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Posts posted by Hulahuga

  1. It works, but in SP what if I get hit and the unconscious cam appears? Nobody can help...

    So then you are dead ;). I guess I could take a look at the revive script and simply either kill the character or add one or two automatic revives after 30 sec for SP... What would you like to see happen?

  2. ---Updated Dependencies---

    Removed all the dependencies to the mod-pack that have not yet been added to the actual mission (even though they are being worked on/soon to be implemented fully) to avoid pesky error messages. Took a bit of time to nail it completely as the INKO disposable launchers uses a different name than its actual .pbo (inko_disposables_oa), with no real reference to it anywhere (had to check the .cfg).

    Current dependencies can now be found in the OP.

  3. Hey guys!

    Glad to see the interest :). Would love to hear more about what you think of it as you get a chance to play and to hear what you would like to see implemented!

    To clarify (added in the description) you have an option to download only the mission file as the link to the hosting leads to a folder where you can download a .rar with the entire package as a mod folder & MPMissions folder as well as a mission only .pbo =).

    Also added a list underneath the changelog with the current/in the works dependencies =)


    Just escaped the camp, now where the f**k are we?

    http://wodumedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Uruguayan-United-Nations-peacekeepers-watch-M23-rebel-positions-on-the-outskirts-of-Goma-DR-Congo-on-November-18-2012.-Government-soldiers-fled-Goma-in-large-numbers-as-rebels-advanced-to-the-gates-of-the-regional-capital.-Ph-960x638.jpg (171 kB)

    Also, guess what might be coming next?


  4. Thanks for sharing! Have you played it in SP mode, is it tuned for this? I'm very interested to play an Escape mission in SP mode.

    Thanks for your comment!

    Just did and can confirm that it works perfectly fine! :). The parameters seem to be pre-setup though when playing it in SP-mode, I'll look into what I can do about that :)

    Also: added a changelog to the original post so that people (myself included) can keep track of when changes happen.

    As soon as I've tried out a new update I'll release it on the dropbox folder (which Armaholic routes to).

  5. Escape From Chernarus - HulaZone




    Now with spanking new hosting!

    Page on Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20862

    Download now: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20862&a=dl

    Dev-Heaven Project Site: https://dev-heaven.net/projects/hulazone/activity


    The purpose of this mod is to expand upon what Engima created with the original Escape Chernarus mod by adding a host of new features (see below for implemented, in the works and planned features). My friends and I have been enjoying ourselves with playing this mod for the past couple of months whilst I have been continuously iterating on it, and now we are sharing it with you!

    This is still quite an early build, and it is also my first attempt at modding ArmA 2 (I usually use CryEngine 3), but there shouldn't be any major issues as we have given this a go now with up to full squads of eight people without any major hickups :).

    Everything implemented thus far has been in line with the lore/context of the imagined scenario to the best of my abilities. Nota bene that I do not want to bloat the mission with too many variations of the same weapons, or too many different weapon types with different ammunition, but rather up the variety a bit with an emphasis on creating new gameplay possibilities.


    More weapon types (among other things OA weapons that fit within the context of the mod have been added so far, with some tweaks made to the original loot drop values as well. NV scopes and silenced weapons are among the extremely high value loot)

    More cars, tanks, APCs, motorcycles added to both the civilians and the Chedaki forces, as well as to roadblocks.

    More enemy variation, village militias/undercover Chedaki forces will now stalk you as well

    Searchlights on the airstrips

    Helicopters & Planes added to the three airstrips, watch out though, the enemy might use them against you(!)

    "Micro-" and "ultralight" gliders added to some locations on the map (including grenade drops on inattentive enemies)

    BD-5 - Microjet

    GNT - Cessnas

    New fixed defenses on the northwest airfield, including a number of AA defenses, as well as a parked tank

    New/edited/removed journal entries; should now prove for a bit more entertaining, as well as efficient read plus some other minor text tweaks.


    Saves have been enabled for all of you who enjoy longer campaigning.

    Norrn's Fastrope mod has been added for all your co-op raid needs (please report any issues you may find)

    Inko Disposable launchers have also been added to properly represent launchers such as the rpg18 and save you a bit of inventory space (please report any issues you may find)

    VANT - Tactical Shield (don't know who would actually find this supremely useful, but heck it is fun, and could create some interesting gameplay when protecting the medics reviving your team-mates in battle)

    AEK 971 & 973

    R3F French weapon pack (FAMAS, new snipers, Minimi, HK417 & a new AT-launcher)

    Westernized Russian w-pack (Magpul AK & Vituaz KN; two new SMG/short barreled assault rifles)

    Vilas Eastern and Western w-pack (select pieces)

    RQ-11 Raven scout drone

    Backpacks (including Len’s)!

    Place-able heavy weapons (such as a mortar)!

    Configurable day/night cycle.

    New longer enemy spawn distance options.

    Host options for setting view distance.

    Switched to a date with full moon. This also means that as time progresses (especially if you are playing with a time speed up), and you play for a number of days, the nights will grow darker, as you also improve and find new equipment.

    Due to your high-profile capture and, soon to be, daring escape the Russians have taken an interest and sent a Spetsnaz company to the area to help the Chedaki hunt you down.


    If you haven't enabled a mod for ArmA 2 before you just extract the .rar file to your Arma2 install location, start the game, click "Expansions" in the main menu and enable the Escape From Chernarus - HulaZone mod. To play it single-player you either simply host it as a LAN-game or take the mission file (which is available both as a separate download and in the MPMissions folder of the .rar) and put it in your Missions folder of Arma2 and start it as a regular single-player scenario. You also need the Community Base Addons (you need it for most ArmA 2 mods already) which you can download here: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6231

    Planned features:

    Greater enemy variation (more boats, helis, airplanes, APCs, tanks, trucks, cars and motorcycles as well as more diversity among enemy infantry forces with different patrol sizes).

    Civilian interaction

    Military and Civilian camps out in the wilderness

    Bunkers (both manned and long since forgotten)

    Military bases (extremely high value loot, but also extremely challenging)

    Greater town & airfield garrisons

    Optionable OpFor players with side-swap/respawn that will try to track the escapees down/defend high value targets

    Radio transmissions from the guerrilla leading the players to the location of some of their camps in the wilderness. This could be dependent on players' scores to simulate a Quid Pro Qou situation where the players have incentive to stick around Chernarus for a while, whilst also committing themselves to more dangerous escapades. The score in this situation would also be extra interesting as it gives negative score for killing civilians.

    Bounty system?

    Intel system?

    More/changeable outfits


    As this is still a work in progress I would love to hear what you think of it, what you think needs changing, something that could/should be added or if anything simply doesn't work [the way it should be]!

    Credits & thanks:

    The original scenario was made by Engima of Ostgota Ops, and kudos goes to him for laying the foundation for this mod (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?130988-Escape-Chernarus-%28Mission-Release%29)

    There are some addons/scripts implemented/"in the works" that are originally created by other authors, and all credit goes to them for their excellent work. All rights are retained as stated by these original authors (their readme files are included in the modfolder and I've kept their .pbos as is and also named them below in the list of features :)).

    You are free to redistribute this mod for non-commercial purposes. Derivatives are usually allowed but you need written permission by me to do so :)

    - Package included (<500MB) & there is also an option to only download the mission file (1MB)!

    Page on Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20862

    Mission download: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20862&a=dl


    2013-07-01 - Update 0.45

    Massive rework of the dashboard of the mod: everything is now properly sorted, the spawn chances, number of weapons and magazines dropped homogenized, new statistical analysis of the probable number of unique drops per depot per category (see: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?155860-Escape-From-Chernarus-HulaZone&p=2425672&viewfull=1#post2425672 ).

    Some code reorganization, following the rework of the dashboard.

    Lower spawn chance per item overall to account for all the new weapons, albeit a slightly higher drop chance for some place-able heavy weapons.


    New airplanes (minijets and Cessnas) and different kinds of gliders spawning on the airfields and countryside.

    New fixed defenses on the northwest airfield, including a number of AA defenses, as well as a parked tank.

    New/edited/removed journal entries; should now prove for a bit more entertaining, as well as efficient read plus some other minor text tweaks.

    New guard type (introducing a new weapon for the guards, which should be able to diversify the early gameplay quite a lot), as well as some new enemy types.

    Two new roadblock vehicles (including one that is quite deadly ;)).

    Some new ambient vehicles.

    The roaming ATV with the US soldier should now be removed.

    2013-06-20 - Update 0.41

    All form of backpacks have been properly added and are verified functioning in-game (this includes the UAV, Heavy weapons, backpacks and ammo packs).

    2013-06-05 - Update 0.4

    Removed the starting backpacks of all players.

    Fixed the time speedup; the host can now set the length of the day/night cycle.

    New longer enemy spawn distance options.

    Host options for setting view distance.

    Switched to a date with full moon. This also means that as time progresses (especially if you are playing with a time speed up), and you play for a number of days, the nights will grow darker, as you also improve and find new equipment.

    Due to your high-profile capture and, soon to be, daring escape the Russians have taken an interest and sent a Spetsnaz company to the area to help the Chedaki hunt you down.

    A new guard type at the prison.

    ALICE Pack re-added to loot list.

    2013-06-02 - Update 0.33.

    All new backpacks (25 of them), place-able heavy weapons, rpg and metis ammo-backpack for the loaders

    2 different rangefinders

    RAVEN UAV-drone

    New outfits (as the ArmA 2 models can't use backpacks - these are still not the final models though as I have found some really cool ones among the OA units which I think you will enjoy, but as they are different "sides" the revive script starts acting up, any help would be appreciated)

    Longer hijacking and transmission countdown to make it a bit more realistic (the "spotter" can crack it faster than the others).

    2013-06-02 - Mod taken to 0.3!

    88 new weapons

    Some new vehicles

    New stationary weapons and one or two new enemies!

    2013-06-01 - New hosting

    And there I broke the bandwidth of dropbox. Darn. Re-hosted now on google Drive which shouldn't have a limit on the amount of files set to public (link to mission file updated). Have also sent a request to host it on DevHeaven.

    2013-05-31 - 0.2 Quickfix

    Quick change in the dependencies. See below for a list of current dependent addons as well as the current addon package that is in the works.

    2013-05-30 - 0.2 Hotfix

    Tiny fix for the Fastrope script which should work now exclusively on the UH-choppers, will look into if it might work on the Mi-7.

    Somewhat edited some of the texts.

    Current dependencies:


    INKO Disposable launchers

    Norrn SP/MP Fast Rope

    Tactical shields - VANT_ArmA2_OA

    Eastern weapons - Vilas AKS Pack

    Vilas Weapons Pack Update

    Westernized Russian Weaponpack


    AEKS 971 & 973

    Len's backpacks

    RQ-11 RAVEN

    Current addon package:




    Vilas AKS Pack

    _Westernized Russian Weaponpack



    Vilas Western Pack

    Vilas Weapons Pack Update

    Len's backpacks


    INKO Disposable Launchers

    Norrn SP/MP Fast Rope



    Cessna c185

    Kyo Microlight

  6. Hey man!

    Just created an account for this thread actually and I would just like to thanks for creating a pretty darn awesome map! :)

    Have started editing it a bit and played around with adding stuff to the game that we simply consider fun, such as a more varied (albeit lore-friendly) selection of guns (including OA stuff), some more vehicles (including empty helis and stuff at the airfields, that the enemies actually at times use, such as an attack helicopter that completely obliterated us XD), enemies and the like (just hope it all works now XD). I have previously modded quite many games ,mostly used CryEngine 3, but this is completely new to me as of yesterday :p;

    so I have a couple of questions (which I sincerely hope you don't mind :)) :

    1. How can I add to/view the classes of civilians on the map?

    2. Is it possible to somewhere view the loadouts of the individual classes of enemies, or is this done through similar scripts as the one you have implemented for the prison guards?

    3. Is there any possibility to make certain preferred groups of enemies that go together, because an AT and sniper combo isn't really the most common choice? Or can I somehow make it more probable that certain classes spawn (but I guess I can do this by simply adding more of that in the array)?

    4. Any chance you could add more searchlights and such to the camp layouts? (I have added some as fixed emplacement thingies, but it doesn't really cover what I had in mind).

    5. How come the AI instantly attacks me when driving around, is there any way one can implement a detection range or something, or is that just me not having figured it out yet? :rolleyes:

    6. And finally wouldn't it be awesome if you implemented a bounty system a la "warfare" with money that you can then spend on say weapons and vehicles from shady merchants/resistance/whatnot? This way you could roleplay that you have a mission to destabilize and suck the lifeblood and morale out of the Chedaki before the invasion, simply put; wreck havoc :)
