensch

    Spawn with nothing ?

    What I found out so far: removeallcontainers this; (or unit name instead of "this" - removes ammobelts, vests, you name it); removeallweapons this; (or unit name instead of "this" - removes what it says); You can also remove certain weapons using it's certain weapons class: this removeweapon "CLASS"; (removes a specified weapon from a unit); this removeitem "CLASS"; (removes an item); To find out the weapon classnames you might want to check out Sickboy's thread over here. Edit: Read your post again and as you said you wanted to use it for multiplayer, you might want to try this: removeallweapons this; this addEventHandler ["respawn", {removeallweapons (_this select 0)}];
  7. Hi fellow Arma 3 guys! My question is basically what the title of this thread says. Let's say I'd place an AI on top of a military cargo HQ and I'd like to provide them some cover behind the "walls" on top of it. So what I did was setting them up with This DisableAI "Move"; so they won't run away when the enemy comes along. You see, now my problem is that if an enemy comes around, my AI would just lay down and then magically fire through the armored walls of the HQ. To stop them from laying down I used the SetUnitPos Command like this: This SetUnitPos "up"; I didn't use the parameter "middle" because that would make the AI kneel right behind the barrier, seeing no one and not responding to the enemy attack. My plan for now is to find out the next higher stance adjustment that I could use in that position for my AI. Something like This SetUnitPos "middle+" or whatever :D Thanks in advance, Pappmensch.
  8. pappmensch

    AI spotting

    Had some kind of similar problem with the AI until I noticed that their skill was set to veteran :rolleyes:
  9. pappmensch

    AI can drive, finally.

    Don't let the AI drive a Quad though :D
  10. Hi guys, my first post here :) Yeah what can I say? Pretty exited about Arma 3 as it really feels good to play it and I'm already digging it. However, I'm the kind of Arma player who mostly uses the editor just to have some sandbox fun. Today i wanted to do some more than just placing mines everywhere and sending squads of BLUE through them (fuck yeah man, ragdolls) :D. I wanted to put a guy into a watchtower using the old SetPos Cmd: this setPos [getPos this select 0, getPos this select 1,3]; this setunitpos "up"; and while SetUnitPos works like a charm, SetPos doesn't do anything. Thanks in Advance, The pappmensch. (ps.: tried the search function but i only got kind of like an overview of all threads) Edit #1: Okai I just found it out by myself. To Anyone who actually wants what I wanted (placing a unit in a desired high): you want to open the unit in the editor and fill out the "Elevation" field in the EDIT UNIT dialog. As for watchtowers a value of 5 is okai to make them spawn perfectly in it.