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I give up

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Posts posted by I give up

  1. I've always wondered why the bullet impacts were more representative of paint ball splatters and the weapon sounds were cap gun like (even though the team says these are actual weapon sounds)  in ArmA.


    "Squad" weapon sounds SOUND like high powered rifles and bullet impacts LOOK like high powered impacts.


    Why can't we have these?

    Mate, SQUAD is a great game and the guys behind deserve all the respect, for everything what they have done,
    But SQUAD is  SQUAD and ARMA is ARMA.
    • Like 4

  2. Hell, people went crazy or what?

    In first place there is no such thing as military simulator, at least for the majority of the users, ARMA never was or is a military simulator, at max is tactical shooter.

    How do you simulate a freakin assault rifle when all that you have is a mouse and keyboard? Are you kidding?

    When we speak about a racing sim, yes we can simulate it, just grab a game like AC or RF, get a wheel, some pedals heck you can even have a nice seat with bumpers and yes, you will have a nice racing simulator.

    But when we speak about military, where the heck the sim word fits? Are you all crazy?

    Do you know what is a military simulator? Do you want to know what is a military simulator, go at Fort Skill and there you have a freakin Stinger simulator. All the rest are dreams from those who dont have a clue about what is military.


    About Arma , yes was a successful franchise over the last decade, mainly because the freakin middle east war made everyone have the feeling like a I am warrior for the freedom. Give me a taliban or an insurgent and I will smoke it.

    And also because it was an innovation in matters of platform for these matters.

    These days are different where  the war sh1t is over and everyone hates it. The current generation lives on social network where the fake, web made, fictional profile rules as a matter of personal affirmation towards the real world.

    That's why Life Mod is so popular, in several aspects is very close to facebook, twitter or some similar sh1t, at end is just some virtual life.

    And Virtual Life is what the today's generation seeks. Im loved in the web, I am greatest.

    That's why, if I was a BIS dev, I would drop ARMA 3 and I would start a new brand new platform where the LIFE lovers could interact with the Military lovers, maybe taking as example the freakin Take on Mars for a start, where both communities could interact in the construction of a new world.

  3. Why do you keep posting this bullshit?

    Everyone can see the bald mountains in the horizon when you land, the ones that have nothing on them, so the object VD is at max.5500m IF you have the overall VD at 12000m, also the disappearing shadows as you roll your Hornet on the runway shows you aren't using maxed 200m shadow distance. What else is downgraded and why not tell us? Why are you a liar? Do you think you are being funny? Or helping the devs somehow?

    HUH? UMAD?

    Why I should be lying? If I wanted to post performance I would have made a freakin video with mine 2016 machine, which smokes Arma 3 (or any other game).

    12000 VD and also 12000VD for objects and all sh1t maxed at ultra except objects and terrain because very high is the max that the game settings offer for a 1 GB Vram GPU.

    Relax dude, Just pointing one situation related with visual upgrade with which (and as a matter of visuals) is not enough to provide everything that we could get.

    Or, do you wana duel?

  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHtdPiH6D0Q


    I'm fairly certain it's on Dev Branch (and will be for some time) for a reason. No need to over react, it's not like it's being release tomorrow. But yes, it still needs a bit of tweaking, and with feedback, i'm pretty sure the Dev's will have it sorted by that time.

    VD 12000
    Objects VD 12000
    Every setting maxed.
    The video is a bit laggy because I am using a Celeron @ 3.0 Ghz, 4GB DDR2 with a HD 5870.
    Anyway, I see the issue now. Its view distance,
    12000 is not enough, we should have at least 24000 VD (also for objects).
    C'mon, if a freakin 10 years old hardware supports 12000 VD, for sure a 2016 hardware will support easily 24000.
    Can we have 24000 VD?
    For the awesome visual upgrade will be a freakin blast.

  5. thats because its on a CUP map, ported maps dont have the proper lighting configs yet

    Are you sure? Then what the hell is this?

    Clear weather and the sun instead of rising above sea level it seems that the world is using a alien belt that makes the sun rise like a freakin alien stuff..

    Is this some joke or some beta testing? I hope is not the final product because it sucks badly.

    ULTRA 12000 VD.


  6. Recently I've been having an issue where my frame rate bottoms out (sub 1fps) out of nowhere. Nothing occurs in game to increase the stress on my system, and when I look at resource manager and the like, nothing seems to be wrong. I'm not running low on Memory (16GB), my CPU isn't being hit by anything else, however my GPU utilization basically disappears. The card never goes over 70 degrees, so it's not overheating (max temp of 90-something and average load temps for the card seem to be in the 80s). No other games have any issues. I've included video of what happens. I've run tests to try and get it to happen in stable but it has yet to happen. In Dev Branch it always happens and doesn't take long to happen so I'm confident it's an issue with this particular branch.



    i7 3770K

    16GB DDR3

    Samsung 850 Evo (install location)

    MSI 980ti


    Video of what is happening: Video shows with mods but the issue occurs the same without mods.



    Thats a bottleneck on GPU (and CPU) because memory is not being refreshed under acceptable timings, Try a different allocator.

  7. -malloc=tbb3malloc_bi

    is extremely outdated version of allocator ...

    please use up to date one


    Actually, ttb4 behaviour is similar to system (windows allocator) malloc. Loads memory in bulks which may seem nice at start, but with time degrades performance, affecting also negatively cpu and gpu performance.
    In my end tbb3 is the one that performs better in matters of stability.
    But this is not  simple and plain subject, since our hardware configuration is a crucial factor, probably for some others tbb4 wil perform, better.

  8. Right. 


    HD 5870 on a celeron powered by DDR2.

    Dont believe on what you read on the web, I had for some time the world recorld with 3DMark for DX11 with triple crossifre and performed like crap in most of games.

    Real experience is what you need.

    Btw, DX12 is a freakin crap marketing tool invented by Microsoft in order to take ppl under control.

    That's why some games (ghosted by Microsoft) are already requiring W10 (updated) and DX12.

    But for ARMA 3, since the main performance issue is related with memory, Yes, lower VRAM GPUs perform better.

  9. Lol, no. Ii goes around 30fps, without much happening on screen, with most intensive settings low/disabled, in one game. You have here the 380, 380x should be faster  - 



    They are usually going for top settings, minus Hairworks. If it were to use the same variables, that 5870 would be a slideshow.


    Just because your 90hp car, now 110hp that costed $50.000 10 years back, was more expensive than the $20.000, 200hp that you can buy now, doesn't mean it will be the faster. Technology moves on.




    Look at that, R380 faster than the gtx780 and the r380x faster than the 780ti and practically equal to a gtx970. Such results, much power, very impressive, no? :wub:

    Mate, those benchs over the web are nothing more than crap.

    And yes, 960 is, just a 950 wih some tweaks. Serie 600/700 from Nvidia is crap only comparble to the flop with  400 series. Nvdia 500 series were beasts.

    Also, do you know what AMD R series means? Rebranded.

    Now, about ARMA 3.

    Intel Celeron @ 3.0 Ghz, HD 5870 (stock), 4 GB DDR2 @ 800 Mhz.

