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About StroggCmd

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    Private First Class
  1. StroggCmd

    [MOD] World War ArmA - wip

    I like the concept, it kinda reminds me of Planetside. If I had to naysay though I'd point out that that type of gameplay is only really fun when you have a lot of players and/or bots to give it the feeling of large scale warfare.
  2. Not sure what program you're using, but you could import the example body model (you have to download it from the wiki if you don't have it already) into the scene and use it as a reference in adjusting the the angle of the arms in orthographic view (if you want to get it as close as possible). You will probably have to rearrange a few vertices afterwards, but not many.
  3. StroggCmd

    astast: WIP Thread

    Took the time to flip through the thread, and your uniform models are awesome! You should update the original post with all the images though :P
  4. StroggCmd

    Character Examples Archive Q

    Ah okay, thanks! If I understand your post correctly, it was just the .p3d files that lacked the head, and since it was part of the other provided files it can be considered covered by the arma 3 modding licence? Even though it's pretty much just the mesh it will be very helpful in modelling head gear and other things. Again thanks a lot! =]
  5. I downloaded the character examples from the wiki, but the body example provided seems to be headless. Are modellers expected to model their own heads, or are the heads separate models not provided in the examples? Though most of my expertise lies in non-organic modelling, I had been hoping to do some sculpting with the existing faces.
  6. StroggCmd

    Arma 3 first impressions

    Runs smoothly. People on the forum were hurring it up because of how crap the average framerates in ArmA 2 were, but this game runs very well. Mind you I haven't yet played any insane multiplayer games with tanks, choppers and artillery pounding the surrounding area, but I'm very optimistic. EDIT: I should probably say that the video settings were on 'high'. I'll try upping them later if I can.
  7. StroggCmd

    When will you make buildings that aren't squares?

    You have to understand that the scope of the game doesn't really allow for high res architecture all over a map; besides, this time around BI is aiming higher than they did with ArmA 2, so you can see for yourself in the alpha. If you don't like it, architecture would be fairly simple to mod (when the tools are released), and there are ways to soften edges with relatively little overhead. Don't expect fully furnished homes that will turn your attention away from the inherent, interior boxiness of most modern buildings though.
  8. This was before my time, but from watching videos on youtube it looks like it was fun. I was thinking of trying my hand at something similar in the future, except it would be more of a defense mode (i.e survive with at least one base after 30mins to win). The AI would slowly crawl across the map. Of course players tend to wipe the floor with AIs, which is why they'll be suped up cyborgs with an unfair advantage in terms of weapons/vehicles (dropships, gunships, etc). Milsim meets sci-fi :P
  9. Nice work, looks great so far :)
  10. Sounds like a pretty cool idea, would this just be a map theme or would there be some monsters roaming the map (a la DayZ)? I was thinking just the other day that an ArmA: 2033 would be pretty cool, but unfortunately a metro needs a city ontop of it, and city's tend to have lots of geometry, ArmA's arch-nemesis.
  11. The gun looks pretty cool, I could work on that if no one else has started yet? Mind you I'm crap at texturing right now (still have to learn the ins and outs of photoshop), so upon completion I'd throw this up for a texture artist.
  12. I was hoping for the tools right off the bat, but oh well. I still have lots of stuff to make, so I might as well wait. Thanks for the info! :)
  13. Halo Covenant mod, Half-Life Combine mod, Quake Wars Strogg mod, etc.
  14. This. Importing models shouldn't be too difficult, but ARMA2 models might need to be tweaked/improved for the revamped engine.
  15. Work on importing sci-fi themed vehicles, weapons, etc.