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About Gareth_Sims

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Gareth_Sims

    Help with Unit removal

    Legends, thank you both for your time :) will test out after work Works like a charm :) thank you guys again
  2. Gareth_Sims

    Help with Unit removal

    Hi and thanks for the response, is there a way to use this solution to remove entire selected Groups rather than say [unit1,unit2] would [group1,group2] work? there are a lot of groups to be removed with this :)
  3. Hi I am creating a mission and I have a script running to delete units at a set distance to the player, I want to have some NPC units that are set at a location for the player to loot, however the script I am using deletes them as well as the units I need it to. The command = 0=[] spawn {while {true} do {sleep 1;{if (_x distance player>=500) then {deleteVehicle _x}} forEach allUnits}} is there any way I can leave the units I want by changing anything is this command or will this not work?? Cheers for any help.
  4. Gareth_Sims

    Food/water system

    any more ideas?
  5. Gareth_Sims

    Food/water system

    Close, but not quite what I am after I want not just a script but an addon that includes food/water and the consumables just like in dayz and Wasteland, I know someone has the thnig but I cant seem to find it, thanks for the reply though
  6. Hi I have searched around and cant seem to find what I am looking for, any help would be greatly helpful. I am looking to make a mission that would go much better with a food/water, hunger/thirst system like DayZ or Wasteland, I cant seem to find these anywhere, does anyone on here know where I would find a system like that. Cheers in advance Gareth
  7. Hi guys, I have looked around and cant seem to find what I am looking for, Does anyone know how to add a thirst/hunger system and consumables like dayZ and Wasteland have to a custom mission that I am making. Cheers in advance Gareth
  8. Does anyone know how to fix this error "r3f_log_dlg_conteau_vehicule not found" I get this message when I attempt to load an object into a vehicle or check said vehicle content, all other features work and this is the only thing that does not work, any suggestions on how to fix this guys?, Cheers in advance
  9. Can anyone help me figure out how to install this, I have read the readme and install guide and it makes no sense to me at all, I really want this to work but cant seem to figure it out
  10. Gareth_Sims

    Adding moveable items

    Can I kiss you? nohomo XD thank you so much my friend :)
  11. Hi, I am new to editing and have spend hours searching for an answer to this question, any help would be fantastic. I am trying to create a mission just for fun with some friends, we have been playing a lot of Wasteland and the feature where you can move objects around and load them into vehicles to take them back to a base is neat, I can't seem to get any items I place in the editor to come up with the move item/load in scroll menu and I am at a loss as to how I do this. So in short my question is, How do I make it so that Items i place in the editor like H-barrier can be moved by a player using their scroll menu. Cheers in advance Gareth