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About KewlArc

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  1. I think so too. But it would be nice if we who test the release candidates get some sort of information so that we could help out with testing fixes/changes. Right now it feels sort of pointless to give people access to release candidates.
  2. It would be nice if we could get any information about the updates. The changelog @ alpha tracker shows nothing. How are we supposed to check the release candidates for fixes/new bugs if we don't get any information about them?
  3. Modded servers? Wasteland is just a mission file, not a mod. The performance will not get better by making it a game mode (which is a mission).
  4. KewlArc

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    I think people took mods from Nexus and reuploaded them on Steam Workshop without permission from the mod creator. That is the case with Garry's Mod and Steam Workshop and I wouldn't be surprised if that's the same thing happens to other games and mods.