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About martuk66

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  1. $ables just posted in another thread that the master server's back online. I'm gratefull that A2 still has BE for at least the time being.
  2. Sorry to wake this thread up again ... just hoping for some clarity. The past week or so our 2x Arma 2 (free compatible unmodded servers) have lost connection with the BE master servers. "arma21.battleye.com" is still pingable on the box in question. Alot of our players are regular (non-free) players and as far as i'm aware Arma 2 is still available to buy. So is my BE master problem locally to me or is everyone having the same problem on their A2 servers?
  3. Further to this - would the normal Arma 2 servers no longer be supported as well? How would the master servers differentiate between a free server and a normal server ... slightly confused as to why battleye master servers have been stopped because of this.
  4. Thanks for that! ... can't believe i missed the announcement :k:
  5. Update ... okay i can ping "arma21.battleye.com" on the server okay so i assume the master server is still up - anyone know what would cause this problem??? please ... anyone ???
  6. Have the BE master servers been stopped for Arma 2 Free/Vanilla? I can resolve "arma2oa1.battleye.com" okay but i assume Arma 2 vanilla uses another host name. All my other OA / DayZ / A3 servers are fine, just 2 vanilla/free servers that report BE master failure to update and admins are unable to kick via BEC other than through rcon. Thanks for any help!