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About -huviline-

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  1. -huviline-

    What Is the Best Way to Enjoy The Alpha?

    At the moment I only use @CBA,@FA_stance and shacktac fireteam hud. For game content I create my own missions at the moment and sometimes I look something what others have done. Sometimes MP as well.
  2. -huviline-

    A3 Launcher

    Yep if I could get the parameters to work then this would be very useful launcher.
  3. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?151717-Help-needed-with-random-spawnpoints/page2 Doesn't it work the same way as here?
  4. Hi. I'm not very proficient with arma scripting but I was just messing around something similar this weekend. I was not spawning players but spawning loot and enemy units and despawning them later. Ok I understand that you put the first code into init.sqf and the second one goes to the players init field. I might be wrong but I don't think you need to put anything to the players init field. You should be able to do it just with init.sqf or execute the spawn.sqf from the init.sqf. so the init.sqf would look something like this: waitUntil {!isNull player}; _null = [] execVM "spawn.sqf"; All the other script you put into the spawn.sqf. I don't know what you have there but in general something like this might work: get all the markerpositions to an array variable and assign one random position to a player and do this until all players have a starting position.
  5. Ok after about ten hours I got it working. Just for whoever is intrested. I execute the script with trigger. To the triggers OnAct. field i write _null = [trigger1] execVM "lootspawn.sqf"; trigger1 is the name of the trigger. I use the name to clear the area of spawned loot when player leaves the area. Basicalli just added the code: _mytrigger = _this select 0; waitUntil { ( player distance _mytrigger ) > 30}; _objektid = nearestObjects [ _mytrigger , ["GroundWeaponHolder"], 50 ]; {deletevehicle _x} forEach ( _objektid );
  6. Hi! Very nice script sasij. I'm not overly familiar with arma scripting but trying to learn some just to create some missions for myself. I used the script to spawn in stuff with a trigger when player gets near some building, but how would one despawn the stuff after the player leaves the area? Any help appreciated.
  7. -huviline-

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    Just wanted to say that I like the idea. Few days back i read another topic about Arma 3 mid range textures - i guess it was in the Arma 3 mod-s section - this was good implementation too for now, but yours definetly could be major improvement to what we have now. So hope this will be voted in in the feedback tracker.