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About swampfox424

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  1. Me and couple friends want to run ConflictPVERemixedVanilla2.0 by Gramps303 on our GTX Gaming Server. However, there are too many AI's that spawn and way too many with grenade launchers (Squad leaders it seems). I've managed to load it in Reforger Tools in steam, and feel like I am so close to figuring it out, but i cant seem to get rid of squad leaders spawning as grenadiers. I can just delete the certain AI spawns to lessen the amount of AI total, but i can not figure out how to get rid of grenadiers so it is like the original Conflict - Everon AI character/weapon spawns. Any help by chance?
  2. Over the past few month's I've spent a large chunk of time reading through different code used to script. I've studied by reading how others write their code and then modify it and merge it to do what I want. On a scale of 1-10 of skill I'd say I'm a good 3. With that said, I've hit a road block on a script I want to impliment in the GOT WasteLand mod. I currently am using a "setVariable" and "getVariable" to establish and maintain a "Bounty" on players. When a player spawns they have a bounty of 0 because they have not killed anyone. When they kill a player they automatically receive the bounty the player they killed had on them (at this moment they only receive 2 points while I am debugging the script). So, if a player1 has a bounty of 20, and player2 has a bounty of 0, and player2 kills player1, player2 now has a bounty of 20. If player3 has a bounty of 50 and then kills player 2, player3 now has a bounty of 70, and so on and so on. This part I don't currently have an issue with and is working appropriately. The issue I can not figure out is how to find the player with the highest bounty constantly on a loop. I know for a loop its something like "if(TRUE) then {code TBD here}" or something along those lines, I have it saved somewhere. What I want to use the code for is to then spawn a random chopper to locate and attack the player with the highest bounty. I also want a marker to be placed on the map every 120 seconds on the last location of the player with the highest bounty. I believe that If i can just be directed on the code to find the player with the highest bounty on a constant loop that I can figure out the rest, but any help would be appreciated. I've thought about naming every "playable" player to a specific name like "OF1","OF1","BF1","Bf2","GU1","GU2", and so on and then having a looping script that would say something like _curbountyOF1 = OF1 getVariable "Bounty"; _curbountyOF2 = OF2 getVariable "Bounty"; If (_curbountyOF1 < _curbountyOF2) then { attackchopper setwaypoint _curbountyOF2; createmarker ["marker1", _curbountyOF2 ] } I know that's nowhere close to the actual code but I hope it explains what im thinking a little better. The issue I know will happen is an error if a player is not in the slot of the "of1" or "of2" (and so on) slot causing that unit to be alive. The only way no errors will occur is if the server is full and all units are being played. Thanks in advance! Snipet of code i added to client\functions\playersetup.sqf _player = _this; _player setVariable ["Bounty", 0, true]; Code of my MPKilled EH: _killed = _this select 0; _killer = _this select 1; _SIDEKILLED = side (group _KILLED); _SIDEKILLER = side (group _KILLER); if (player == _killer) then { _curbounty = _killer getVariable "Bounty"; _killer setVariable ["Bounty",_curbounty + 2, TRUE]; };