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About theensanguine

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  1. theensanguine

    Faction Vehicle spawn in sector

    Dunno how to apply that to the respawn module. Basically what i want is present here When the sector is captured by blufor, the blufor vehicle respawn module is active. When the sector is captured by opfor, the opfor vehicle repsawn module is active. also would be nice to be able to despawn the opposing faction's vehicle when the point is captured if no-one is inside that vehicle, but it may be too much effort for this mission.
  2. Hey guys, im trying get faction specific vehicles to spawn when their faction has captured the sector. ie, when blurfor has the sector, specific blufor vehicles spawn for use (hopefully using the vehicle respawn module), and if opfor captures the point, then opfor vehicles will spawn instead, repetitively. Any ideas?
  3. theensanguine

    Independent Tango CO13-17

    Mission made by Gazure Kunare. Decent mission made for a small time clan. Mission: There are two primary objectives for this mission. Blufor has to eliminate all of Independent, while Independent has to make their way to the southern section of the island for extraction. Equipment is somewhat limited for both sides, but there are supply caches located throughout the map that both factions can take advantage of. These are defended by Opfor, which is AI controlled at this moment. Basis: This was a quick mission built mainly for extending knowledge within Arma mission editing. This is my first major piece, but will not be my last. It was designed for Task Force Mamba to just. If you're willing to check this clan out, jump onto TFMamba.com. Changelog: v 0.7 -Initial Testing and uploading Credits: Currently just TF Mamba for inspiration and opportunities :D Requirements: ACRE CBA A3 Installation: Extract the .pbo file to your Steam/SteamApps/common/ArmA 3/MPMissions folder. Download Links Mediafire Link: Independent Tango CO13-17
  4. theensanguine

    Mk18Mod1 [ALPHA]

    Hey, may I ask for the classnames for the weapons and the suppressor. I'm trying to create a variety of custom Special Forces, and I am currently up to GROM. But I cannot seem to find out the classname of the suppressor at all.
  5. theensanguine

    FHQ Accessories pack

    Hey. Alwarren...I Just wanted to mention something. Before any of the major updates were initiated for ArmA III, all the weapons and attachments seemed to work find with each other. For example, I downloaded the Canadian Arms pack (From the modules section) and decided to fool around with their version of the carry handle on your M4 (just for lols), and it worked fine with both your weapon pack, the Russian weapon pack, and the vanilla weapons. This also applies to all other attachments I used as well. Would you happen to know what caused this at all?