Hi guys,
Having some issues with TOH Rearmed, most notably Chernarus.
Getting some pretty horrendously low frame rates on this map, but not on any others. With default settings, I'm pulling around 15fps, which is all kinds of wrong. Maxing the settings yields about 3fps.
I've played Arma 2 extensively, and have no issues maxing that out, and Arma 3 can be maxed on my system and still achieve around 30-45fps.
I'm using:
i7-3930k (6 core @ 3.8Ghz)
Asus Rampage IV Extreme Mobo
16GB DDR3-1866 RAM in Quad Channel
Nvidia GTX Titan 6GB in 2-way SLI
Hardware's definitely up to the task, I'm guessing it's some sort of compatibility/driver issue. I've also tried switching SLI off, and that made it even worse.
Out of interest, I ran it on my laptop, which is way lower specced than my desktop, (i7-2630QM@2.00Ghz/8GB RAM/1.5GB Nvidia GTX460M) and it ran perfectly on default settings. Also, my friend has the exact same issue with Chernarus and SLI Titans (but using older hardware - i7-930/X58 Classified/6GB RAM/Titan 6GB 2-way SLI) he's also tried turning off SLI, but to no avail.
Anyone got any ideas? So frustrating, I just want to belt around Chernarus, but can't because it runs so badly. Maybe TOH just hates the Titans? I don't know.
Any ideas greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!