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Posts posted by Hulahuga

  1. New update released!

    Update 1.2 - Streamlining

    ## Completed ##

    * Removed RHM4s as a dependency

    * Removed AV_IndUS as a dependency

    * Major work on removing CAF AG as a dependency, only the RPG remains (until a solution is found)

    - The equipped ArmA2 OA turbans and head-wraps are now included in the mod.

    * Added HLC AR15 and M14 packs

    - This should not add any difficulty for most users, seeing as HLC users seemingly tend to subscribe to most of their mods

    * Updated ASDG Joint Rails to the latest version

    * Guerrilla Marksman

    - Changed weapon and mags to HLC M14 from CAF SVD

    - Added a scope to the rifle

    - Changed grenade type to vanilla RGO grenade

    - Changed the name and class name (it is now HulaZone_Guerrilla_Marksman)

    * IS AT

    - Changed grenade type to vanilla RGO grenade

    * IS Guard

    - Changed weapon from RHM4 to one from HLC AR15

    - Changed the vest from a AV IndUS vest to a comparable vanilla arma vest (also looks better)

    ## In Progress ##

    Completely removing CAF AG as a dependency

    ## Outside Dependencies: CAF AG, HLC Core, HLC AKs, HLC AR15s, HLC M14s

    ## Known issues: Cfg issue with ASDG JR remains, as well as one for CAF AG for the RPG. Doesn't affect anything though.

  2. @dj3hac - Be vary when you add weapons if you want to retain the balance btw. That was actually one of the considerations that took the most time from my part (big spreadsheets and statistical analysis).

    For the MON_surrendered. That was actually code put in by Engima, but yes, that is a legacy from UPSMON, which I really wouldn't say is needed anymore. Try commenting it out with /* */ for backup purposes.

  3. Sorry to raise this from the dead but,

    My friends and I have been playing this fairly frequently for the last six months. Over the past month or so we've been adding new weapons/units/vehicles, fixing some bugs, breaking some other things :p

    Wondering if Hulahuga would approve of an eventual public release?

    Hey man!

    Good to hear it is still being played haha :D. Feels really quite valuable then. Have you tried the PvP mode to any extent?

    Well my project started as a fork, and it seems like you are going for solid. I don't mind, as long as the mention is clear that you have used my mod as a base-plate :). I wish you luck, and make sure to keep me updated, I would love to see what you do with it!

    All the best,


    Also, @ArmedPuncher - . Sorry for not getting around to answer you, but I always valued your post. The feedback is solid, and I agree on most of the points (jet might be too random and punishing though), they would up the ante quite a bit!

  4. Seems like the Play withSIX dependency still has STI and is missing some other dependencies. Can this be fixed?

    Seems like it's just the AKs that are missing, and if I understand correctly the STI dependency is redundant.

    Overall, I don't mind dependencies, as long as Play withSIX is configured to handle them. Play withSIX does a great job making sure you have all required mods without any effort from the user, but it must have the correct dependencies configured, otherwise one can get lost easily. Also, if you ever change the dependencies, Play withSIX will automatically adjust them for the user which is great, but again only if it's actually kept up to date on Play withSIX.

    After adding the missing dependency manually, I am still getting the following error when trying to place those units in the editor:

    No entry for 'bin\config.bin/CfgFactionClasses/Hulazone_IS.icon

    Even if you don't have a proper icon, a placeholder will do to avoid this error.

    ---------- Post added at 06:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:35 PM ----------

    Additionally, @av_mods does not have a proper key (it has a key which does not work, you still get kicked for the key not being accepted). Could you please find a way to not have this dependency? This makes the entire mod un-usable on a server that verifies signatures. This is a critical issue :(

    I actually messaged the Six guys about that as we changed the dependencies, but nothing seems to have changed so far. If you are in contact with anyone there, please feel free to let them know :).

    Regarding the icon issue I've actually never seen that, can take a look next week once we will put a bit more work into it!

    We are in the process of phasing out AV-mods currently actually :yay:

  5. This is an awesome mod! Only issue is that some players seem to have an issue of the units not being visible to them at all. So sometimes they load the game and they'll see them and sometimes they'll load up and they're invisible. Seem to be kinda 50/50 of when it works. We're using Play with 6 to load up the mods. Any suggestions?

    Thanks man!

    Huh, no clue honestly. Never had this issue nor heard of it before :/.

    I would advice you to try arma sync and see if it all loads correctly or not, but I honestly can't tell.

  6. Wow it has been awhile since anything else is posted. Anyways, are you guys going to add another version of Donbas battalion? These guys look like they are sporting some kickass gear in the frontlines now.


    Now that is quite an interesting channel... :) Thanks for the tip!

    Yeah, sorry for that. NIN3 and I have both been quite busy with school starting and whatnot, but we will get on it once things cool down a bit =).

    Adding a more army-version of the Ukrainian fighters would be quite interesting to do, I agree!

  7. This looks really cool, but the high number of dependencies puts me off using it for now - reducing the number of dependencies would be great, although I agree HLC is the shit and should be kept in if possible. Doesn't CAF require 2x hotfixes to work properly?


    Currently there are 4 main dependencies (HTC can be counted as one) that have to be downloaded separately, and we tried to keep them among what is already commonly used among mod-users out there.

    We will stick with HLC and RH M4s, but yeah, sti is now gone and CAF and AV IndUS are being phased out. So yeah, we are acutely aware of the situation :)

    Also, very happy to receive confirmation that it works with Alive now! Can't multi quote from my phone, but you have my thanks.

    These have been some hectic, but pretty awesome few days. For now both NIN3 and I are off for the weekend on our respective trips (back monday-tuesday), but I'll try to keep an eye out on the forums anyhow.


    ---------- Post added at 11:14 ---------- Previous post was at 11:13 ----------

    Using this with my alive mission and works great. The units are fantastic with the new HLC weapons. Nice job. Any chance to add some vehicles? Just the offroads with gun on back would be awesome. Thanks.

    Regarding the vehicles. Check the changelog, it is coming ;)

    ---------- Post added at 11:16 ---------- Previous post was at 11:14 ----------

    CAF only needs an audio hot fix for their weapons I believe, but I don't think it affects our mod that much now

  8. 1.1 - First update!!!

    ## Completed ##

    * HLC Core and AK pack added. Remade almost all of the loadouts to incorporate it. Most noteworthy from a gameplay POV is that the Guerrilla now use AKs and RPKs. The same goes for the AR of the IS. Thus removed STI as a requirement in the process. Sounds, visuals, gameplay and general immersion should now feel a lot better.

    * Recieved permission by Robalo to bundle ASDG Joint Rails (a req for HLC, although actually not for the weapons we are using from the pack...), so as to make it easier for the end users. /* Thank you! */ Completed a first take on the bundling, which still looks a bit wonky though due to the one pbo nature of steam workshop.

    * Created a group for all the units for their respective faction. Should work with MCC and Alive. // Coding groups in ArmA is exceptionally weird

    * Added proper changelog and class list

    * Some minor code tweaks/additions

    ## In Progress ##

    * Hard at work on a complete retexture of the uniforms of the IS, using 3 versions of the ArmA 3 independent uniforms as a base. Once done, we should be able to remove AV IndUS as a requirement. // This really is a pain due to the digital camo applied to the textures

    * Gathering ref to retexture and add some vehicles to the factions.

    * Looking into the possibility of porting some content from ArmA 2, or some other solution to further reduce the number of dependencies (in this case CAF AG).

    ## Outside Dependencies: CAF AG, RH M4/16, AV IndUs, HLC Core, HLC AKs

    ## Known issues: Cfg reference error on startup for a checker function for ASDG Joint Rails. This doesn't seem to affect anything though. Will look for/make a fix after the weekend.

    ## Note: Duplicate active copies of ASDG JR work flawlessly.

  9. The HLC AK pack is in my eyes pure weapon-porn and I would love to see a faction using them. And Peshmerga would be awesome.

    I wonder why you chose to use the MX rifles for the guerilla though, that feels like an immerison breaker more than using lackluster weapons in some cases.

    We just received approval from ASDG Joint Rails, expect HLC in the next update for both factions.

    When I first made the guerrillas I intended them not to use too many dependencies (they only use STI actually), so I wanted to keep it core, but yeah, they will receive weapon update in the next patch! :)

  10. you want some great AK's then you have to check out HLC_AK mod the models/sounds/animations are top notch. YOu can also use FAL and G3 weapons to mix it up a bit too. Not sure how real that would be to the current situation but they are truly some good shit..

    Yeah, that is what I have been leaning towards actually. Have already made IS loadouts with HLC, although haven't I haven't converted them yet into a config format.

    The only with it is that you would then need joint rails, HLC Core and HLC AK to make it work. Going to check with ASDG if we could add it perhaps so as not to scare off the steam subs...

  11. This is in kinda bad taste.

    I knew this topic was going to come up sooner or later :P.

    Aight so first off the bat nothing says that you actually have to play against any of these factions, you can play as them if you like, it is up to you. Plus we actually originally made this mod without any thoughts on publishing it.

    In terms of using something that exists in real life, well why do we have NATO then? And what happened to the entirety of ArmA 2? =). The film and TV industries have used contemporary issues as their backdrop for ages, as well as some select parts of the games industry, perhaps due to their long development cycles. To me at least it is particularly interesting to simulate these conflicts simply due to their most contemporary nature, and it really does lend itself to some interesting scenarios. Why shy away from reality?

    Furthermore, like Drongo69 said, IS have committed some particularly atrocious acts during the last 2-3 years, so I must second him on that point. Lastly I have grown quite tired of the whole "random islamist/taliban/afgan" (previously "nasty Russian/eastern european") thing to be honest. Why not skip the romanticised stereotyping in favor of trying to capture something that actually functions and to some extent looks like a modern military unit and do a realistic take for once (seconding Nivimar)? I honestly think that would actually be doing this genre a service in terms of tastefulness comparatively.

    If you on the other hand posit the argument that it is distasteful due to the victims of the current conflicts, well no one said war wasn't a horrible state of affairs. Although I would rather say doing it this way raises awareness and hopefully somewhere along the way makes you think about what is actually happening in the world. I am nothing but concerned about these conflicts myself and have been following them closely them since their inception (especially the Ukrainian).

    Finally , someone made a real unit covering real crises. You guys need more Intel on these factions you tube footage of isis and or footage of the Syria war ...great job , but why didn't you guy make use of massi mato weapons instead of RH and sti requirements?


    As linked previously, do check out this album I put together with ref of the IS http://imgur.com/a/AEEC7#8.

    Hmm, well the honest reason is that we started with the mods our unit used. Secondly I do prefer weapons that aren't straight (and often lackluster) ports of the ArmA 2 weapons, as it really raises the level of player immersion in my book, as well as usually does the whole attachment thing a lot better (seconding MikeTim). As you might guess I am looking into a replacement for the CAF AKs ;).


    On another note, what would you guys say about adding the Peshmerga as an independent force?

    Also, we are working on a new set of IS camo as well as faction names for both units right now!

  12. Damn, this really exploded =). Thanks guys!

    These are really cool [especially in-light of current world situations] but I have one question before I can use them in mission creation; What is the validity of the U.S. ACU camo pattern on the islamic terrorist? I can't find any reference to these ISIS guys donning U.S. military camo.

    Well what we thought was that seeing as the IS have been getting their hands on large stockpiles of US military gear left over in Iraq, this was the closest thing we could get for now :). It is a question of what was plausible and also most similar to the references available.

    But yeah, seconding NIN3, we might very well be making our own uniform textures in the future!

    Nice work, the ISIS units look very authentic. Any vehicles planned? IS are using technicals, BMPs and Humvees now.

    There are some technicals already in the game for the guerrilla factions actually and Humvees and BMPs are available in other mods of your choosing ;). But yeah, who knows, we might do it to expand the faction a bit! IS textured technical anyone?

    EDIT: Updated the Imgur album with some of the ref used: http://imgur.com/a/AEEC7#8

    EDIT 2:

    Yes. We will add the faction names and the classnames later today.

    A classlist.txt will be part of the next update.

    Yepp, will add this later today probably as a separate text file. For now use this as ref if you dont want to open the .pbo:

    Addon Name: HulaZone

    Factions: OPF_G_F (for IS) and IND_G_F (for Guerrilla)

    Guerrilla Units: "HulaZone_Guerrilla_Light_AT", "HulaZone_Guerrilla_SVD", "HulaZone_Guerrilla_MG", "HulaZone_Guerrilla_GL", "HulaZone_Guerrilla_SQL"

    IS Units: "HulaZone_IS_Officer", "HulaZone_IS_Guard", "HulaZone_IS_Rifleman", "HulaZone_IS_SQL", "HulaZone_IS_Grenadier", "HulaZone_IS_AT", "HulaZone_IS_MG"

    Then there are some of the uniform names and whatnot. If you want them either send me a pm or check the config file in the .pbo :)

    • Like 1

  13. No I tried some kind of hardcore mode, no saves ... I must say there is a lot of love for Chernarus so I do not mind to restart and not reaching the extraction point. Will try hard :)

    Haha, all right :). Good to hear!

    Btw, a lot of good balancing is on its way for the 0.5!

    Expansion of content for all play-styles is also on its way after that update is finished.

  14. Still observing this thread, Hula! Enjoying it though I must say, as a single player I never escaped Chernarus ... always died before :D

    Thanks man =). So have you survived yet? Also, do you save when playing single-player?

    Have a test coming up the 13th, will probably be able to put some more time into it then. What I would really like to come out of this now are some let's plays so that I can actually see how others play it and what they like or not... Seen some streams though, and a couple of youtube vids :)

  15. Strangely even though I do not have the @cba in my folder I can still enable it. It must been installed somwehere else. I do get errors in game when it starts, I can not recall what they are. Same deal cfg errors. Mod is awesome. Question my buddies and I have is if we all play as the Opfor in the .5 version do the captives spawn? I assume they do not.

    You might have it installed in your documents folder :).

    Both bluefor and opfor (as in Spetsnaz) units can only be played by human players :)

    If you want to you guys could join me and some pals in trying out the pvp, we need more people to do a proper test...

  16. Cfg errors are a known issue inherent to the addons, however they don't matter, you can still play the mission with all the content, just click ok. Regarding the two expansions I have no clue as to why and haven't seen it before, use both? The Vilas you don't have to enable, just use cba and escape and you are fine :-)

  17. Aight, PVP spawn/respawn seems to be working perfectly. Also did a minor tweak to correct the ammo type for the extremely hard to find police shield.

    I do however need your help now, and will be releasing a PVP testbuild, to test it out, as I need more players in on the server to properly test out the new mechanics (join in progress as Spetsnaz among them) =).

    If you are willing and able give me a shout!

    Also, don't fear, I will retain co-op only as an option ;).

    Edit: PVP-Testbuild has been uploaded now as a separate mission file download.

    Edit 2:

    Changelog for the testbuild:

    PVP mode (still alpha)! (To make things even more difficult, an optionable Spetsnaz player team has been added, with the goal of hunting down the escapees).

    Setting the viewdistance is now properly applied and confirmed working.

    Fast ropes should now be working properly.

    A lot of new vehicles, coupled with balanced vehicle spawns throughout the map.

    Some new enemy types, as well as proper balancing.

    Giant spreadsheet for the units and vehicles added to the dev-dashboard, enabling a lot faster changes and better balancing.

    M9 mags now spawn with the very hard to find police shield instead of Makarov.

    To do/In progress:

    Win/lose condition for the PVP (works for co-op though).

    Briefing for the Spetsnaz team.

    Starting ammo depot, courtesy of the Chedaki, for the Spetsnaz.

    Variation of the starting vehicles for the Spetsnaz.

    Location reports of the fugitives (either fading markers or radio messages).
