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About boriscat1

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  1. boriscat1

    Unable to play ArmA 3

    Yip same here.!
  2. boriscat1

    Can't load multiplayer.

    Yip same here.!
  3. This is probably the most helpful thing I have seen posted on these forums,,,, well done JaySmizzle for giving the only intelligent answer to everyone's performance issues at this stage in the game :)
  4. boriscat1

    What the first thing I should do when I get Arma?

    Hold your head in your hands, crying "what have I done".lol the reality is that unless you are lucky enough to get accepted through the recruitment process of shacktac the game is nothing like you see on the video. Mostly its folks running around like dafties not knowing what to do and not much communication. Don't get me wrong this has the potential to be a fantastic game for everyone but unless the "vetrans" break rank and start letting "noobs" join their exclusive clubs, people are just gonna play every mission like wasteland.
  5. There are a lot of threads on performance and lot of people asking what they should upgrade on their pc to get better performance. Folks please don't even think about going out and spending your or your parents hard earned cash on upgrading your system... YOU WILL STILL BE DISAPPOINTED in the results. Please wait until the game is at least in Beta before upgrading. By the time the full game comes out most systems with the problems will be able to run the game with no issues unless the System is really low spec.
  6. Oh well another potentially great PC game screwed by hacking... the question I ask is why buy a PC to play games on when you cant even get a decent round in.! And yes we will get the "there will be anti hack in the full game etc" but I feel this wont even come near to addressing the problem. Is PC gaming dead in the water due to the prevalent "kiddie scripting" that is rife on our platform of choice and the inability of devs to address the problem. I must add that its not just this game but every online multi. Devs on every production team must up their game as this is a platform killer.
  7. boriscat1

    AMD FX Overclocking, HUGE FPS boost

    Make sure you have a good cooler m8, also try shutting of cores 4 to 7 and you will find your OC going through the roof on the other other 4 cores. Be very careful though you don't want to burn the cpu.
  8. Same here will try with disabled dev mode.