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10 Good

About Spooney

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  1. A couple of things a buddy and I noticed during testing (some of these maybe intentional, so you'll have to forgive me if so) 1. Commander's sights turns with turret movement (may be intentional?) 2. AI won't engage with 50.Cals/GMGs/small arms of any kind other than RPGS/AT. BDRMs and BTRs don't engage either, even though they can clearly damage the vehicle. 3. when firing the main cannon, both ammo pools (AP/HE) would deplete no matter the shell type selected. 4. "cant load texture - none" error that is mentioned above. 5. crawl speed on flat ground is quite fast didn't pick up anything else, we highly enjoyed bombing it around the Chernarus countryside in it during testing (he's already looking at missions to drop it into). Damage it can dish out and take also seems to be be fair. Model itself looks good, and I'm looking forward to the to seeing your continued work on both it and the rest of the family. Cheers