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Everything posted by railgun

  1. I have, but it's not really ready for release. Still got some annoying issues to work out like guards wearing NVGs and having radios. There's also a lack of civilian vehicles in I44 which makes it difficult. I sort of lost motivation to work on it, but I might be convinced to continue.
  2. Hi there! I'm not very good at programming ans scripting and stuff (don't have the mind for it :P) and while I've been able to circumvent that by hacking up other scripts and such in the past, I'm running into a wall here. The idea for the mission is thus: A Task will spawn, with a large (say, a kilometre) radius marker. Inside that area, I would like a FlatArea (or similar) to be selected randomly for a group of enemies to spawn on (in the context of the mission, it will be a scud launcher and escort). Once the scud is killed, the task will finish and the script would restart, thus spawning another task etc. I've looked at the code in Patrol Ops, but it's all a little over my head, so I was wondering if anyone would be able to hold my hand and walk me through how it would be achieved! Thanks for your time!
  3. Hi guys, thanks for your replies! I got the code smacker posted working pretty good (thankyou!), but it looks like I wasn't paying attention when I looked at the Locations on the map (Reshmaan), as there isn't very many FlatAreas at all! Nimrod, I took a look at isFlatEmpty, but the syntax for the parameters is a little confusing... Would you be able to give a relevant example? It just needs space for a Scud launcher, a few trucks and their infantry defences.
  4. Hey, thanks for your reply! My limited grasp on arma script tells me that looks promising, but I'm not entirely sure how I would implement that into the context I need? Should it be in it's own script (ie scudspawn.sqf). I gather I then use "_location" as the position for spawned units.