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Everything posted by zozamex

  1. With a completely revamped mod pack we are going to start playing ArmA 3 again, in fact we have a mission planned right now this Saturday (check this link for more info: http://randomgamingden.com/forum/index.php?topic=1378) Also we have a public vanilla invade & annex server up running with a few mods allowed and some server side mods to make it more fun, to join both the private and public games launch this link with play with six: http://randomgamingden.com/other/playwithsix.php
  2. Hi! We are looking for both new and experienced ArmA 3 players to join in on our heavily modded but not ridiculously serious co-op game sessions! Who are we? The Random Gaming Den (RGDen), a new European multi gaming community based on a now dead and buried 5 year old community called Zombie Survivalists. We played ArmA 2 for a while now and are now moving over to ArmA 3. How do we play? Our play style is Casual Realism Co-op, it means that we're not going to assign people ranks and require you to salute high ranking officers or something like that but instead we try to play the game like it's meant to be played and have fun without causing unnecessary e-drama or headaches remembering procedures. When do we play? Since we are European our time zone is GMT+1/CET and we play mostly every Saturday around 7pm or so but that time and date format may change any second now as we are still figuring things out. What do we require from you? Only things we require from you is that you have a microphone, that you have fun and that you don't ruin the fun for someone else and also that you download our mod pack. Additional information: Our mod pack contains A3MP, CSE and a bunch of other mods so make sure you download them before you attempt to join an operation! We play once or twice every week and we use Teamspeak 3 with TaskForceRadio for voice communication. How do i join? 1. Join our steam group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/randomgamingden 2. Register on our forums: http://randomgamingden.com/forum/index.php 3. Follow these instructions on how to install our mod pack: http://randomgamingden.com/forum/index.php?topic=1365.0 Here are two videos from back when we played ArmA 2: Hope to see you soon on the battlefield!
  3. Since the Zeus mode is released soon we will be having a Zeus event going on Friday 1930 CEST April 11, if you want to join then sign up on our forum thread right here: http://randomgamingden.com/forum/index.php?topic=1363.0 Also here is an actual ArmA 3 video of us playing:
  4. Squad name: Random Gaming Den (RGDen) Timezone/location : Central Europe GMT+1 Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Semi-Realistic Co-op Contact email: zozamex@hotmail.com Website address: www.rgden.com Short description: We are a chill group of friends playing ArmA 3 with a heavy mod pack, we do tactics as long as they can be applied to the game environment and we aim to have lots of fun. Language: English
  5. We are moving over to ArmA 3 so this is no longer relevant.
  6. Hi! We are looking for new and experienced ArmA 2 players to join in on our heavily modded but not ridiculously serious co-op game sessions! Who are we? The Random Gaming Den (RGDen), a new European multi gaming community based on a now dead and buried 5 year old community called Zombie Survivalists. How do we play? Our play style is Casual Realism Co-op, it means that we're not going to assign people ranks and require you to salute high ranking officers or some bullshit like that but instead we try to play the game like it's meant to be played and have fun without causing unnecessary e-drama. When do we play? Since we are European our time zone is GMT+1 and we play mostly every Saturday around 8pm or so. What do we require from you? Only things we require from you is that you have a microphone, that you have fun and that you don't ruin the fun for someone else and also that you download our mod pack. Additional information: Our mod pack contains ACRE+ACE and a bunch of other mods including some custom islands and such for more variety and mission editing options. We play once or twice every week and we use Teamspeak 3 with ACRE for voice communication. Join our steam group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/rgdenarma Instructions and additional information: http://randomgamingden.com/forum/index.php?topic=1348.0
  7. I edited together a very hilarious ArmA 3 session into this video, it's loaded full with laughs and random physics based accidents.
  8. zozamex

    The Giant Alpha Media Thread

    During the first day of the ArmA 3 alpha me and a friend decided to host a crappy TDM mission on a dedicated server, got bored real fast and then this happened.
  9. I feel the ArmA 3 movement is vastly improved over the original, however like said before i belive some sluggishness is required for everyone to not run around like idiots jumping shooting 360 no scopes... after all ArmA is about authenticity and realism.