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About railgun

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    Private First Class
  1. Played with the new Pelican handling a bit, and I can't say it's an improvement. It really feels like a rip of the AH-6's handling, which just feels downright odd in something of that size. It is extremely twitchy to maneuver in the final stages of landing, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but doesn't seem to gel right with the aircraft in question. There is an incessant shaking, also something attributed to the Little Bird, which makes your instruments look like they're in the NBA playoffs with all the bouncing they do. Top speed has been severely reduced, getting above 200km/h requires a nose dive, where before I had trouble staying UNDER that speed. I simply can't get the notion that I'm in a Little Bird while I'm flying it, which is just a very odd and unsettling feeling for something so large. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the changes as an attempt to fix what was previously extremely sluggish and painful to fly with any degree of accuracy, but this feels like it's too far gone in the other direction. Thanks for your work, looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
  2. Any info/pics on the Scorpion? I noticed it in that teaser couple pages back. I'm also wondering what sort of ETA you have on the Cougar? With the Scorpion, Falcon (and presumably the Pelican gunship) in, the only major hole in the UNSC arsenal would be in the APC/IFV department. As much fun as booting around in transport 'hogs is, there's more flesh than machine when you have it fully loaded. :P In any case, love the work you boys are doing, an Arma style Halo game has been a dream of mine for a long time, and you have almost made that come true! EDIT: And I forgot to ask; would it be possible to include an up-to-date classlist within the mod folders each update? It'd really make mission maker's lives a lot easier.
  3. Yes, Bohemia should certainly study the idea of appealing to about four people.
  4. railgun

    [WIP] Combine Transhuman forces

    I, for one, welcome our new alien overlords. Sweet stuff! Will be keeping an eye on development.
  5. railgun

    [WIP] VTOL Tiltrotor Aircrafts

    Aww yiss! I'm all over that, nice work. Any possibility you could do the TR75 too? It was my favourite design for the JHL program.
  6. railgun

    Anime Mod for Arma 3

    Man, even I think this is tasteless.
  7. railgun

    Project Mars One

    You're free to credit me as you wish, but simply seeing it in use will give me all the pride I need. :P
  8. railgun

    Project Mars One

    You inspired me to throw together this quick logo for your project: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/68337476/Banners/marsoneblack.png https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/68337476/Banners/marsonewhite.png Releasing what rights I have on the image to you, SilentKiller, so you're free to do with them as you wish.
  9. railgun

    Project Mars One

    It will definitely be interesting to see if you can pull it off! I've been wishing for a Mars map ever since I first saw the Ifrit in-game. :P
  10. railgun

    Project Mars One

    Looking beautiful mate. How feasible is a populated 10k km/2 map? Seems a bit insane. I'll be keeping a close eye on this, good luck!
  11. railgun

    Fun with User Textures

    That's a shame, doing so had occurred to me in the past but I wasn't willing to spend the time doing it haha. I guess the limitation here is that it would be impossible to display it on curved surfaces (like the side of an MH-9)? I'd be happy to grab those numbers off you, though.
  12. railgun

    Fun with User Textures

    This is very interesting to me... Is it simply a fine-tuned attachTo or do you have some secret? I've been looking for a way to stick logos and stuff on vehicles without them being mirrored.
  13. railgun

    2017 - Official Announcement!

    There's a lot of emphasis on this 'not being like DayZ', but you've yet to provide any tangible reason why other than that it has a story in singleplayer... Something which you say we won't get until after the multiplayer is done, if at all. So... What makes the multiplayer different to DayZ?
  14. This can be easily circumvented by the mission creator. The simplest method is to group one of the teams with a blufor or opfor member of higher rank to them, with his probability to spawn set to zero. The grouped players will now be on his team, and he won't exist at all.