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Posts posted by Sorken

  1. I've ported the mission to Pulau map. I have chosen a very basic faction from Project Opfor. Basically I want dudes with AK's. But it spawns in lots of units with CSAT divers, CSAT minigun boats, the SDV/small submarine-thingy. 

    I have tried with African militia and Boko Haram, but it keeps spawning in CSAT units.

  2. Sorry to say but I've put that project on ice. I hit a major wall with my feeble skills and kinda gave up on it.


    As most projects often start, the radio tape texture was a thing I made out of our own groups' needs since 95% of our games always started with "what frequency are we on?!?!?!?!?!11oneone" (still does sometimes btw >_<) and since our structure hasn't changed much we hardly ever change our frequencies from what the tape says. I've remade it a few times with a simple template in paint.net but that is mainly due to changes in squad designation from "Alpha" to "OMGWESOSPECOPS" or whatever we feel like doing for the moment in our campaigns.

    If I get a boost in willpower I'll pick it up again and I let u guys know :)


    We had whiteboards:



    Lots of whiteboards  :P




    Wow this could be the source of the issue....

    I haven't adjusted the fovTop and the fovLeft to 0.81 & 1.45.....

    My aspect ratio is 16:9

    How do i change the fovTop and the fovLeft? :\

    Could you give more details on this?


    Will changing the fovTop and fovLeft affect the game and other mods (especially the ACE3)?

    It won't disrupt ACE3 trajectory and ballistics, will it? :\




    • Like 1

  4. Getting alot of:

    19:02:41 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin.SmokeShellWhite'.
    19:02:41 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin.SmokeShellWhite'.
    19:02:41 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin.SmokeShellWhite'.
    19:02:41 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin.SmokeShellWhite'.
    19:02:41 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin.SmokeShellWhite'.
    19:02:41 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin.SmokeShellWhite'.
    19:02:42 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin.SmokeShellWhite'.
    19:02:42 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin.SmokeShellWhite'.
    19:02:42 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin.SmokeShellWhite'.
    19:02:42 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin.SmokeShellWhite'.
    19:02:43 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin.SmokeShellWhite'.
    19:02:43 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin.SmokeShellWhite'.
    19:02:43 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin.SmokeShellWhite'.

    When you activate the countermeasures and it goes on for 30sec(the full duration when the jammer is active).

    I've also added a rpt file to your feedback tracker.

  5. They should work, yeah. Keep in mind these are not actually IR jammers, they're more like automatic flares. So you increase the chance they'll work by making evasive maneuvers just before the missile gets too close.

    Good stuff! One (schtoopid) question however. Do I need to manually activate the countermeasures or are they in fact automatic?

  6. But i think there could be tactical situation to recommend to fire more then single or pair rocket.

    Completely agree with you, but since it all happens so fast I would rather just have two fire modes to prevent any bursts with the rockets, if you want to fire several rockets it's real easy just to click X amount of times fast.

    To change firemodes between Guns and Rockets you can use the keybindings within the Arma 3 Profile. Go to:

    C:\Users\YourUsername\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles \YourIngamename.arma3Profile

    and open this up with Notepad or the editor of your choosing.

    Look for those lines:





    Using 2,3,4,5 from top to button will assign the Numbers 1,2,3,4 on your keyboard. (yeah, its shifted by one number)

    Hope it helps

    Cool, will look into it.

  7. Already loving these birds. Just a couple of thoughts.

    What's the reason for so many fire modes? Does anyone use the slow rpm mode with the m134s? And me personal would prefer just to have the single rocket mode, due to more accuracy.

    I normally start of with a miniguns burst then one or two rockets and immediately switch back to miniguns ready to do a follow up if necessary. Now it takes "awhile" to toggle through all the fire modes to get back to M134/GAU19.

    The safety feels a bit unnecessary cause:



    Keep up the good work!

  8. Hi all,

    Has TMR been completely superseded by other mods at this point? I would assume most functionality from TMR was worked into the Marksman update (which I haven't played with) or has been duplicated or ported into AGM or the like.

    If there are still things relevant, I will update to the new CBA keybinding system and release a minimal version of the mod. Please let me know. I don't have much time to actually improve anything from here.

    That's too bad, I really liked your recoil configs. The vanilla, spine-crushing recoil sucks:(
