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Everything posted by kater_begemot

  1. kater_begemot

    Amount of objects on maps Altis and Stratis

    have someone a solution for how to create plants for example "b_ficusc1s_f"? For me it works only in 3D editor here entries in mission.sqf from 3D editor: _vehicle_38 = objNull; if (true) then { _this = createVehicle ["b_ficusc1s_f", [1736.901, 5226.1875, 9.0028086], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _vehicle_38 = _this; _this setPos [1736.901, 5226.1875, 9.0028086]; };
  2. kater_begemot

    Flagshtock and flags

    this bug is still not solved... here on feedback.arma3.com opened issue 11119
  3. kater_begemot

    Attach markers

    hi, try this, it works: you need a marker named chopper1, and write in init of vehicle: null = [this, "chopper1", 1] execVM "marker_units.sqf";