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About BluDog

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  1. "Sigh" I knew it was a waste of time coming here. One always hopes though. PS don't waste your time replying dickhead I'm logging off
  2. BTW exercising my right to complain as a consumer (Alpha or not) is not being a prick mate
  3. This just got me an infraction ! It'd be funny were it not so sad ---------- Post added at 16:18 ---------- Previous post was at 16:17 ---------- Best solution of the day lol
  4. That's my next step ---------- Post added at 15:55 ---------- Previous post was at 15:54 ---------- Please explain further
  5. At least they had the courtesy to just move your post. Mine was simply deleted by the admins. Utterly ridiculous. Even EA does better than this
  6. It should never have got to this situation in the first place. I've been in this Alpha since day one and hacker problems have worsened daily. "Yeah it's Alpha dude" but it's also open source and should have been envisaged by someone. PS what is Steam doing about this ? and if the answere is "nothing" what is the point of Steam unless its just there as another retail outlet for an unplayable, albeit Alpha release game. I remember good old days when you didn't have to pay to help out the developers you used to get invited
  7. ... because as of today this Alpha has been rendered completely unplayable by hackers and viruses on the servers. I DEMAND TO KNOW WTF YOU ARE DOING ABOUT IT BECAUSE I DID NOT SPEND 20 QUID TO FIX DAMAGE CAUSED BY IDIOTS AND PISS-POOR SECURITY ON THE SERVERS. Come on. Stop ignoring these posts and give us answers !