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About kaski

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    Private First Class
  1. Thank you both for the reply. I tried few hours to get this working with all things I could think of. To maintain my mental health I decided to move my starting to different location. There are no more rocks, fences and bushes and the driver is now driving as I want. I put him on careless and disabled target and autotarget. @[CSLA]LUKI: Thank you for your script. I will use it in future as it does not mess the editor.
  2. I have created a scenario where players are captured and in jail. While players are in jail, I have set all factions as friendly (setFriend). After small scenes etc comes a transporter where is a Independent driver which drives in front of the jail. Enemy AI unloads an ammobox which is boobytrapped and it explodes in few sec killing the guards (setDamage). In this point alarm sound is played, everyone is enemy for OPFOR and players should get in the vehicle. Few independent spawns and tries to kill more OPFOR guards as a nice effect among with exploding tanks etc and the independent driver should wait for 25 sec until he starts driving (sleep 25 set in script, switch trigger synced to the waypoint where variable change triggers the the driving). This is where the problems start. The independent driver is just too random. Seems like there is many possibilities of what he does after this. These I have seen: - He starts driving instantly when shooting starts, I think cause the truck takes bullet. Got a workaround with temp godmode (allowDamage false), not ideal but works - He starts spinning after MOVE command - He doesn't drive 2 meters further - Driver goes to wrong way after MOVE command (he should drive little forward and then turn left but he turns right) - Driver drives over rocks, trees... damaging wheels - Driver gets stuck on rocks, trees, bushes.... Is the waypoint system just so random or what am I doing wrong? Is there any addons or scripts to make the driver go less random? If the driver would just drive same route by 100% chance it would be easy to just move waypoints so it doesn't get stuck but no, even route changes.. Heres a image of AIs waypoints. Its the red line. https://www.dropbox.com/s/yt4ojfhvkv3mf86/2014-06-30_00001.jpg https://www.dropbox.com/s/hjvj8kl6uqhzqz6/2014-06-30_00002.jpg
  3. EDIT: Actually it doesn't. I created a public bool which returns true if script is deleting civs too far away, and false if it is not. I still get civ kills eventho I have exitWith if bool = true in civKilled.sqf. I guess civs drive over other civs or they spawn inside things and die.. :( I am trying to create a mission for me and my friends. I have implemented Civilian Occupation System (COS) script which spawns civilians to cities when player is close enough them. _unit = _grp createUnit [_tempUnit, _tempPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; I am also trying to count players civilian kills and fail the mission if it is too much. I have in the init.sqf a public variable that is set to 10. On COS script, every unit it spawns will run this on them: _unit addEventHandler ["killed", { [] execVM "scripts\civKilled.sqf";}]; This is my civKilled.sqf: CIV_CivilianKillsRemaining = CIV_CivilianKillsRemaining - 1; publicVariable "CIV_CivilianKillsRemaining"; hintsilent format ["You killed a civilian!\n\n %1 more kills and you fail your mission!",CIV_CivilianKillsRemaining]; if(CIV_CivilianKillsRemaining <= 0) then { failMission "LOSER"; }; If the civilian isn't on certain range of player, it will be deleted via deleteVehicle which is OK. However, seems like deleteVehicle triggers the addEventHandler "killed" and this will eventually fail the mission when enough civilians despawns.. Is there a workaround this?
  4. Still not working, however now server atleast gets something I guess. I'm having for loop for 10 seconds (runs once every second) which will update this variable on every run to value. _timeOutDead = 11; _btnAbort ctrlEnable false; for [{_i=1}, {_i<_timeOutDead}, {_i=_i+1}] do { playerDeathTime = _i; publicVariableServer "playerDeathTime"; sleep 1; }; playerDeathTime = 0; publicVariableServer "playerDeathTime"; _btnAbort ctrlEnable true; When player disconnects, following script will run: if (playerDeathTime > 0) then { diag_log format["LOGGED OUT TOO EARLY: %1 ", _playerName]; } else { }; I did connect fast enough and I don't see any entries in .RPT file. I added this above if: diag_log format["PLAYERDEATHTIME: %1 ", playerDeathTime]; And now I'm getting this on log: 20:54:08 "PLAYERDEATHTIME: any " What I am doing wrong?
  5. kaski


    I can't get it working. It does not load with the server, no log file is created. I had first compressed arma and now I installed it with steam, still nothing. How to troubleshoot this? I'm running Win Server 2012 64bit. - My ArmA is installed: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead - I extracted compiled version here: \Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\@Arma2NET - arma2netmysql things are here: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Arma2NETMySQL, having 2 folders (logs, sqlite) and a Databases.txt file. - Databases.txt only non-comment line is this: mysql,dbase,mysql.kask.fi,3306,user,pass - I didn't find anything interesting in servers RPT file
  6. I want to transfer some variables from client to server. I already found this thread. I don't want to use CBA addon so I'm trying to do this with variables found here. I have this in my client side: playerDeathTime = 1; publicVariableServer "playerDeathTime"; And this in my server files: _deathTime = playerDeathTime; But the value is never transfered to the server.. How to use publicVariableServer properly?
  7. Is there any good tutorials out there about editing UI? What programs I need for layout? For example, I want to change a gear menu layout and also remove distance from the waypoints (which requires editing UI afaik).
  8. Yes, I converter .wrp to .pew and from that I exported .xyz file. I opened both terrains in L3DT and copypasted utes map into chernarus. I don't see any harm I could make, I'm not going to release this map anywhere. I'm just interested of learning and this is done only in educational reasons. EDIT: Seems like there is something wrong with my configuration, I can't open it with any map. Gonna reinstall everything. EDIT2: Ok, now I am able to run Buldozer with different maps but I still having same errors for the one I want to export to arma. Still "config class missing" spam on RPT. I have exported all PBOs with ArmA2P to P:\ca. My map files are at P:\test and P:\test\ca has these all config files in different folders. What I am doing wrong? EDIT3: Oh, and I also contacted BIS and asked a permission to use their maps. EDIT4: I have now permission to edit BIS stuff.
  9. Hello. I'm beginner on this whole mapediting stuff but here is what I have done today: I wanted to merge Chernarus and Utes. I succesfully did it (had to little crop utes and rotate it 180 so it would fit) and exported .xyz from L3DT. I now opened it up on Visitor and copypasted all roads and other objects from default chernarus to my map. Everything seems OK: http://i.imgur.com/8HXKNQg.png I now wanted to export this map so it will be playable on arma2oa. I started Buldozer and it takes a while to load up. After loading, it crashes: http://i.imgur.com/JE3LZPN.png I found a .RPT file of Buldozer and it has over 50k lines of "config class missing" errors. Here's few lines: ca\structures\house\housev\housev_1l2.p3d: house, config class missing ca\structures\house\housev\housev_3i4.p3d: house, config class missing ca\structures\house\housev\housev_1l1.p3d: house, config class missing ca\buildings2\shed_small\shed_w02.p3d: house, config class missing ca\buildings\psi_bouda.p3d: house, config class missing ca\structures\house\housev\housev_3i2.p3d: house, config class missing ca\buildings2\shed_small\shed_w01.p3d: house, config class missing ca\structures\house\housev\housev_2t1.p3d: house, config class missing ca\structures\house\housev\housev_1i3.p3d: house, config class missing At the end of .RPT, there's: ======================================================= ------------------------------------------------------- Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 0088CEE8 graphics: D3D9, Device: ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series, Driver:aticfx32.dll resolution: 1200x900x32 Addons: Mods: ca;expansion;baf;pmc Distribution: 0 Version 1.57.0 Fault address: 0088CEE8 01:0048BEE8 p:\buldozer.exe file: world: Prev. code bytes: 3B C1 0F 4F C1 8B 8E 38 02 00 00 0F AF C8 03 CA Fault code bytes: F3 0F 10 04 CF 0F 2F C4 77 03 0F 28 E0 8B 8E 38 Registers: EAX:FFFFFFFF EBX:000005C0 ECX:FFFFFFFF EDX:FFFFFFFF ESI:06751180 EDI:00000000 CS:EIP:0023:0088CEE8 SS:ESP:002B:016EF7E8 EBP:000001C0 DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B Flags:00210286 ======================================================= note: Minidump has been generated into the file C:\Users\kask\AppData\Local\Buldozer Viewer\buldozer.mdmp I used ARMA2P tool to create p:\ca, which is ~12.5GB and has 176002 files. What I am doing wrong?
  10. Here is a way how I play custom sounds without a CBA on all clients in multiplayer. I really don't remember where I got this script, I'm sorry. I have this executed in client files: fn_netSay3D = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\timCompile\fn_netSay3D.sqf"; if (isNil "PVEH_netSay3D") then { PVEH_NetSay3D = [objNull,0]; }; "PVEH_netSay3D" addPublicVariableEventHandler { private["_array"]; _array = _this select 1; (_array select 0) say3D (_array select 1); }; fn_netSay3D.sqf: private ["_obj","_snd"]; _obj = _this select 0; //object _snd = _this select 1; //sound // broadcast PV PVEH_netSay3D = [_obj,_snd]; publicVariable "PVEH_netSay3D"; // run on current machine also if not dedi server if (not isDedicated) then {_obj say3D _snd}; true This is what I have in cfgSounds. db+100 is a volume and 2500 is range. You need to play around these to get the right distance, it depends alot of volume of sound file. class timz_crashSiteExplosion { name = "timz_crashSiteExplosion"; sound[] = {"\dayz_sfx\effects\timz_crashSiteExplosion.ogg", db+100, 1, 2500}; titles[] = {0, ""}; }; Soundfile is .ogg, using Vorbis 1.0. 22kHz, mono. I used Audacity to create it, it's a free, open source program. This is how I call sound, I have it on serverfiles: nul = [_crash,"timz_crashSiteExplosion"] call fn_netSay3D; _crash is an object.
  11. Hi and sry for late response. I didn't know about onMapSingleClick and _shift thing. It is working just fine with columdrums code, thank you! Waypoint is still on HUD after dropping GPS but it doesn't matter since you are not able to create new waypoint, working in same way that milivehicles. Unbelieveable that it was this simple.
  12. Ah yea, sorry. I have explained problem bit wrong. I mean waypoints that appear when you press SHIFT-MOUSE1 on Map. You will have this green icon on your interface then and it shows how far waypoint is.
  13. No idea why people dislike DayZ here, it all started from arma 2 and is now being developed as a standalone. It isn't any different than other arma 2 missions/addons. We (small group of people) didn't like standard dayz and started to develop it in our way. We have now over 5000 users registered to play our mod and we are growing. 2 days ago, almost 300 new members registered. Few streamers (where on has almost 1 million followers) are interested and will bring more players for us. I'm just trying to give players better experiense and things that they want from us. I know basic scripting and I know how to add/change/delete things. I like scripting/coding and have learned basic things of c# and java by my own. I'm not asking directly copypaste ready scripts, I want directions. I already stated this on my first post. If you have nothing to say about my problem, please stop posting about your opinions of dayz, why people hate/love it etc. I found gazillion similiar threads via google hence the reason I asked this here. Let's not make this one like others. Please.
  14. I know. DayZ uses ArmA 2 and is scripted mod. I don't know any reason why I shouldn't post it here since if I would like to create this on arma2oa mission, it would be same.
  15. I want on my custom DayZ version that waypoints are only available with GPS. Since setting server settings doesn't help with this, I guess I have to disable waypoints and create a custom script to handle this. Can you points me to right direction if it is possible please?