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About PTW-105

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    Private First Class
  1. I put this in my init.sqf file. Now I need to place the FA18_dynamic_loadouts.sqf file in %missiondir%\js_fa18\scripts\FA18_dynamic_loadouts.sqf. Is it safe to change this code in the init.sqf to eliminate excess folder depth and to point to %missiondir%/js_fa18/scripts/FA18_dynamic_loadouts.sqf?
  2. No, the SQF files referenced aren't mine. Looking through the unpacked mod, it look like the only SQF file included with the mod is FA18_instant_loadouts.sqf. I see what may be the concern that the file referenced isn't what exists. It looks like after some handoffs of the project, names and structures of files have changed, and may not be exactly what is listed in the user manual or documentation. Anyways, here's the instant_loadouts.sqf file: //dynamic loadout selection/rearming script for FA18 E/F //created by John_Spartan //to execute use followning examples for various weapon presets, call this script via unit init line in editor or via instance of mission script // //fa18loadoutscript = [this,_station_1,_station_2,_station_3,_station_4,_station_5,_station_6,_station_7,_station_8,_station_9,_station_10,_station_11,_station_12,_station_13,_station_14,_station_15,_station_16,_station_17,_station_18,_station_19] execvm "js_jc_fa18\scripts\LOADOUTS\FA18_instant_loadouts.sqf"; //MR: fa18_dynamic_loadoutscript = [_FA18, "js_m_fa18_aim9x_x1", "js_m_fa18_aim9x_x1","js_m_fa18_aim120c_x1","js_m_fa18_aim120c_x1","js_m_fa18_aim120c_x1","js_m_fa18_aim120c_x1", "js_m_fa18_bombrack_x1", "js_m_fa18_bombrack_x1", "js_m_fa18_aim120c_x1", "js_m_fa18_aim120c_x1", "js_m_fa18_GBU12_x1", "js_m_fa18_GBU12_x1", "js_m_fa18_GBU12_x1", "js_m_fa18_GBU12_x1", "js_m_fa18_empty", "js_m_fa18_empty", "js_m_fa18_empty", "js_m_fa18_empty","js_m_fa18_wing_tank_x1"] execvm "js_fa18\scripts\FA18_dynamic_loadouts.sqf"; //CAS; fa18_dynamic_loadoutscript = [_FA18, "js_m_fa18_aim9x_x1", "js_m_fa18_aim9x_x1","js_m_fa18_Maverick_x1","js_m_fa18_Maverick_x1","js_m_fa18_bombrack_x1","js_m_fa18_bombrack_x1", "js_m_fa18_bombrack_x1", "js_m_fa18_bombrack_x1", "js_m_fa18_aim120c_x1", "js_m_fa18_aim120c_x1", "js_m_fa18_GBU12_x1", "js_m_fa18_GBU12_x1", "js_m_fa18_GBU12_x1", "js_m_fa18_GBU12_x1", "js_m_fa18_Maverick_x1", "js_m_fa18_Maverick_x1", "js_m_fa18_Maverick_x1", "js_m_fa18_Maverick_x1","js_m_fa18_wing_tank_x1"] execvm "js_fa18\scripts\FA18_dynamic_loadouts.sqf"; //CAP: fa18_dynamic_loadoutscript = [_FA18, "js_m_fa18_aim9x_x1", "js_m_fa18_aim9x_x1","js_m_fa18_aim9x_x1","js_m_fa18_aim9x_x1","js_m_fa18_aim120c_x1","js_m_fa18_aim120c_x1", "js_m_fa18_wing_tank_x1", "js_m_fa18_wing_tank_x1", "js_m_fa18_aim120c_x1", "js_m_fa18_aim120c_x1", "js_m_fa18_empty", "js_m_fa18_empty", "js_m_fa18_empty", "js_m_fa18_empty", "js_m_fa18_empty", "js_m_fa18_empty", "js_m_fa18_empty", "js_m_fa18_empty","js_m_fa18_wing_tank_x1"] execvm "js_fa18\scripts\FA18_dynamic_loadouts.sqf"; //F TANKER: fa18_dynamic_loadoutscript = [_FA18, "js_m_fa18_aim9x_x1", "js_m_fa18_aim9x_x1","js_m_fa18_aim9x_x1","js_m_fa18_aim9x_x1","js_m_fa18_wing_tank_x1","js_m_fa18_wing_tank_x1", "js_m_fa18_wing_tank_x1", "js_m_fa18_wing_tank_x1", "js_m_fa18_aim120c_x1", "js_m_fa18_altflir_pod_x1", "js_m_fa18_empty", "js_m_fa18_empty", "js_m_fa18_empty", "js_m_fa18_empty", "js_m_fa18_empty", "js_m_fa18_empty", "js_m_fa18_empty", "js_m_fa18_empty","js_m_fa18_buddypod_x1"] execvm "js_fa18\scripts\FA18_dynamic_loadouts.sqf"; _FA18 = _this select 0; //name of the unit we are playing with _FA18 selectWeapon "js_w_master_arms_safe"; _FA18 animate ["rearming_done_switch",0]; _station_1 = _this select 1; _station_2 = _this select 2; _station_3 = _this select 3; _station_4 = _this select 4; _station_5 = _this select 5; _station_6 = _this select 6; _station_7 = _this select 7; _station_8 = _this select 8; _station_9 = _this select 9; _station_10 = _this select 10; _station_11 = _this select 11; _station_12 = _this select 12; _station_13 = _this select 13; _station_14 = _this select 14; _station_15 = _this select 15; _station_16 = _this select 16; _station_17 = _this select 17; _station_18 = _this select 18; _station_19 = _this select 19; //remove any default loadout weapons and magazines first _fa18 removeWeapon "js_w_fa18_aim9xLaucher"; _fa18 removeWeapon "js_w_fa18_aim120cLaucher"; _fa18 removeWeapon "js_w_fa18_GBU12LGBLaucher"; _fa18 removeWeapon "js_w_fa18_Mk82BombLauncher"; _fa18 removeWeapon "js_w_fa18_MaverickLauncher"; _fa18 removeWeapon "js_w_fa18_fueltank_holder"; _fa18 removeWeapon "js_w_fa18_HarpoonLauncher"; _fa18 removeWeapon "js_w_fa18_GBU31BombLauncher"; _fa18 removeWeapon "js_w_fa18_GBU32BombLauncher"; _fa18 removeWeapon "js_w_fa18_GBU38BombLauncher"; _fa18 removeWeapon "Laserdesignator_mounted"; _fa18 removeMagazines "js_m_fa18_aim9x_x1"; _fa18 removeMagazines "js_m_fa18_aim120c_x1"; _fa18 removeMagazines "js_m_fa18_bombrack_x1"; _fa18 removeMagazines "js_m_fa18_GBU12_x1"; _fa18 removeMagazines "js_m_fa18_MK82_x1"; _fa18 removeMagazines "js_m_fa18_GBU38_JDAM_x1"; _fa18 removeMagazines "js_m_fa18_GBU32_JDAM_x1"; _fa18 removeMagazines "js_m_fa18_GBU31_JDAM_x1"; _fa18 removeMagazines "js_m_fa18_Maverick_x1"; _fa18 removeMagazines "js_m_fa18_Harpoon_x1"; _fa18 removeMagazines "js_m_fa18_wing_tank_x1"; _fa18 removeMagazines "js_m_fa18_altflir_pod_x1"; _fa18 removeMagazines "js_m_fa18_empty"; _fa18 removeMagazines "js_m_fa18_fake_empty"; _fa18 removeMagazines "js_m_fa18_buddypod_x1"; _fa18 removeMagazines "Laserbatteries"; //add new magazines first and in right sequence so the proxies are loaded properly for specified loadout _FA18 addMagazine _station_1; _FA18 addMagazine _station_2; _FA18 addMagazine _station_3; _FA18 addMagazine _station_4; _FA18 addMagazine _station_5; _FA18 addMagazine _station_6; _FA18 addMagazine _station_7; _FA18 addMagazine _station_8; _FA18 addMagazine _station_9; _FA18 addMagazine _station_10; _FA18 addMagazine _station_11; _FA18 addMagazine _station_12; _FA18 addMagazine _station_13; _FA18 addMagazine _station_14; _FA18 addMagazine _station_15; _FA18 addMagazine _station_16; _FA18 addMagazine _station_17; _FA18 addMagazine _station_18; _FA18 addMagazine _station_19; //add new weapons depending on selected loadout _loadout = magazines _FA18; sleep 0.5; if (("js_m_fa18_aim9x_x1" in _loadout)) then {_FA18 addWeapon "js_w_fa18_aim9xLaucher";}; if (("js_m_fa18_aim120c_x1" in _loadout)) then {_FA18 addWeapon "js_w_fa18_aim120cLaucher";}; if (("js_m_fa18_GBU12_x1" in _loadout)) then {_FA18 addWeapon "js_w_fa18_GBU12LGBLaucher";}; if (("js_m_fa18_MK82_x1" in _loadout)) then {_FA18 addWeapon "js_w_fa18_Mk82BombLauncher";}; if (("js_m_fa18_GBU38_JDAM_x1" in _loadout)) then {_FA18 addWeapon "js_w_fa18_GBU38BombLauncher";}; if (("js_m_fa18_GBU32_JDAM_x1" in _loadout)) then {_FA18 addWeapon "js_w_fa18_GBU32BombLauncher";}; if (("js_m_fa18_GBU31_JDAM_x1" in _loadout)) then {_FA18 addWeapon "js_w_fa18_GBU31BombLauncher";}; if (("js_m_fa18_Maverick_x1" in _loadout)) then {_FA18 addWeapon "js_w_fa18_MaverickLauncher";}; if (("js_m_fa18_Harpoon_x1" in _loadout)) then {_FA18 addWeapon "js_w_fa18_HarpoonLauncher";}; if (("js_m_fa18_wing_tank_x1" in _loadout)) then {_FA18 addWeapon "js_w_fa18_fueltank_holder";}; if (("js_m_fa18_altflir_pod_x1" in _loadout)) then {_FA18 addWeapon "Laserdesignator_mounted"; _FA18 addMagazine "Laserbatteries"}; _FA18 setVehicleAmmo 1; _Fuel_tank_count = {_x == "js_m_fa18_wing_tank_x1"} count magazines _FA18; If (_Fuel_tank_count < 1) Then { _External_fuel = _FA18 animationPhase "auxtank_switch"; _FA18 animate ["auxtank_switch",0]; }; If (_Fuel_tank_count == 1) Then { _External_fuel = _FA18 animationPhase "auxtank_switch"; If ((_External_fuel < 0.2)) Then { _FA18 animate ["auxtank_switch",(_External_fuel + (0.2 - _External_fuel))]; }; If ((_External_fuel > 0.2)) Then { _FA18 animate ["auxtank_switch",0.2]; }; }; If (_Fuel_tank_count == 2) Then { _External_fuel = _FA18 animationPhase "auxtank_switch"; If ((_External_fuel < 0.4)) Then { _FA18 animate ["auxtank_switch",(_External_fuel + (0.4 - _External_fuel))]; }; If ((_External_fuel > 0.4)) Then { _FA18 animate ["auxtank_switch",0.4]; }; }; If (_Fuel_tank_count == 3) Then { _External_fuel = _FA18 animationPhase "auxtank_switch"; If ((_External_fuel < 0.6)) Then { _FA18 animate ["auxtank_switch",(_External_fuel + (0.6 - _External_fuel))]; }; If ((_External_fuel > 0.6)) Then { _FA18 animate ["auxtank_switch",0.6]; }; }; If (_Fuel_tank_count == 4) Then { _External_fuel = _FA18 animationPhase "auxtank_switch"; If ((_External_fuel < 0.8)) Then { _FA18 animate ["auxtank_switch",(_External_fuel + (0.8 - _External_fuel))]; }; If ((_External_fuel > 0.8)) Then { _FA18 animate ["auxtank_switch",0.8]; }; }; If (_Fuel_tank_count == 5) Then { _External_fuel = _FA18 animationPhase "auxtank_switch"; If ((_External_fuel < 0.99)) Then { _FA18 animate ["auxtank_switch",(_External_fuel + (1.0 - _External_fuel))]; }; If ((_External_fuel >= 1.0)) Then { _FA18 animate ["auxtank_switch",1.0]; }; }; sleep 0.05; _External_fuel = _FA18 animationPhase "auxtank_switch"; If (("js_m_fa18_buddypod_x1" in _loadout)) Then { If (_Fuel_tank_count > 1) Then { _FA18 animate ["auxtank_switch",(_External_fuel + 0.2)]; }; If (_Fuel_tank_count < 1) Then { _FA18 animate ["auxtank_switch",0.2]; }; }; _FA18 selectWeapon "js_w_master_arms_safe"; _FA18 animate ["rearming_done_switch",1]; Exit; The mod I'm working with can be found here (v1.2 at time of writing): http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?164308-F-A-18-Super-Hornet-for-ARMA-3 Page 11 of the user manual says this (along with a different copy of the script that is found in the instant_loadouts.sqf file posted above): Thanks for everyone's help so far, PTW-105
  3. PTW-105

    Briefing Error Check

    This fixed it. Thanks!
  4. Shuko, Where do I put that code? In a new loadouts.sqf, description.ext, or init.sqf? How do I build the multiple loadouts, copy the _fa18loadouts = []? This is the first time I've dealt with external SQF files. Thanks, PTW-105
  5. Hello, I have a briefing.sqf for a mission I'm making. I have the briefing.sqf being called in the init.sqf file. I also created an empty briefing.html file in the mission folder, as was recommended here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?124786-Briefing-not-working When I run the mission, I get the error: Line 12 is: player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Mission", "1. Suit up and board either the <marker name="fa18f">joint trainer</marker> or separate <marker name="fa18e">single-seat trainers</marker><br /><br />2. Select your loadout through the Service Menu<br /><br />3. Taxi to runway 04 and prepare for take-off. Be sure to exhibit proper ground speed and illumination procedures while taxiing.<br /><br />4. Take off and gain familiarity with the aircraft flight characteristics<br /><br />5. Engage the identified hostiles:<br />-<marker name="salt_range">Salt Flats</marker><br />-<marker name="town_range">Feres</marker><br />-<marker name="sea_range">Edessa Bay</marker><br /><br />6. (Optional) Return to <marker name="airfield">base</marker> to rearm, repair, and refuel"]]; Here is the complete briefing.sqf: // Journal Entries // Journal Entry Template // player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Title 1", "We have an objective <marker name='mkrObj1'>here</marker> and one <marker name='mkrObj2'>there</marker>"]]; player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Notes", "Isn't whitespace awesome? <br /><br /><br />Yes it totally is!"]]; player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Signal", "You'll be hitting tarmac just after sundown. There will be little ambient light that is sure to fade quickly. Make the best of what you have.<br /><br />Being dark and all, you'll want to be sure to observe proper illumination procedures. This means anti-collision and standard lights activated while on the ground. Anti-collision and formation lights should be activated in the air. Keep those runway lights off when engaging targets but on when you are taking off or landing. Planes like these are mighty hard to see with no illumination.<br /><br />I guess the good thing about these night ops is that if you decide to ground your airframe, we'll see it for miles. Godspeed out there."]]; player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Mission", "1. Suit up and board either the <marker name="fa18f">joint trainer</marker> or separate <marker name="fa18e">single-seat trainers</marker><br /><br />2. Select your loadout through the Service Menu<br /><br />3. Taxi to runway 04 and prepare for take-off. Be sure to exhibit proper ground speed and illumination procedures while taxiing.<br /><br />4. Take off and gain familiarity with the aircraft flight characteristics<br /><br />5. Engage the identified hostiles:<br />-<marker name="salt_range">Salt Flats</marker><br />-<marker name="town_range">Feres</marker><br />-<marker name="sea_range">Edessa Bay</marker><br /><br />6. (Optional) Return to <marker name="airfield">base</marker> to rearm, repair, and refuel"]]; player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Situation", "At 19:30 report to the airfield for flight training on the new F/A-18 jets that just came in.<br /><br />We will be deploying with these shortly, so I expect you will know these aircraft inside and out.<br /><br />Enjoy your dinner.<br /><br />Dismissed."]]; // Tasks // Task Template // tskExample1 = player createSimpleTask ["Task Title 1"]; // tskExample1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Task Message 1", "Task Title 1", "Task HUD Title 1"]; // tskExample1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "mkrObj1"); // Salt Flats - Task tskClearSaltFlats = player createSimpleTask ["Clear Salt Flats"]; tskClearSaltFlats setSimpleTaskDescription ["Eliminate identified hostiles in the Salt Flats", "Clear Salt Flats", "Clear Salt Flats"]; tskClearSaltFlats setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "salt_range"); // Feres - Task tskClearFeres = player createSimpleTask ["Clear Feres"]; tskClearFeres setSimpleTaskDescription ["Eliminate identified hostiles in Feres", "Clear Feres", "Clear Feres"]; tskClearFeres setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "town_range"); // Edessa Bay - Task tskClearEdessaBay = player createSimpleTask ["Clear Edessa Bay"]; tskClearEdessaBay setSimpleTaskDescription ["Eliminate identified hostiles in Edessa Bay", "Clear Edessa Bay", "Clear Edessa Bay"]; tskClearEdessaBay setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "sea_range"); // Airbase - Task tskRTB = player createSimpleTask ["Return to Base (Optional)"]; tskRTB setSimpleTaskDescription ["When needed, return to base to rearm, refuel, and repair.", "Return to Base (Optional)", "RTB"]; tskRTB setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "airfield"); Could I get another set of eyes to comb through my code. Thanks, PTW-105
  6. Kylania, I did see your post in the second link: I can create an init.sqf file with the following contents: defaultLoadout = paramsArray select 0; enableRespawn = paramsArray select 1; But this isn't complete. I understand that putting these params in the init file, your users can select and change these variables in the MP mission params screen, but I'm having trouble where rubber meets road. I can't get the parameters the user selects to actually change the loadouts for the aircraft. If possible, I see this working like some sort of IF/ELSEIF/ELSE statement: $emptyLoadout = "fa18_dynamic_loadoutscript = [_FA18, "js_m_fa18_empty", "js_m_fa18_empty","js_m_fa18_empty","js_m_fa18_empty","js_m_fa18_empty","js_m_fa18_empty", "js_m_fa18_empty", "js_m_fa18_empty", "js_m_fa18_empty", "js_m_fa18_empty","js_m_fa18_empty","js_m_fa18_empty","js_m_fa18_empty","js_m_fa18_empty","js_m_fa18_empty","js_m_fa18_empty","js_m_fa18_empty","js_m_fa18_empty","js_m_fa18_empty"] execvm "js_fa18\scripts\FA18_dynamic_loadouts.sqf";" $multiroleLoadout = "fa18_dynamic_loadoutscript = [_FA18, "js_m_fa18_aim9x_x1", "js_m_fa18_aim9x_x1","js_m_fa18_aim120c_x1","js_m_fa18_aim120c_x1","js_m_fa18_aim120c_x1","js_m_fa18_aim120c_x1", "js_m_fa18_bombrack_x1", "js_m_fa18_bombrack_x1", "js_m_fa18_aim120c_x1", "js_m_fa18_aim120c_x1", "js_m_fa18_GBU12_x1", "js_m_fa18_GBU12_x1", "js_m_fa18_GBU12_x1", "js_m_fa18_GBU12_x1", "js_m_fa18_empty", "js_m_fa18_empty", "js_m_fa18_empty", "js_m_fa18_empty","js_m_fa18_wing_tank_x1"] execvm "js_fa18\scripts\FA18_dynamic_loadouts.sqf"; $casLoadout = "fa18_dynamic_loadoutscript = [_FA18, "js_m_fa18_aim9x_x1", "js_m_fa18_aim9x_x1","js_m_fa18_Maverick_x1","js_m_fa18_Maverick_x1","js_m_fa18_bombrack_x1","js_m_fa18_bombrack_x1", "js_m_fa18_bombrack_x1", "js_m_fa18_bombrack_x1", "js_m_fa18_aim120c_x1", "js_m_fa18_aim120c_x1", "js_m_fa18_GBU12_x1", "js_m_fa18_GBU12_x1", "js_m_fa18_GBU12_x1", "js_m_fa18_GBU12_x1", "js_m_fa18_Maverick_x1", "js_m_fa18_Maverick_x1", "js_m_fa18_Maverick_x1", "js_m_fa18_Maverick_x1","js_m_fa18_wing_tank_x1"] execvm "js_fa18\scripts\FA18_dynamic_loadouts.sqf";" $capLoadout = "fa18_dynamic_loadoutscript = [_FA18, "js_m_fa18_aim9x_x1", "js_m_fa18_aim9x_x1","js_m_fa18_aim9x_x1","js_m_fa18_aim9x_x1","js_m_fa18_aim120c_x1","js_m_fa18_aim120c_x1", "js_m_fa18_wing_tank_x1", "js_m_fa18_wing_tank_x1", "js_m_fa18_aim120c_x1", "js_m_fa18_aim120c_x1", "js_m_fa18_empty", "js_m_fa18_empty", "js_m_fa18_empty", "js_m_fa18_empty", "js_m_fa18_empty", "js_m_fa18_empty", "js_m_fa18_empty", "js_m_fa18_empty","js_m_fa18_wing_tank_x1"] execvm "js_fa18\scripts\FA18_dynamic_loadouts.sqf";" $defaultLoadout = 2; // CAS Loadout if ($defaultLoadout == 0) { Change unit init field to: "$emptyLoadout"; } elseif ($defaultLoadout == 1) { Change unit init field to: "$multiroleLoadout"; } elseif ($defaultLoadout == 2) { Change unit init field to: "$casLoadout"; } elseif ($defaultLoadout == 3) { Change unit init field to: "$capLoadout"; } else { Change unit init field to: "$emptyLoadout"; } What I don't know how to do is the "Change unit init field to:" code. How do I do this? Thanks, PTW-105
  7. Hello, I'm implementing the F/A-18 from John_Spartan and Saul into a mission of mine. I would like a selectable MP mission parameter that would set the default loadout for the two F/A-18E's and one 18F in my mission. I've used the following resources to get to where I am: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?153495-Time-of-Day-Parameter http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?165221-MP-Mission-Param This is the code I have so far in my description.ext file: class Params{ class defaultLoadout { title= "Default F/A-18 Loadout"; texts[]= {"Empty","Multirole","CAS","CAP"}; values[]= {0,1,2,3}; default= 1; }; class respawnEnabled { title= "Enable Respawn"; texts[]= {"Yes","No"}; values[]= {1,0}; default=1; }; }; I am not sure where to go from here. I have not created my init.sqf file yet since I can't figure out how to get those variables to change what is set in the init script of the empty units. The respawn code is there as an extension of the loadout code, and can be ignored. I would like to eventually allow a quick toggle in the MP mission params to start the mission with/without respawn, but I'll worry about the loadout code first. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance, PTW-105
  8. PTW-105

    Arma3 font

    **Necropost** I can't seem to find the answer anywhere else, and I'd like to know this as well. Has anyone figured this out? Thanks, PTW-105
  9. PTW-105

    Arma 3 Teamspeak Skin

    I love the TS skin, but after the most recent TS update, all the colors in the chat windows are not what they used to be. It seems everything went back to the default dark blue. Dark blue on a black background makes for hard-to-read text. Could you release a fixed version? Thanks!
  10. PTW-105

    Design Mastery Sunrise

    I think this is a great mod. I personally enjoy the change of color tones. Thanks for sharing it with us!
  11. PTW-105

    CIA - SAD Operators

    Thanks for sharing this mod, it's simply awesome at the very least! Would you please troubled post up the classlists? I'm primarily interested in the classlist for the hat. Thanks!
  12. PTW-105

    ArmA 2 Game Launcher

    +1 as well. I loved the simplicity yet full capabilities of Arma II Launcher. Please update for A3!
  13. I've downloaded the latest version and am quite happy with the inclusion of the muzzle flash. I agree with Tomsz that it would be nice to have a functional bi-pod, however this is likely done on a whole game level rather than the gun level. Seeing that the FHQ Accessories have been released, hopefully you'll make them useable on the M107. Great work as always!
  14. PTW-105


    This update seems to have fixed it right up. Thanks for the work, it's much appreciated!
  15. PTW-105


    I've just downloaded the latest DEV build from the OP (2013-04-24) and am getting the Direct3D error. Does a previous version of the DEV mod work, and if so can you post a link? I have a copy of 2013-04-12 but I would have expected a newer version between the two.