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About campaign_junkie

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  1. campaign_junkie

    Arma 3 during the day, and DayZ at night messes with you a bit...

    Yes.. yes I do haha.. actually it would make sense to spend the time to rebind, but I dont have the patience to do that anymore.. I used to do it with every update from my battlefield days, but now... not so much...and I try to play stock set up.. at least for the alpha
  2. campaign_junkie

    Arma 3 during the day, and DayZ at night messes with you a bit...

    Priceless... Tears man.. tears...
  3. I have left the default button assignments for both Arma 3 and Dayz (Arma 2 addon) and so far I have done well, except for the part where arma 3 transposed the Shift with the C button...so now when I go to stand and run.. i hunker down and move slower.. ultimately to my demise.. I think I would have gotten used to it by now or changed it, but I figured I would try to keep it stock until the full version came out...and bouncing back and fourth between the two isnt helping any... anyone else doing this? In any case I am having a blast in the new environment.. Look forward to gaming with you guys in the future! Campaign Junkie
  4. campaign_junkie

    Arma3 Videos

    Meeting New People and taking on the world! Thanks for the new adventures!
  5. I am having a blast with this new release.. but I have a few quesitons... Is anyone having problems picking up weapons? Is anyone having problems putting attachments on primary weapons? So I joined in the Alpha last night, and I am pretty sure it was a wasteland server, unfortunately the entire time I was in there, no missions popped up. No big deal, time to go survey right? and survey I did. I found out that whatever medic pack I have, only heals me or my fellow players to about 75% no big deal, at 75% I am full of life.. moving on I had a problem with picking up guns out of the gear menu as well as binoculars. While this sounds like complaining I really did have really good time recording some multiplayer stuff and cant wait to try out some other servers. The reason for this post was to find out if anyone else was having this issue besides this particular server. Thanks in advance for your findings, I will also post this topic in the problems area of the forum. Hope to see you on! My journey begins Campaign Junkie http://www.youtube.com/user/CampaignJunkie001/videos?view=1&flow=grid
  6. campaign_junkie

    Unable to wear enemy uniform?

    I was able to pick up gear but like you, I was unable to change into their clothes. Personally, Im still having problems with the Inventory on mine, sometimes I can pick up the primary weapon, other times I cant. What can you do.. its still the alpha right? Good times had by all Campaign Junkie