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About wickedfable

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  1. Hi there, Thanks for the great work. I just wanted to mention that I am getting the same "no entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.'." that aPerfectMisterMan mentions on the first page. I am using the latest version (v3.0.3) with the stable beta build. This error usually only pops up the first time you are running a mission created with F3 and does not reappear until restarting Arma 3 and running the mission again - at least when launching from the editor. So, in that sense, it is not too big of an issue but it isn't a pleasant sight to see while loading up a mission on a multiplayer server. In any case, keep up the good job. F3 is really great for quickly putting together a mission as I can focus on the actual mission design instead of the components that should go into it to make it work. So thanks a bunch for that!
  2. wickedfable

    Urban Patrol Script

    Hi there - great release! UPS is really useful, Kronzky. Thank you for updating it to Arma 3. I am not familiar with how scripts like UPS interact with players in multiplayer missions so I thought I would ask here: If I wanted to run the script in, say a coop multiplayer mission (or any MP mission for that matter), can I simply include the script and use it as per the instructions - put the appropriate code in a unit's INIT field and that's it? Or do I need to make sure it runs on the server itself and, if so, how should I go about that? Thanks for any help you or anyone else can provide. I tried looking this up myself but could not seem to find any specific references relating to using something like UPS, unfortunately.