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I managed to correct some errors, but now this // ****************************************************************************************** // * This project is licensed under the GNU Affero GPL v3. Copyright © 2014 * // ****************************************************************************************** // @file Name: mission_altisPatrol.sqf // @file Author: JoSchaap, AgentRev, LouD if (!isServer) exitwith {}; #include "patrolMissionDefines.sqf"; private ["_convoyVeh","_veh1","_veh2","_veh3","_veh4","_veh5","_veh6","_veh7","_createVehicle","_vehicles","_leader","_speedMode","_waypoint","_vehicleName","_numWaypoints","_cash","_box1","_box2","_box3","_box4"]; _setupVars = { _missionType = "Patrulha da Morte"; _locationsArray = LandConvoyPaths; }; _setupObjects = { private ["_starts", "_startDirs", "_waypoints"]; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format ["mapConfig\convoys\%1.sqf", _missionLocation]; _convoyVeh = ["I_LT_01_AT_F","I_MBT_03_cannon_F","O_APC_Tracked_02_AA_F","I_MBT_03_cannon_F","B_AFV_Wheeled_01_cannon_F","O_T_MBT_04_cannon_F","O_MBT_04_command_F"]; _veh1 = _convoyVeh select 0; _veh2 = _convoyVeh select 1; _veh3 = _convoyVeh select 2; _veh4 = _convoyVeh select 3; _veh5 = _convoyVeh select 4; _veh6 = _convoyVeh select 5; _veh7 = _convoyVeh select 6; _createVehicle = { private ["_type", "_position", "_direction", "_vehicle", "_soldier"]; _type = _this select 0; _position = _this select 1; _direction = _this select 2; _vehicle = createVehicle [_type, _position, [], 0, "None"]; _vehicle setVehicleReportRemoteTargets true; _vehicle setVehicleReceiveRemoteTargets true; _vehicle setVehicleRadar 1; _vehicle confirmSensorTarget [west, true]; _vehicle confirmSensorTarget [east, true]; _vehicle confirmSensorTarget [resistance, true]; [_vehicle] call vehicleSetup; _vehicle setDir _direction; _aiGroup addVehicle _vehicle; _soldier = [_aiGroup, _position] call createRandomSoldier; _soldier moveInDriver _vehicle; _soldier triggerDynamicSimulation true; _soldier = [_aiGroup, _position] call createRandomSoldier; _soldier moveInCommander _vehicle; _soldier = [_aiGroup, _position] call createRandomSoldier; _soldier moveInGunner _vehicle; //_vehicle setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED"; // force vehicles to be unlocked //_vehicle setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", false, true]; // force vehicles to be unlocked _vehicle setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", true, true]; // force vehicles to be locked [_vehicle, _aiGroup] spawn checkMissionVehicleLock; // force vehicles to be locked _vehicle }; _aiGroup = createGroup CIVILIAN; _vehicles = [ [_veh1, _starts select 0, _startDirs select 0] call _createVehicle, [_veh2, _starts select 1, _startDirs select 1] call _createVehicle, [_veh3, _starts select 2, _startDirs select 2] call _createVehicle, [_veh4, _starts select 3, _startDirs select 3] call _createVehicle, [_veh5, _starts select 4, _startDirs select 4] call _createVehicle, [_veh6, _starts select 5, _startDirs select 5] call _createVehicle, [_veh7, _starts select 6, _startDirs select 6] call _createVehicle ]; _leader = effectiveCommander (_vehicles select 0); _aiGroup selectLeader _leader; _leader setRank "LIEUTENANT"; _aiGroup setCombatMode "RED"; // units will defend themselves _aiGroup setBehaviour "COMBAT"; // units feel safe until they spot an enemy or get into contact _aiGroup setFormation "FILE"; _speedMode = if (missionDifficultyHard) then { "NORMAL" } else { "LIMITED" }; _aiGroup setSpeedMode _speedMode; { _waypoint = _aiGroup addWaypoint [markerPos (_x select 0), 0]; _waypoint setWaypointType "MOVE"; _waypoint setWaypointCompletionRadius 50; _waypoint setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _waypoint setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT"; // safe is the best behaviour to make AI follow roads, as soon as they spot an enemy or go into combat they WILL leave the road for cover though! _waypoint setWaypointFormation "FILE"; _waypoint setWaypointSpeed _speedMode; } forEach ((call cityList) call BIS_fnc_arrayShuffle); _missionPos = getPosATL leader _aiGroup; _missionPicture = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _veh2 >> "picture"); _vehicleName = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _veh2 >> "displayName"); _vehicleName2 = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _veh3 >> "displayName"); _vehicleName3 = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _veh4 >> "displayName"); _missionHintText = format ["Um comboio contendo pelo menos <t color='%4'>%1</t>, um <t color='%4'>%2</t> e um <t color='%4'>%3</t> esta patrulhando o Mapa! Pare a patrulha e capture as mercadorias e dinheiro!", _vehicleName, _vehicleName2, _vehicleName3, patrolMissionColor]; _numWaypoints = count waypoints _aiGroup; }; _waitUntilMarkerPos = {getPosATL _leader}; _waitUntilExec = nil; _waitUntilCondition = {currentWaypoint _aiGroup >= _numWaypoints}; _failedExec = { // Mission failed { deleteVehicle _x }; }; // _vehicles are automatically deleted or unlocked in missionProcessor depending on the outcome _drop_item = { private["_item", "_pos"]; _item = _this select 0; _pos = _this select 1; if (isNil "_item" || {typeName _item != typeName [] || {count(_item) != 2}}) exitWith {}; if (isNil "_pos" || {typeName _pos != typeName [] || {count(_pos) != 3}}) exitWith {}; private["_id", "_class"]; _id = _item select 0; _class = _item select 1; private["_obj"]; _obj = createVehicle [_class, _pos, [], 5, "None"]; _obj setPos ([_pos, [[2 + random 3,0,0], random 360] call BIS_fnc_rotateVector2D] call BIS_fnc_vectorAdd); _obj setVariable ["mf_item_id", _id, true]; }; _successExec = { // Mission completed /*for "_x" from 1 to 10 do { _cash = "Land_Money_F" createVehicle markerPos _marker; _cash setPos ((markerPos _marker) vectorAdd ([[2 + random 2,0,0], random 360] call BIS_fnc_rotateVector2D)); _cash setDir random 360; _cash setVariable["cmoney",15000,true]; _cash setVariable["owner","world",true]; };*/ _box1 = "Box_NATO_Support_F" createVehicle getMarkerPos _marker; [_box1,"Ammo_Drop"] call randomCrateLoadOut; _box1 setVariable ["moveable", true, true]; _box1 allowDamage false; _box2 = "Box_NATO_Wps_F" createVehicle getMarkerPos _marker; [_box2,"mission_USSpecial"] call randomCrateLoadOut; _box2 setVariable ["moveable", true, true]; _box2 allowDamage false; _box4 = "B_supplyCrate_F" createVehicle getMarkerPos _marker; [_box4,"Launchers_Tier_2"] call randomCrateLoadOut; _box4 setVariable ["moveable", true, true]; _box4 allowDamage false; _successHintMessage = "BOA GAROTO, PEGUE SUA RECOMPANSA SEU BUNDA MOLE!"; }; _this call patrolMissionsProcessor;
souza started following Mission with error in convoy
Alguém pode me fazer uma pergunta? Eu coloquei a missão para desovar nos caminhos da terra e continua aparecendo em lugares próximos à cidade. Como faço para mudar isso para desovar em pontos de landconvoy? // ************************************************ ****************************************** // * Este projeto está licenciado sob o GNU Affero GPL v3. Copyright © 2014 * // ***************************************** ************************************************* / / @arquivo Nome: mission_artyPatrol.sqf // @file Autor: myth if (! isServer) exitwith {}; #include "patrolMissionDefines.sqf"; private ["_convoyVeh", "_ veh1", "_ veh2", "_ veh3", "_ veh4", "_ veh5", "_ veh6", "_ veh7", "_ veh8", "_ veh9", "_ veh10", "_ createVehicle1", "_createVehicle2", "_ createVehicle3", "_ vehicles", "_leader", "_speedMode", "_waypoint", "_vehicleName", "_numWaypoints", "_box1", "_box2", "_box3", "_box4", "_box5 "," _box6 "," _box7 "," _box8 "," _box9 "," _smoke1 "," _boxesArray "," _cashpile "," _cashamount "," _cash "]; _setupVars = { _missionType = "Arty Patrol"; _locationsArray = LandConvoyPaths; }; _setupObjects = { _town = (call cityList) chame BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _missionPos = markerPos (_town selecione 0); _convoyVeh = ["I_LT_01_AT_F", "I_LT_01_AA_F", "I_MBT_03_cannon_F", "O_APC_Tracked_02_AA_F", "I_MBT_03_cannon_F", "B_AFV_Wheeled_01_cannon_F", "O_T_MBT_04_cannon_F"]; _veh1 = _convoyVeh selecione 0; _veh2 = _convoyVeh selecione 1; _veh3 = _convoyVeh selecione 2; _veh4 = _convoyVeh selecione 3; _veh5 = _convoyVeh selecione 4; _createVehicle = { private ["_type", "_ position", "_ direction", "_ vehicle", "_ soldier"]; _type = _esta seleção 0; _position = _esta seleção 1; _direction = _esta seleção 2; _vehicle = createVehicle [_type, _position, [], 0, "None"]; _vehicle setVehicleReportRemoteTargets true; _veículo setVehicleReceiveRemoteTargets true; _veículo setVehicleRadar 1; _vehicle confirmSensorTarget [oeste, verdadeiro]; _vehicle confirmSensorTarget [east, true]; _vehicle confirmSensorTarget [resistência, verdadeiro]; [_vehicle] chamam o vehicleSetup; _vehicle setDir _direction; _aiGroup addVehicle _vehicle; _soldier = [_aiGroup, _position] chame de createRandomSoldier; _soldier moveInDriver _vehicle; _soldier triggerDynamicSimulation true; _soldier = [_aiGroup, _position] chame de createRandomSoldier; _soldier moveInCommander _vehicle; _soldier = [_aiGroup, _position] chame de createRandomSoldier; _soldier moveInGunner _vehicle; // _ setVehicleLock do veículo "UNLOCKED"; // força veículos a serem destravados // _ vehicle setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", false, true]; // forçar veículos a serem desbloqueados _veículo setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", true, true]; // forçar os veículos a serem bloqueados [_vehicle, _aiGroup] spawn checkMissionVehicleLock; // forçar os veículos a serem trancados _veículo }; _aiGroup = createGroup CIVILIAN; // _ pos = getMarkerPos (_town selecione 0); _rad = _town selecione 0; _vehiclePosArray = [_missionPos, _rad, _rad + 50,5,0,0,0] chamar findSafePos; / * _ vPos1 = _vehiclePosArray selecione 0; _vPos2 = _vehiclePosArray selecione 1; _vPos3 = _vehiclePosArray selecione 2; _vehiclePos1 = [_vPos1 + 5, _vPos2 + 5, _vPos3]; _vehiclePos2 = [_vPos1 + 10, _vPos2 + 10, _vPos3]; _vehiclePos3 = [_vPos1 + 15, _vPos2 + 15, _vPos3]; - _vehiclePos4 = [_vPos1 + 20, _vPos2 + 20, _vPos3]; * / _vehicles = [ [_veh1, _vehiclePosArray, 0] chame _createVehicle, [_veh2, _vehiclePosArray, 0] chame _createVehicle, [_veh3, _vehiclePosArray, 0] chame _createVehicle, [_veh4, _vehiclePosArray, 0] chame _createVehicle, [_veh5, _vehiclePosArray, 0] chame _createVehicle ]; _leader = effectiveCommander (_veículos, selecione 0); _aiGroup selectLeader _leader; _leader setRank "LIEUTENANT"; _aiGroup setCombatMode "RED"; // unidades irão se defender _aiGrupo setBehaviour "COMBAT"; // as unidades se sentem seguras até encontrar um inimigo ou entrar em contato _aiGroup setFormation "FILE"; _speedMode = if (missionDifficultyHard) then {"NORMAL"} else {"LIMITED"}; _aiGroup setSpeedMode _speedMode; { _waypoint = _aiGroup addWaypoint [markerPos (_x selecionar 0), 0]; _waypoint setWaypointType "MOVE"; _waypoint setWaypointCompletionRadius 50; _waypoint setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _setpoint setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT"; // safe é o melhor comportamento para fazer com que a AI siga as estradas, _waypoint setWaypointFormation "FILE"; _waypoint setWaypointSpeed _speedMode; } forEach ((chamada de lista de cidades) chamada BIS_fnc_arrayShuffle); _missionPos = líder getPosATL _aiGroup; _missionPicture = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _veh2 >> "imagem"); _vehicleName = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _veh2 >> "displayName"); _vehicleName2 = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _veh3 >> "displayName"); _vehicleName3 = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _veh4 >> "displayName"); _missionHintText = format ["1" ou "t" =% 1 </ t>, um <t color = '% 4'>% 2 </ t> e um <t color = '% 4 '>% 3 </ t> esta patrulhando o Mapa! Pare a patrulha e capture as mercadorias e dinheiro! ", _VehicleName, _vehicleName2, _vehicleName3, patrolMissionColor]; _numWaypoints = count waypoints _aiGroup; }; _waitUntilMarkerPos = {getPosATL _leader}; _waitUntilExec = nil; _waitUntilCondition = {currentWaypoint _aiGroup> = _numWaypoints}; _failedExec = { // Missão falhada {deleteVehicle _x}; }; _item = _este selecione 0; _pos = _this seleciona 1; if (isNil "_item" || {typeName _item! = tipoNome [] || {count (_item)! = 2}}) exitWith {}; if (isNil "_pos" || {typeName _pos! = tipoNome [] || {count (_pos)! = 3}}) exitWith {}; private ["_ id", "_class"]; _id = _item selecione 0; _class = _item selecione 1; private ["_ obj"]; _obj = createVehicle [_class, _pos, [], 5, "None"]; _obj setPos ([_pos, [[2 + random 3,0,0], random 360] chame BIS_fnc_rotateVector2D] chame BIS_fnc_vectorAdd); _obj setVariable ["mf_item_id", _id, true]; }; _successExec = { // Missão concluída / * para "_x" _cash = "Land_Money_F" createVehicle markerPos _marker; _cash setPos ((markerPos _marker) vectorAdd ([[2 + random 2.0,0], random 360] chame BIS_fnc_rotateVector2D)); _cash setDir random 360; _cash setVariable ["cmoney", 15000, true]; _cash setVariable ["owner", "world", true]; }; * / _box1 = "Box_NATO_Support_F" createVehicle getMarkerPos _marker; [_box1, "Ammo_Drop"] chame randomCrateLoadOut; _box1 setVariable ["moveable", true, true]; _box1 allowDamage false; _box2 = "Box_NATO_Wps_F" createVehicle getMarkerPos _marker; [_box2, "mission_USSpecial"] chame randomCrateLoadOut; _box2 allowDamage false; _box3 = "Box_NATO_Support_F" createVehicle getMarkerPos _marker; [_box3, "mission_snipers"] chame randomCrateLoadOut; _box3 setVariable ["moveable", true, true]; _box3 allowDamage false; _successHintMessage = "Muito Goob"; }; _esta chamada patrolMissionsProcessor;
Dynamic Weather Effects Script Release
souza replied to engima's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
I am a layman in the subject and want to leave the open sky, not cloudy. Where this dumb? ---------- Post added at 17:18 ---------- Previous post was at 17:16 ---------- I am a layman in the subject and want to leave the open sky, not cloudy. Where this dumb?