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Posts posted by iwagleader

  1. Hello, I have been thinking about some multiplayer mod to create and I remember the old ArmA 2:CO mission Zargabad Life. I was curious to know if anyone would be interested in a server sort of revolved around Zargabad Life. It was a highly populated gamemode back in 2012 sometime.

    Short Summary of the gamemode: Zargabad Life had 3 sides you can choose from and was sort of based of Border Wars. You had to Blufor which were the Cops. There was two different divisions you had Border Patrol they stood man of the border searching people who would travel through making sure they had a Passport. Also they had to watch for any drug smuggling. The other division was more about patrolling the city would any crimes such as Bank/Gas station robberies, drug fields, and any other sort of illegal activities. North of the border was controlled by the independents they were control of some illegal weaponry, LSD/Oil Field, and the stood man at their own border. When Civs would come through the border to mine for oil or grow LSD the independents would sometimes tax them. The last side was the Civilians they could do legal/illegal activities and pretty much travel anywhere on the map.

    Some notes about Zargabad Life:

    It would be on the Map Zargabad.

    It would obviously be a mod so you would have to download some content.

    The Mod I'd change up and add a lot more then the one in ArmA 2.

    If you could please leave any comments/suggestions on the idea it would be much appreciated.

    (Also not sure if this is the right place to post if not very sorry.)
