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About VladTepes

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    Software engineer

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  1. Is there any support for Zeus yet ? Like being able to drop Alive Modules in Zeus or controlling Alive units with Zeus ?
  2. VladTepes

    Urban Patrol Script

    It is normal, you have to add some line to the init.sqf or use triggers instead of zones. From UPS.Arma 3 Readme
  3. VladTepes

    Urban Patrol Script

    Hi, first of all thank you for your wonderful script. I have a similar problem as some other that posted here. (Nearly?) all the patrols start in combat mode. The patrols are on CSAT and civilians side, players are on NATO side. I am pretty sure the problem was already present without the civilians. I used some other script (F3 and BTC revive) maybe there is some kind of conflict. Edit : Here is the link to the mission, if it can help you https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/42129569/coop14_assault_on_syrta_v1-0.7z
  4. It is a classic "bug" that was already present in Arma 2. On most static weapons and turret it is not possible to enter the optics mode by pressing the right mouse button but it will work with any other binding you add. I think it may be related to the fact that RMB have several other bindings on it (zoom, designate target) that are incompatible and maybe disabling some of these extra bindings (like zoom) may solve the problem.