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Everything posted by nuclearwinter76

  1. nuclearwinter76

    Multi-Session Operations v4.5 released

    I've made my own variant of the MSO mission on CLAfghan, and everything is done and working. However, I was playing it for a while and I realized that I could not call in a Logistics Request. The button was just not on the menu. So I searched and searched and searched through all the inits and followed the initialization of all the modules, and as far as I can tell there's nothing wrong along its path to initialization. What's going on?
  2. Hello, I'm making an Insurgency variant for Chernarus and I've got everything set up properly and ported correctly, but my FOB is on an airfield and the airfield is occupied by Insurgents right off the bat. What I'm looking for is a script or just any method I could use to prevent the enemies from spawning right on top of the main FOB. A trigger, anything really. Thanks!
  3. Not specifically for Insurgency, just what script can I use attached to a trigger that kills all enemies in that area.
  4. nuclearwinter76

    Multi-Session Operations v4.5 released

    So I've made an alternate version of MSO where the FOB is at the South airfield, but for some reason dumbass AI pilots like to just land and sit there all day. How can I stop jets from spawning?