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Posts posted by onetwo9th

  1. Here is my feedback to how this forum topic is sadly being handeld right now: 



    EDIT: Message from our Lord and Saviour



    between YoursTruly(works on ACE), Robalo and myself, we've got the ItemInfo sorted, plus a few other miscelaneous things fixed. If I get the okay from those two that they've got nothing major they absolutely want to throw in, I'll start packing for releases. ETA next week-ish... MG3s week after



    You need to decide if your toadies personal  watchdog or the PR guy of the project, I am thinking the first otherwise that news from "Lord and Saviour" (wich might be toadie I guess) would have been a focus not a side note...  lots if people have been asking for that info.


    Your current attitude is the reason I rather check his twitter then this thread cause all you do is bark at people with the bottomline "go do it yourself" and I think you are the reason a lot of people don't post here more than once.

    I formyself did fix the G36 ItemInfo but offering it here would mean dealing with your arrogance wich I dont fell like...


    So I think your not helping here, if you keep doing it like that its dammaging to the project. All you're getting done is impeding feeback and pissing people of to not give any further.


    But I guess your gonne tell me to keep my prerogative to myself, cause that what a good watchdog PR guy does

    • Like 3

  2. Oi road runner,


    Your vests look great and would fit the KSK nicely(in my opinion), sorry for not having is on my scope.

    Is it possible to use them without the RH Pistol Pack since that would create a rats tail of dependencies.

    • Like 1

  3. As allways you provide great craftsmanship. 


    Only thing that tieres me are those vanilla platecarreiers and vests wich got a thousand retextures allready.

    So as you said get in contact with the BW Mod Team sooner rather than later and get their IdZ-Vests and if they don't wanne let you use their stuff find someone in the modding communtiy who has no problem with that.


    VSM and TRYK come to mind as alternatives.

    It should be possible to single out some assets and implement them into you mod once you have the original authors agreements. You will add some MB's to your mod but you don't create any dependencies that way.


    Again marvelous work allready!

    • Like 1

  4. I only bought it because I want to support BI. "Remember that those guys buying Arma 2 to play the DayZ-Mod kind of rescued the series from extinktion?"

    What saddens me and what I knew well before purchasing is that premium content makes is a litte pay to win on one hand (having the biggest calibre guns is a big advantage, no need for discussion on that) and has the potential to split the community on the other hand.

    So, I am a player who will not be able to use the DLC a lot because until everybody in my community can use it, it would be unfair to have only some use it. Especially in TvT Senarios.

    My suggestion and wish would be an additional feature to the whole DLC-Strategey.

    BI sets a realistic amount of DLC's they want to sell. They start with a big discout on the 1st hundred or so and after that they lower the discount.

    Once a certaint amount of DLC's are sold, (and all the bills that need to be paid by BI + their wanted amount of winnings is made) the DLC ceases to be premium content and everybody can use it.

    So you kind of donate money to BI by bying the DLC and get an instant reward youreslf but on the long run the whole community benefits from the DLC equally.

    What do you think about that?

  5. Though it would be interesting, and possibly unessecary, BI will not do it,

    people have made this type of suggestion before, its more or less a clear nope when it comes to chambering bullets/working the charging handle type stuff.

    Could you tell me where ppl suggested this so i could read up on that topic?

    My forumsearch before posting this brought up no results.

  6. This is feedback in the sense of there is someting major missing in the way wapeons and realoads are handeled.

    There should be 3 sepearat actions bindable to keys. Listed keys below are just examples.

    1. On pressing "R" you only insert or remove you magazine into or from you weapon.

    2. On pressing "T" you operate you charging handle. Bullet in chamber and no Magazine: You clear the chamber. Magazine in weapon no round chambered: You chamber a new Round. Magazine in weapon and round in chamber: You eject the chambered round and load a fresh one from the mag.

    3. On pressing "F" you operate your fire selector. Wich needs to have the new position: SAFE

    For me as a former soldier and gun enthusiast this is a key feature for handeling weapons in a military simulation.

    This also adds the posibillity of tactiacal fast reloads, not accidently shooting your buddys (or getting shot by them) with a secured weapon and (with a lot of wishfull thinking) the accasionally bad round, miss feeds and jamming weapons and most importantly a way to fix these.

    All the tickets from the feedbacktracker I found sadly don't cover all these aspects and even worse are not verry popular jet:

    I would post links to the tickes here but on the 1st post you are not allowed to. Here are the Ticketnumbers: 0000625 & 0006657

    best regards

