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10 Good

About WarfighterOne

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    Firearms, Snowboarding
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  1. Please be aware, with this new update (MCC 4) you save everything placed in 2d editor now too when saving SQM, so merging is no longer an option. This would be great EXCEPT it erased all my commands/scripts along with synchronized triggers. This totally destroyed my mission because I saved over my mission not knowing the bug. Hopefully we'll get an update that fixes this critical problem.
  2. WarfighterOne

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I'm shocked on how many people here are so pessimistic and just mean. If I was a dev and fans acted like this I would hate my fans. It never crossed my mind that BI is all about the doesn't care. Your all demanding too much and expecting too much. Shotguns, Bipods, yeah it would be nice but not enough to not play the game, and If you have a job you probably won't mind spending a few dollars on a new DLC. I didn't buy the supporter edition and I would spend money on a new DLC any day.
  3. Any Idea whats causing this? I've been trying to play ArmA with mods for quite a long time now and can't seem to get CBA to work. This is the outcome plus very low FPS.
  4. WarfighterOne

    Rate the first episode!

    That is an issue with your sound device, your setting is at 5.1 or 7.1 surround while your headset or sound system only supports stereo. You need to go into your control panel find your default sound playback device and click "configure sound" and set it to stereo. ---------- Post added at 21:00 ---------- Previous post was at 20:54 ---------- 8/10, really enjoyed the campaign but it was too linear, I was really hoping for a mission like Razor Two.
  5. ArmA 3 is still the best game out there. I recommend an Intel I7 3000k/4000k series for better performance, lowering the view distance <3000 and putting some settings on standard/high, for a GPU NVIDIA works well with Intel, I recommend a 550 or higher. The game could use some more diverse vehicles and better multiplayer missions, the new ones are weak, but Gamers nowadays are just whiny bitches and complain about every single thing, and not just in ArmA, EVERY game out there. I'm gonna start blaming the user and hardware, not the game for poor performance.
  6. WarfighterOne

    Are there going to be more guns in final release?

    Intel Processors will give you a night and day difference compared to AMD. Don't say the game is terribly optimized with your 6 core processors while no game uses past 4 cores. There is a reason why Intel is more expensive. AMD only exists because you always need a cheaper alternative.
  7. WarfighterOne

    Are there going to be more guns in final release?

    Liberals are even destroying game industry... Whats next? Guns have to be a bright color and shoot water? Bohemia was smart to rename the weapons, real manufacturers don't like there gun being used in game.
  8. this could be the savior of tactical games, the end alone totally made me go crazy over this. They said what ive been saying for the longest time.
  9. All of the animations in the <unknown> sections don't seem to work in-game for me, I've watched videos on Youtube and they somehow work for them. I can view them fine in the animation viewer. I've tried playmove and switchmove, and all other animations beside "Cutscenes" work fine. I have worked with animations in ArmA before but I can only guess BIS remove these animations for some reason?
  10. I was running a server the other day and some idiots brought AS50s with explosive ammunition, not only is it stupid because of the idea of explosive ammo being used by 2 people, I can't hear nor see it, It lagged up my server and caused a steep frame-rate drop. How can I not allow this?
  11. Like always, I was doing one of the showcase missions and ended it immediately, why? In the "Commanding Showcase" the littlebird flies you into an LZ like a player would, it was flying nice and low and landed like it would in a hot zone. So It came to mind that they must have mapped a player flying that helicopter and had the ai replicate it. So I opened the PBO file for the showcase and found "LittleBird.SQF", which was a script of strictly coordinates that had to be recorded by some kind of software in the game but I have never heard of that, Im still new to editing though. Any Idea on how to do this? http://i760.photobucket.com/albums/xx245/Reignbow6/Untitled.png (1243 kB) Right now the AI pilots dont fly well when under any kind of fire plus they land so slowly, Plus they crash into the terrain too often. This technique would make my missions a lot better and more realistic, Like simulating a crash or something. Thank You
  12. I'm working on a mission and testing it with players, but when players join after I started the server die immediately, then respawn in as a group member, any suggestions?
  13. WarfighterOne

    =BTC= Revive

    is there a way I can use this system with "GROUP" respawn instead of "BASE"? I like to use group respawn in my missions
  14. WarfighterOne

    2 Quick Editing Questions.

    That works flawlessly! thanks
  15. WarfighterOne

    2 Quick Editing Questions.

    I already know how to put people in helicopter, I want the doors to be open. The reason why i want the doors open is because I want the players to see outside the helicopter without using third person. The "Ghosthawk" has the ability to open and close the bay doors but only from the outside at the moment. I edited the post, sorry for the confusion. This is the left door open