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Everything posted by Peetrs

  1. thx guys for your comments it's meant to be part of the firing range, but it's still WIP - missing a few warning signs, etc .. plus, we wanted another simple compound for gameplay reasons
  2. hello, I`m from map dev team :) you can create polylines in visitor (sory, I dont know which version of visitor have comunity available, but in our visitor polyline is just type of vector shape) in buldozer we have available dev console, where commands can be run. not sure what plans are about tools for community. small note. new way in objects placing is implemented as well (more visual aproach)
  3. yes there is new road system in arma3 simple description create config (mentioned above) create polylines where roads should be and assigne road type and priority export polylines, and in buldozer run this command //community.bistudio.com/wiki/buldozer_LoadNewRoads nothing special but save a lot of time and new roads are more precise and of course you dont need hundereds of road models.