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Everything posted by Troubletcat

  1. Troubletcat

    My suggestions/complaints/observations

    Question: Why? Why would you hope they're not released on a service that makes installation one button and can update automagically without you having to do anything? I can understand not liking Steam (...kind of...), but since the game is going to be on Steam, might as well take advantage of the features it offers. It's true that the way mods worked in ArmA 2 was fine, but if it can be made easier without actually compromising... anything, in this case, than we might as well have it be made easier.
  2. Troubletcat

    My suggestions/complaints/observations

    I'd agree with most of this, and I've been with the franchise since OFP in 2001. As you point out, not much can really be done about the complexity of the controls - there's just a lot more actions in ArmA than in most shooters, and I guess that's one thing you just get used to with the series. Enemy AI and AI in general has always been one of the sticking points in the series, hopefully they'll improve it more for ArmA 3. It's already a big step up on previous games, actually, but it definitely needs more work. As far as modding goes, I THINK they'll be using Steam Workshop to handle the mods in the full version of the game. THINK. Hopefully yes. It'd make the process a lot easier than it is right now/was in ArmA 2, and I honestly think, since ArmA 3 is only available on Steam anyway, might as well make the most out of the available features. I get that modders have some concerns RE: the TOS, but I'd honestly advise them to deal with it. The improvement to user experience, and, indeed, the ease for modders to push new updates to the people playing their mods, outweigh the minor negatives. You can currently KIND OF download and just plug scripts into the editor, but the process could definitely be made easier. TBH I also think they should add a full scripting utility to the ingame editor itself, including common features from popular IDE's, but that's a lot of work spent making something that's always only going to be used by a small part of the community just a little more accessible. Still, point stands, and they could definitely make scripting more accessible than it stands currently.
  3. This is one of those cases where players should have the option to sacrifice some realism for a better experience playing the game. Yes, in real life, a gunshot is deafeningly loud compared to ambient noise. When I'm relaxing in front of my computer, though, I want to at least have the option to hear the ambient sounds without having my ears completely blown off by gunfire. Add a volume control for it, or if not that, I'd say they should lower the gun sounds SLIGHTLY. ArmA 2 was bad. ArmA 3 is much more realistic, but still bad from a user experience perspective, and user experience is important.
  4. I have it off because the motion blur in the game looks terrible. I'd LIKE to have Ambient Occlusion and maybe the coloured bloom to make things look a bit more natural, but not if it means having that terrible motion blur. Incidentally, go upvote my feedback ticket about seperating out the PP options into the specific effects. Maybe the devs'll listen. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=4754
  5. HOPEFULLY when the game is out of Alpha they'll go full Steamworks which would eliminate this. In Alpha there's absolutely no cheat protection or anything, so this isn't really surprising. Is unfortunate, though. EDIT: Just to be clear, not saying Steamworks would eliminate all hacking. VAC, like all other anti-cheat methods, can always be beaten, at least for a while. But with full Steamworks people with pirated copies of the game can't play with people with legit copies.
  6. Troubletcat

    Playing Arma III alone?

    If you have a mic connected to your PC and use it to talk to other players, I've GENERALLY found the ArmA community to be friendly and helpful to newbies. If you don't have any friends playing the game now, you will soon, as long as you aren't afraid to actually communicate with your team :)
  7. Troubletcat

    ARMA III - Game of the year?

    Too soon to call. The game's still in Alpha and it's also only March. And there are some other pretty exciting games that are going to be released this year. But it'll probably be my favorite shooter to play online that comes out this year, so that's something.
  8. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't that only allow you to reassign the W/S keys to be reversed? I want to use the mouse to fly (predominantly, use keys for the rudder)
  9. Unless they've release a new build in the past ~6 hours, I actually had a vast improvement in performance across the board with the dev build compared to the current stable build.
  10. Yeah, the red cross indicates that you and the server are running incompatible versions of the game. This is probably because you're in the dev build of the game and most servers aren't. Just opt back out if you want to play online (I know it's a pain xD. Performance and graphics settings are already improved in the dev build).
  11. I agree. You should submit this on the dev tracker and post a link here.