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Everything posted by Mmoorrriiss

  1. Squad name:401craft Timezone/location :Europe, a good commander with confidence and knowledge can start a seperate team on practices and events would hopefully be coordinated Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp):Both, playing different mods including ACE DayZ and Wasteland. Contact email:nbav100@gmail.com Website address:http://www.401craft.org/ Short description:We are a group of people comming from different countries around europe and are looking for good players from europe who have a fine English and are looking to join a clan who has many games including ARMA 2 and we've got a TS(TeamSpeak Address:401craft.org) which the admins are active on, and we're looking for players to join us, we expect you to try to be mature as possible and to behave, thank you. Language:English.
  2. Hello ladies and gentleman, today i'm going to be glad to introduce you a new clan that's came on that plays Arma II Combined Operations and basically open for different mods some play ACE and we're looking for different kind of players in the server i personally as the ''Arma II Garrison'' in charge invite all kind of players to join us i personally have played basically all, i've started playing Arma II for it being a great game and started to get to know different mods like ACE which i enjoyed untill DayZ and wasteland which i much enjoyed, that's mainly the reason why i don't look for a spaciffic type but all Decent Arma II players are welcome to join our Clan's TeamSpeak:401craft.org.