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About aukerman23

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  1. Kalle, thank you for your support in my hour of need! Campaign is rolling, I seemed to have messed up a bit with my directory, now I'm only missing my pictures and correct mission names on the mission selection screen, but I already found a thread for that. I removed one of my subfolders 'Campaign' and placed the Purgatory\Missions and Purgatory\Description inside the "steamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma3\Campaigns" it worked like a charm, now I'll convert it into an addon so I can release it on the workshop. Thanks again man and enjoy your weekend!
  2. Thanks for the reply, but the description.ext comes from another SP campaign currently on steam workshop, that campaign is fully funcitioning. Removing it is not solving the problem I'm afraid.
  3. Sorry, but can you explain this in greater detail? From your post I take it as to simply move the Purgatory.pbo into steamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma3\Missions and that doesn't work.
  4. Hello everyone, and happy friday! I've finally finished my first SP campaign, Purgatory, and now I would like to publish it on the Steam Workshop. However, I'm running into some problems. Fist off I have created the following folders bellow as seen bellow - again, Purgatory is the campaign name just to clairfy. Purgatory\Campaign+config.cpp\Missions I converted the Purgatory folder into Purgatory.pbo and placed it inside the Arma 3\Campaigns folder. Now, when i start the game and head over to the campaign screen I get the following error message: No entry 'Campaigns\Purgatory\description.ext.campaign' class Campaign { name = "Purgatory"; firstBattle = Mission; disableMP = 1; enableHub = 1; briefingName = "Purgatory"; author = "Sean Pablo"; overviewPicture = "Purgatory\Campaign\overview.paa"; overviewText = "Civil war is raging in south Zagoria"; class MissionDefault { lives = -1; lost = ; end1 = ; end2 = ; end3 = ; end4 = ; end5 = ; end6 = ; }; class Mission { name = "War"; cutscene = ; firstMission = miss1; end1 = ; end2 = ; end3 = ; end4 = ; end5 = ; end6 = ; lost = ; class miss1: MissionDefault { end1 = miss2; lost = miss1; template = Purgatory01.cup_chernarus_A3; }; class miss2: MissionDefault { end1 = miss3; lost = miss2; template = Purgatory02.cup_chernarus_A3; }; class miss3: MissionDefault { end1 = miss4; lost = miss3; template = Purgatory03.cup_chernarus_A3; }; class miss4: MissionDefault { end1 = miss5; lost = miss4; template = Purgatory04.cup_chernarus_A3; }; class miss5: MissionDefault { end1 = miss6; lost = miss5; template = Purgatory05.cup_chernarus_A3; }; class miss6: MissionDefault { end1 = miss7; lost = miss6; template = Purgatory06.cup_chernarus_A3; }; class miss7: MissionDefault { end1 = miss8; lost = miss7; template = Purgatory07.cup_chernarus_A3; }; class miss8: MissionDefault { end1 = miss9; lost = miss8; template = Purgatory08.cup_chernarus_A3; }; class miss9: MissionDefault { end1 = miss10; lost = miss9; template = Purgatory09.cup_chernarus_A3; }; class miss10: MissionDefault { end1 = miss11; lost = miss10; template = Purgatory10.cup_chernarus_A3; }; class miss11: MissionDefault { end1 = miss12; lost = miss11; template = Purgatory11.cup_chernarus_A3; }; class miss12: MissionDefault { end1 = miss13; lost = miss12; template = Purgatory12.cup_chernarus_A3; }; class miss13: MissionDefault { end1 = ; lost = miss13; template = Purgatory13.cup_chernarus_A3; }; }; }; }; Anyone have any idea about this issue? I've googled like crazy and now I finally decided to ask for your help. The campaign has been an on and off project for over 1.5 years so I'd hate for it to die before being published... Sincerely yours! Sean Pablo