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About bmcoastie

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  1. bmcoastie

    daveygarys Rangers

    Wow, I can now see what I am dealing with here. Apparently you do not get that "everyone" can not use it as it was originally intended because it is now ACE dependent and before it was not. A much more reasonable approach would have been to simply create another Rangers mod and call it Rangers_ACE. This would have kept the other one available for the hundreds if not thousands of missions out there that use Rangers to keep using it AND all the ACE users would be happy too. But anyway, thank you for being so kind and understanding to look into this and see how this free add-on could possibly have a negative impact on a large number of players and mission developers. I greatly appreciate your time for hammering out a few sentences for all the world to see what a freaking A55-H0L3 you really are. I always thought forums were a place to come for help and discussion. But I guess when they are run by a bunch of script kiddies, it doesn't matter what you post. Have fun with your new ACE mod. No respect in this post. Good-bye
  2. bmcoastie

    daveygarys Rangers

    Thank you for quick response. I apologize for any rules I may have broken. But, I must say that it is pretty selfish to assume that everyone will use ace to make a small change to an old mod like Rangers. I mean geeze, we already have an incredible amount of back packs to choose from. The Domination mission we run is not ace dependent but it does require Rangers. So now that we have all updated rangers we have to switch to ACE and we do not even know if our missions will run with ACE. Respectfully, Bob
  3. bmcoastie

    daveygarys Rangers

    Yes, I can confirm this. The problem is on dedicated server. The server will not launch after loading new @ranger update because we are running Fallujah without ACE. Upon launching with new @rangers mod it kicks out an error window before launching the game. This error window must be acknowledged before the game will launch and there is no way to acknowledge that error on a dedicated server. We tried a work around by changing extensions on new daveypack .pbo and .bikey which works great for bypassing error, but it will not launch Fallujah on server now because apparently this new mod is ACE dependent. Can someone please remove the requirement to run ACE with this new Rangers mod? Respectfully, Bob