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About EmirSc

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    Lance Corporal

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  1. repared the instalation now working fine.
  2. Cant find changelog on this update UPDATE: getting this error
  3. EmirSc

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    its a engine problem not a driver problem.
  4. all .gif too big for the forum, check them out ;) http://i.minus.com/iuAkVqfuQNJ0v.gif http://i.minus.com/i8iblsvsxiln3.gif http://i.minus.com/iwQsL4Z32mho0.gif http://i.minus.com/ibikCvBo2kFCmP.gif http://i.minus.com/iV811zL6hQcT2.gif http://i.minus.com/iQIJbpbWnAQQc.gif http://i.minus.com/iT5Lx1KdUg1f.gif http://i.minus.com/imxgA4wP5bq8c.gif http://i.minus.com/icU7ihdFhjIx8.gif Got them here
  5. EmirSc

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    new Develeoper Build?, was an update or something?
  6. just disable it from the game options.
  7. EmirSc

    Alpha lite keys?

    ty restarting steam solved it
  8. close fraps, msi afterburner or any kind of program running on the backround.
  9. EmirSc

    ArmA III isn't working

    np, glad it help
  10. EmirSc

    ArmA III isn't working

    -have you tried lauching the game in window mode? -close fraps, msi afterburner o any other program and then launch the game -reset your nvidia control panel to default.
  11. PD: the -high command doesn't work. i use the others to start the game faster. you can alt+tab and set it to high on the task manager.
  12. go for MSI afterburner. can check fps, GPU temp. clocks, usage and more.