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I give up

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Posts posted by I give up

  1. Please provide me with a quote writing something in the line of "XAudio2 is better than anything else". Jesus man.

    I am not a sound developer, just a well informed individual open to discussion and learning new things, if they are backed up by data.


    Also, thanks to Laxeman I don't have to show to you that it's not XAudio's fault the interior sound is played over too long distance, it's the developer's fault because they did not configure the sound right. Which again proves - it's the user's fault, not the software's.


    What I do really agree on though is that the sounds cutting out/missing is a very serious issue and I would LOVE, really love and I mean it, if we could work together on putting together a scenario in the mission editor that troggers the issue every time so that the DEVs can debug the stuff.


    What I can tell you though is that although our average PC is able to handle 2000 arma3 sounds without issues (Bohemia's audio guys did a test of that, around 2000 is what they tested), they had to put some strict limits on the maximum number of sounds being played because some people play arma on a toaster and they have to make sure the performance is good.


    There is also a very smart algorithm in place to select what sounds to kill. But due to configuration issues (especially the volume multiplier for SoundSets being set incorrectly) we had guntails drowing out gunshots.


    So please mate, help me so that I can help BIs so that they can help us all. :)


    I dont see any reasons. I provided facts and links and everything. So can you.

    Although your sentence does not really say anything, (you just claim that you can create some long list) I actually would actually like to read that list and check out the examples. But only if you do it properly, with good explanations, simple to understand examples and a conclusion. Do it man. :)

    Replicate it with XAudio2 .

    Or even better, place it in ARMA 3 sound (with XAudio2)


  2. I'm unsure what are reasons? I would like to see conversation where people back their claims with evidence.I think megagoth did that, I would

    expect to see the same from you.

    No. Mainly for 2 reasons.
    When some one claims that XAudio2 is better than everything else, obviously some other reasons (not sound related) are behind those statements and iI respect that.
    When a sound developer claims that XAudio2 is better than everything else there is no point for arguments.
    I could elaborate a long list about XAudio2 concept. comparisons, examples, limitations or why 128 sound sources (currently in game, as option) are just a placebo, but for obvious reasons I am not going to argue.

  3. Ok. but if you look at it you will see that the "bullets" (not matter if you are firing aiming down the sights or hipfire) are not coming from the barrel of your weapon. "Bullets" are coming from the center of your head.

    Ill post a video later, but that's normal in video games.


    I don't think there is such thing as "shoot with lowered weapon" in ARMA 3.
    You can fire aiming down your sights or you can "hip-fire' but in both circumstances your weapon is in your shoulder


    You never fire your weapon from your chest,

    You always fire your weapon from your shoulder.

    You can fire aiming down sight or you can hipfire, but in both circumstances your weapon is in your shoulder not in your chest.

    But, are we speaking about ARMA 3 or ARMA 2?

  5. Sneaky sneaky, seems like sound occlusion was added:


    There shouldn't not be any 'oclusion" sound effect, you are in an open environment, its physically and realistically impossible to have such sound perception.
    Occlusion sound is used mainly used for closed ambiance, like doors open/closed and/or considerable large barriers, like, for instance, walls.
    A small rock ...  only can be some kind of joke.

  6. Well mate, not preteding to replace the mission maker, but inside the Pbo you have  2 .sqf files named "DynamicWeatherEffects" and "randomWeather2".

    With "DynamicWeatherEffects" you can set your preferences in matters of weather (fog) effects, overcast, etc. Just set it according to your personal preference.

    But the best thing for you is to go at mission maker thread and ask him how these changes can be made.

  7. Yes, with EAX was possible to create sound effects from multiple sources without losing the positional and directional awareness.

    But that was with D3D Sound and as we know it has been replaced (with Windows 7) for XAudio2 (XBox sound Api) and that killed EAX.

    Also with EAX (D3D) the sound card architecture or quality, because not all were able to reproduce or support all sources provided by EAX, was really important.


    Not the case of XAudio2, where we have  basically the same sound quality no matter if we have a top notch sound card or integrated sound (ie realtek) and thats because this Api is made for consoles.

    Still, without complex effects XAudio2 it can provide some "quality" sound with an acceptable awareness provided by sound sources in matters of directional/positional and also attenuation sound.

    When we start to add effects at XAudio2, such reverberation (the one that we have in game now), there is not even a remote chance to make it work properly. Most of the effects will not work properly, some will work but with a dubious quality due to limited sound sources and the worse of it, we will lose directional/positional/attenuation awareness. 


    If we really appreciate the powerful help that the sound can be (in matters of awareness) for a immersive gameplay, we just can't accept XAudio2, because it just cant provide it.

    Which is my case, maybe because i've played America's Army 1/2 for almost 7 years (since 2003) as daily game and where we could tell every single enemy position and what weapon they were using, just by the sound (D3D+EAX). Despite some other unique things from this game, the sound was one of the best. 

    With America's Army 3 the sound (XAudio2) was not the same, in fact it was very sinlilar to what we have here with ARMA 3 now in matters of effects, but there was no quality, no awareness, no immersion, just some random effects without a reliable sense. That's why the developers of the current version (Proving Grounds) have decided to implement Wwise engine in attempt to achieve the former sound quality provided by the versions 1/2 because they know that is not possible with XAudio2. Also I am a CS player and that maybe explain why sound in matters of awareness (more than effecs) is important to me.


    But this is nothing new, that's why some game engines, Unity for instance, have already inbuilt FMOD. Maybe because this engine developers know that is not possible to have a decent sound with XAudio2 in matters of effects, surround and general quality.


    But I guess at end is just a matter of personal preference, knowledge or what we can accept as standard.

  8. What do you mean by that? Shots behind me come from the speakers behind me, shots on the left come from the left, etc. And i am running on an ancient Creative X-Fi xtremegamer which hasnt had any driver support since 2012 or so, and those sucked garbage.

    Software virtualization, in a attempt to make a 3D sound based on Xaudio2.

    Not a "true" 5.1 as we have, for instance in Assetto Corsa, after FMOD implementation.

  9. My previous AMD was a 640 with a 5850 2gb card. Now moving over to an i7 didn't double my frame rate, although did obviously improve it. However it made me able to use many more AI without cache, which was nice. That said, I still have to use cache, but a good quality one is not that much of a problem.

    I would add, I didn't have any problems with the AMD, other than there was a restriction on AI numbers, without cache 250-300 on a terrain, with cache, well many more obviously.

    Nor it could, with that graphics card,

    I still have in my basement my old 5870, (which is a beast when compared to 5850) and basically there is no change in performance no matter if we run a i7 at 4.5Ghz or 3.2 Ghz.

  10. Mate,this issue is mission retaled, just loaded it with 12000 view distance and this what I get.




    And it is weird, because in mission  startup paramaters view distance is set to 4000.



    Also, looking at mission file we can see that these view distance and weather (fog) settings are made through scripts.

    The best thing for you is to go here:


    And ask to mission maker, how you can change that.

  11. Yes, It is weird how he gets so much fog, I believe is weather related.

    I have BLOOM set to 100 and this is what I get.


    Visibilty Distance 12000

    Objects View Distance 12000

    Objects Quality Ultra



    Visibilty Distance 12000

    Object View Distance 12000

    Objects Quality Low


  12. How can i get full visibility of at least 5-10km? My visibility in video settings is maxed out.

    Well, he said in first post that he had visibilty in video settings maxed out.

    Also, objects view distance is also related with objects quality.

    Meaning that if we have view distance maxed out for objects, but we have set quality to low, we can see the objects after a few hundred meters, beacuse they are not rendered.

  13. New skylake system at @3.5Ghz more than doubles my FPS over my OC'd AMD quad core @4.4Ghz with the same video card (R9 390).  I'm even able to stick around 30 FPS at "Ultra" in Eyefinity @5760x1200.

    More FPS out of ARMA3?  If you are running an AMD CPU your best upgrade path is to sell it and go with an Intel based system.


  14. I dont like the new sounds, But Im perfectly aware that with XAudio2 when we start to mess with effects nothing good will happen.

    With that said, I appreciate the effort made by the developers in a attempt to increase sound quality, but without a decent sound engine, I am sure that these efforts will be wasted.
