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Everything posted by rustigearbox2

  1. Hey guys, So I am making a mission in ARMA 2 and I am trying to make it possible to get in a towing tractor and then take a helicopter out of a hangar. I have been trying to use this mod: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8168 However this script only works on default helicopters, Whereas I want to use this helicopter: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=15977 So, Can anyone help? Thanks, Louis
  2. Hey guys, I have been working on custom loadouts and here is a loadout I made: removeAllWeapons this; removeAllMagazines this; this addMagazine "UKF_5Rnd_338_Mag"; this addWeapon "UKF_L115A3_sd_des"; this addMagazine "UKF_5Rnd_338_Mag"; this addMagazine "UKF_5Rnd_338_Mag"; this addMagazine "UKF_5Rnd_338_Mag"; this addMagazine "UKF_5Rnd_338_Mag"; this addMagazine "UKF_5Rnd_338_Mag"; this addMagazine "UKF_5Rnd_338_Mag"; this addMagazine "UKF_5Rnd_338_Mag"; this addMagazine "UKF_5Rnd_338_Mag"; this addMagazine "UKF_5Rnd_338_Mag"; this addMagazine "UKF_5Rnd_338_Mag"; this addMagazine "UKF_5Rnd_338_Mag"; this addMagazine "17Rnd_9x19_g17"; this addWeapon "RH_g17"; this addMagazine "17Rnd_9x19_g17"; this addMagazine "17Rnd_9x19_g17"; this addMagazine "17Rnd_9x19_g17"; this addMagazine "17Rnd_9x19_g17"; this addMagazine "17Rnd_9x19_g17"; this addMagazine "17Rnd_9x19_g17"; this addMagazine "17Rnd_9x19_g17"; this addWeapon "ACE_Kestrel4500"; this addWeapon "ACE_Rangefinder_OD"; this addWeapon "ACE_Spottingscope"; this addWeapon "ACE_DAGR"; this addWeapon "ACE_Battery_Rangefinder"; but when I click "OK" I just get an error-"Missing ;" I am using ACE 2. Thanks
  3. rustigearbox2

    Missing ;

    I'm running Arma2OA and Arma2Free, CBA-v1.0.0pre, ARMA2OA Beta patch : Build 101747. ACE Is listed and the splash screen comes up. ---------- Post added at 11:01 ---------- Previous post was at 11:01 ---------- The ACE thread is closed. ---------- Post added at 11:20 ---------- Previous post was at 11:01 ---------- Okay guys, its started working now, I think the main problem was remove all weapons and I think it may have not picked up my ACE stuff because I launched arma 2 without ACE. The problem with my script was the removeallmagazines line. Thanks for all your help guys.
  4. rustigearbox2

    Missing ;

    The thread was closed down years ago due to legal issues with the security services (SPIES :L) of a country
  5. rustigearbox2

    Missing ;

    Well, I have seen all these items in editor-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2hI9Dvorz8 And I got my classnames from here-http://freeace.wikkii.com/wiki/Class_Lists_for_ACE2 I am using SixUpdator for ACE and as I have Steam ARMA Six installs the suff in my documents, Is that the problem??
  6. rustigearbox2

    Missing ;

    Okay, its working now. I am just using removeAllWeapons and removed removeallmagazines. However now it is saying No Entry 'bin\config.bin/cfgWeapons.ACE_Kestrel4500' Then if I remove the ACE kestrel I then get- No Entry 'bin\config.bin/cfgWeapons.ACE_Rangefinder_OD' Then if I remove that I then get- No Entry 'bin\config.bin/cfgWeapons.ACE_Spottingscope' Then if I remove that I then get- No Entry 'bin\config.bin/cfgWeapons.ACE_DAGR' Then if I remove that I then get- No Entry 'bin\config.bin/cfgWeapons.ACE_Battery_Rangefinder' In a nutshell ACE things are not working..... :L
  7. Hey guys, I recently purchased BAF on a PC with ARMA 2 OA on it and I think BAF is brilliant, however I have another PC with combined ops on it, So can i get BAf on the other PC?? Thanks in advance Louis