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Everything posted by Elutheral

  1. Elutheral

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Was really hoping to have something to play over the Christmas break. Thanks BIS for always releasing stuff when I should be studying! :P
  2. Elutheral

    Multiplayer dying fast??

    Well you sir have an "actual" problem. Any error message? Single player is only boring because you probably don't know how to create missions. :p
  3. Elutheral

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Yup sure wish people would quit acting butthurt that the feature they wanted isn't in the game. Agreed. BTW can anyone provide me with a link to the black mx rifles that came out on dev the other day?
  4. Elutheral

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I remember picking up the ak with a thermal on it for the first time... I loled at its ridiculousness.
  5. Elutheral

    Some comments on the new pistols

    I could be wrong but, why are you squaring the damage? 5x1.8=9 only 1.8x stronger... However I do see that the average damage on the metal target is 2.871287129x more but, idk if there are other factors that affect damage on the metal target.
  6. Elutheral

    Where is everyone?

    dunno if anyone mentioned it but it is finals week for schools. Might count for some missing players, including myself :P
  7. posthaste? Inferior mechanic? I don't think so.
  8. Agreed. Either go play your CoD crap or get on with the program.
  9. Elutheral

    Will High Command make a come back in Alpha?

    Wonderful question, mayhaps someone will enlighten us!
  10. Seriously someone close this damn thread.
  11. Ight, thanks ordering 4gb right now!
  12. Elutheral

    OPFOR too Futuristic?

    Yeah its not that the iranians are too futurisitc its that the UN is too unfuturistic!
  13. Specs: AMD FX 6100 3.3 Ghz Gigabyte AMD Radeon HD 7750 1GB 1866 DDR3 2x 2gb Settings: Res. 16:9 everything very high I run great on SP but on MP my fps takes a hit. I know that MP is hitting pretty much everyones fps but, what i was wondering if I upgrade my ram to another 4gb would it help at all? I know windows 7 takes 2gb and arma 3 2 also. So would increasing to 8 help any performance? Ver
  14. Elutheral

    SDAR damage

    Yeah but just because its underwater ammo dosn't mean it acts the same way in air. It's a well known fact air is less dense than water.